xvi - Explanation I

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Chanyeol bent his head forward so that we were even more closer, now merely an inch between our noses separating us. I could feel his warm breath fanning across my face - and smelt faintly like the coffee he had for lunch. The corner of his lips pulled upwards into a smirk as he listened to my thoughts, his gaze darting down to my lips as he his own.

Somehow, I secretly wished that I had leaned forward too, just a little bit more. I could feel my heartbeat in my ears as it pumped adrenaline through my body; I was excited that more could happen at any second, yet frustrated that I wasn't brave enough.

All I could see were his plump lips merely breaths away from my own. I just have to move closer, right? I questioned but Chanyeol intercepted my train of thought by placing his index finger on my lips.

"Shh, my dear," he chuckled, winking at me, "Let's not be too hasty here." I really want to punch this guy's face sometimes. Like right now and wipe that stupid smirk off his face, I thought, narrowing my eyes at him.

So, instead of submitting to my own desires, I shoved at his shoulders and backed away as quickly as possible before the gross side of Chanyeol's personality, his greasiness, could slip out any further. "Aw, come on, don't make such a sour face," he said, looking just a bit offended. He waved his hand at me to come closer but I remained rooted in my spot.

"Who are you and what have you done to the cute guy from before?" I demanded. Then realised what I had said and cupped a hand over my mouth before I spilled anything else out that would embarrass me.

For once in my life, I have not been more grateful for someone's voice to interrupt me. Chanyeol's expression had visibly brightened when I spoke, but became downcast when someone knocked on the door behind him and chirped out, "Come out you lovebirds. We've got something to show you!"

The word 'lovebirds' made me cringe but I ignored that and looked at Chanyeol for further explanation. He opened the door to reveal the cat-like one. His smile seriously looks like the Cheshire cat from Alice in Wonderlan

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Petrichor} 4/2 hey guys! I won't be updating for a while, I'm taking a break from writing. I've been feeling a lack of motivation & it's showing.Until next time


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Chapter 50: Please up date soon
Chapter 49: I was like super lost for a solid ten seconds then went back and reread the previous chapter. EVERYTHING JUST GOT REALLY INTENSE
Chapter 48: I love this story sooo much! Update please!!!!!
Chapter 48: Kris...er- Mr. K....are you for real?
Chapter 47: Like Kyungsoo... What even are you?
Chapter 46: woah Sehun's power is soo cooooolll!!! so fast..
thank you for the update
Chapter 44: Oh my. Jongin are you trying to seduce her or what ;D Gosh May you have Chanyeol!! Wait..what if Chanyeol heard that somehow.....anyways thanks for the update ^^
Chapter 44: Omo, May.. 너 변태야!? XD Thank you for the update ;w; <333
Chapter 43: Chanyeol why are you lying to her......thanks for the update and update soon ^^
Chapter 43: May stepped up her game against Channie. This means... That I am gonna have dark circles waiting for the next update. Great, thanks ;w; eheuheu...