xxv - Run

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The loud crash as my front door was kicked open left me in a panicked state. I grabbed at Chanyeol's arm and pleaded at him with my eyes, hoping he understood that we needed to GET THE HELL OUTTA THERE.

He responded by pushing me with the backpack in my arms towards Jongin, nodded at us and then turned to face the door without saying a single word. Jongin leaned down and grabbed my shoulders, "Close your eyes," he murmured. I did as I was told. "Ok, you can look now."

He'd teleported us to the lobby and motioned for me to get out of the building, "I'm going back for Chanyeol, so go outside but check first if there's any more of the bad guys before you go," he instructed, "Just wait for us outside."

Then he disappeared. 

I pulled on my backpack, and tiptoed quietly to the glass doors, glad that they weren't the automatic type. Standing by the pot plant at the side, I crouched low and inched closer to the glass to peer outside. 

Since it was almost midnight, there wasn't anyone out on the streets. I noticed however that there was a somewhat suspicious van parked out the front. Looks like the people who crashed into my apartment aren't even being wary of the authorities. It didn't look like there was anyone in the van, but it was better safe than sorry to escape another way. 

Our apartment building has side doors that led to a small alley where our bins were located. So, opting for that option, I crept away from the glass door, remaining as best I could in the shadows. You learn a few things when you watch enough action and spy films. 

Once I was outside in the cold night air, I waited for the two. "I'm also pretty sure Chanyeol is smart enough to come here," I muttered to myself when a few minutes had passed, shivering when a breeze blew. He did live here after all. 

"Of course I am," came his voice. Chanyeol and Jongin had materialised a few metres away from me, and they came towards me with satisfied looks from what I could see in the dark. "The thugs think we're in my apartment. I made sure that they didn't touch your stuff," he said. 

At that point, I also wondered how Jongin knew where to teleport to. "Oh, that's easy. It's because he's been here multiple times. Remember? He did live here t

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Petrichor} 4/2 hey guys! I won't be updating for a while, I'm taking a break from writing. I've been feeling a lack of motivation & it's showing.Until next time


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Chapter 50: Please up date soon
Chapter 49: I was like super lost for a solid ten seconds then went back and reread the previous chapter. EVERYTHING JUST GOT REALLY INTENSE
Chapter 48: I love this story sooo much! Update please!!!!!
Chapter 48: Kris...er- Mr. K....are you for real?
Chapter 47: Like Kyungsoo... What even are you?
Chapter 46: woah Sehun's power is soo cooooolll!!! so fast..
thank you for the update
Chapter 44: Oh my. Jongin are you trying to seduce her or what ;D Gosh May you have Chanyeol!! Wait..what if Chanyeol heard that somehow.....anyways thanks for the update ^^
Chapter 44: Omo, May.. 너 변태야!? XD Thank you for the update ;w; <333
Chapter 43: Chanyeol why are you lying to her......thanks for the update and update soon ^^
Chapter 43: May stepped up her game against Channie. This means... That I am gonna have dark circles waiting for the next update. Great, thanks ;w; eheuheu...