x. delirious leader

Envy of Serenity

chapter ten: x. delirious leader

At math today, Junmyeon wasn’t there, which caused a lot of concern to me. Of course, Kai and Chanyeol didn’t room with him and didn’t know why. So I made a note to self to ask Kyungsoo when I had music next period. The only problem was, Kyungsoo wasn’t there either.

It wasn’t until lunch time, when I saw Kris that I found the answer to where they were. Junmyeon was sick, and Kyungsoo was being the mother and caring for him. I couldn’t help but laugh a little at the image of Kyungsoo mothering someone, but I felt the worry swelling up when I heard that Junmyeon was sick. As soon as the day had ended, I dashed out of English to see Junmyeon. If he hadn’t come to class, and needed Kyungsoo caring for him, it obviously meant that he was really sick.

Besides, Kris had said something about Junmyeon being delirious. That was never a good sign.

I darted up the stairs to the second floor, manoeuvring myself to their room. The door was closed. I knocked on it. “It’s Jooeun!”

Kyungsoo opened the door a crack, before slipping through it and closing the door behind him. He had a white mask over his face, and he quickly removed it.

“Sorry, you can’t go in. Junmyeon hyung’s not in a good state, and doesn’t want you to see him like he is. Also, I don’t want you catching whatever he has.”

I stared him down. “I want to see him. Besides, I heard he’s delirious. How would he tell you that he doesn’t want me seeing him like he is?”

Kyungsoo laughed a little. “Trust me; you don’t want to see delirious Suho hyung.”

“Please, Soo oppa?” I did my puppy dog eyes a little, pouting. He looked like he was about to give in, but then he seemed to have hardened his resolve, as he shook his head.

I tried rushing passed him, but he wouldn’t let me pass. When I tried grabbing his hands to pull him away from the door, he flinched and avoided my hands, still staying in place. I heard laughter and people’s voices. I looked up to see the others. I rushed over to Lay.

“Oppa, can you distract Kyungsoo oppa for just a second?” I asked.

He raised his eyebrows. “Why?”

I put a finger on my lip. “Secret.”

“If you want me to, sure,” he said, before dragging Kyungsoo away from the door to talk to him.

I opened the door and snuck in, locking the door behind me so that no one could get in. I doubted that Kyungsoo had taken the key with him. I heard Kyungsoo’s cries of protests, and smiled. I had succeeded in getting in to see Junmyeon.

I saw someone bundled up, with blankets around him in bed. Junmyeon. He was muttering incoherent things. I rushed over to him, worried.

“Jun oppa, are you okay?” I asked.

He smiled when he saw me. “Joo Joo! Hi Joo Joo! Is Joo Joo here to see me? I like Joo Joo! Come give oppa a hug, Jooie-yah. Pwease, Jooie?”

I couldn’t help but giggle a little. It was weird to hear him calling me a nickname like that with a baby voice.

He pouted. “You’re not gonna gimme a hug, Joo Joo? But oppa wants a hug! Gimme a hug, now, pwease! Junmyeonnie wants a hug, Jooie!”

I took the wet towel off his forehead and felt his forehead, and flinched at the temperature. It was burning hot. I noticed that he was sweating profusely. He must be really sick. I took the towel to the sink and soaked it in some cold water, before squeezing it out and placing it back onto his forehead.

“Junmyeonnie wants a hug!” he pouted.

This was just as amusing as seeing him do aegyo. Or try to do aegyo, more like.

“Kim Jooeun, if you don’t open this door right now—” Kyungsoo was threatening.

“Is that Kyungie? Kyungie was being nice to Junmyeonnie today. Kyungie made Junmyeonnie honey tea. Junmyeonnie likes honey tea! Where did Kyungie go? Joo Joo, gimme a hug! Junmyeonnie wants a hug!”

It seemed as if Junmyeon was 4D. But then again, his blood type was AB. But so was mine, and so was Tao’s…. so yeah, 4D.

I smiled down at him. I searched for his hand, buried beneath many blankets, and took it in my own. It was surprisingly cold, really cold.

“Junmyeonnie wants a hug from Jooie nuna!” he whined.

“Jun oppa, I’m not your nuna, I’m your dongsaeng. You know that,” I said gently, smiling at him. “You just called yourself oppa a minute ago!”

“But oppa wants a hug! That’s an order!” He pouted cutely, before freeing his hand from mine and outstretching both his arms up.

I rolled my eyes, before leaning down to hug him.

“Don’t hug him!” Kyungsoo warned.

I tried pulling away, but realized that Junmyeon wouldn’t let go of me.

“Too late,” I called back, turning my head towards the door.

“D*mn it, now you’re trapped there until we get there. It’s called the Suho Lock. Once you’re in, you can’t get out. So you’ll be trapped there until we can get you out. Which will be awhile, because someone locked the door!”

I couldn’t help but laugh.

“Don’t worry, Sehun knows how to pick locks, so we’ll have you free as soon as Sehun gets here and unlocks it. In the meantime, I think you should get comfortable, because… Sehun’s taking a big cr*p or something, and it still takes a while to pick a lock,” Kyungsoo said.

I laughed some more. “Okay, whatever.”

Both my arms were free, as he was hugging me around my neck. I pushed him slightly, so that he was on one side of the bed, and lay down on top of the blankets so that I was on the other side. I felt his breath on my neck, and turned to face him. His nose touched mine; we were that close.

“Junnie likes hugs,” he murmured, not letting go of me, eyes closed.

His lashes were incredibly long, or maybe that was just because I was so close to him.

“Get better soon,” I whispered.

I heard no sign of anyone coming any time soon. Might as well take advantage of the time and sleep. I curled myself up against him and found his comforting smell and heat luring me off to sleep. And right when I heard Sehun’s muffled voice from behind the door, I fell asleep.

I felt someone’s arms carrying me, and my head leaned against their shoulder. I opened my eyes wearily, yawning. I blinked a few times, before realizing that it was Sehun carrying me.

“Did you take a nice nap?” he asked, smirking down at me.

“Did you take a nice cr*p?” I shot back at him, smirking up at him.

He blushed. “I could drop you right here right now.”

“But you won’t,” I said, wrapping my arms around his neck for safety measures.

“How are you so sure about that?” he asked, making the motion of dropping me.

My arms around him tightened. “’Cause you loooove me.”

I could see the tips of his ears turning red. “Want to bet?” he asked.

With that, he dropped me. I gave a little scream, before realizing that I had landed on my bed. He laughed a little, before turning to leave.

“You have to gimme a kiss before you leave,” I complained.

He stopped in his tracks.

“Did you catch what Suho hyung has?” he asked in disbelief.

“Nooooo! Now come gimme a kiss before you leave!” I whined, holding my arms out to him.

He groaned. “So you did catch it. I’ll tell Amber nuna to sleep somewhere else, so she doesn’t catch it.” He took out his mask (which I had no idea where he got it from) and put it on, before coming over to me. He forced me to lie down, before piling my blanket over me, tucking me in. Then, he went over to Amber’s bed and got her blanket from it and carried it over to me, wrapping it over me.

“I wanna kiss!” I insisted.

He sighed, shaking his head. “Technically, that’s incorrect. ‘Wanna’ comes from ‘want to’. You’re saying ‘want a’. It doesn’t work.”

I saw Amber coming in. “Dude, what’s with the mask? And why’d you steal my blanket?”

“She’s sick. You should sleep somewhere else, if you don’t want to catch it. Go with Jinri and Soojung or something. She’s delirious, too. She got it from Suho hyung. Kyungsoo hyung wouldn’t let her in, but she distracted him and locked the door and then she got the Suho lock and then she got sick and yeah basically you should stay away unless you have a mask,” Sehun said. “And THIS is why hyung should never get sick! Whenever he gets sick he gets into that weird state and then never remembers anything he puts us through. He didn’t believe us the first few times, so we filmed him! Remember that?”

Amber nodded and groaned. “Hope she gets better soon. Take good care of her.” Amber winked at him before leaving.

“Sehun-ah, a kiss!” I demanded.

“So this is the process of watching someone go from normal to crazy. Respect to Kyungsoo hyung,” he muttered under his breath.

He got a towel and went into the washroom, soaking it in cold water. He came back, and hovered over me to put it on my forehead. His mistake. I dragged his head down and pecked him on the lips. Of course, the mask was still in the way.

He pulled away in shock, his fingers touching his lips through his mask. He sighed, and sat down on the side of my bed. He tucked a strand of my hair behind my ear, smiling gently down at me.

“Jooeun-ah… I don’t know what to do… I think I’m really falling in love with you.”

A/N: No but delirious Junmyeon was way too fun to write. So many feels. And oh my Jooeun what are you doing catching his cold and asking for kisses?

Haha hoped you liked this chapter, the next chapter will probably be up sometime next week. :) (don't forget to SUBSCRIBE)

~Jinny out

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~eos [7/26/2016] update~


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Marelynn_Neko #1
Chapter 15: out of curiosity why does she call him 'Cee' ? wouldn't Kookie be a better nickname?
somehow_sunflowers #2
xodollfin88 #3
Chapter 17: Oh nevermind, these last two chapters were just as beautiful and I might've cried even more...
xodollfin88 #4
Chapter 15: This chapter was my absolute favorite chapter so far and I really appreciate you bringing in this topic into the story.
It was so beautifully written and honestly, I think I cried a few times. This was truly touching and I love this story in general. It makes me laugh, smile, it makes me feel happier, and after this chapter, emotional. I truly enjoy this story and appreciate your creativity. <3
chubbybunnied #5
Chapter 27: omg that was actually so sad
how were your exams??
Maliha #6
Chapter 20: Yoongi sounds such a genius in this.. i mean he is one in real life but in this all i could say was woow. The way you portrayed his character in this was dabaek!!<3<3<3
jc803288 #7
Chapter 19: chapter 19: this is loveeee !!!!!!!!!!!!
i really like your work author-nim its perfect! keep up the hard work <3 FIGHTING !!!
PhoebeOHNO #8
Chapter 19: I love all thd drama in this chapter! Finally the competition problem will be resolved!
chubbybunnied #9
Chapter 19: junmyeon wat u up to