The situation slowly changes

Behind the silence

Sorry for the wait. It took a long moment to uptade it because of school >.< I will finish soon so after it will be easier to me to update more often. I hope that you will enjoy this chapter. Sorry for the tittle, it's not really good but I didn't find something better...


Jungkook POV

I went back at home with my private teacher. Since that I only go in school in the morning, I still need to have private class the rest of the day. The only difference, it’s that my teacher will now teach me the exact same thing as my classmate. In a way, I will have like to stay and be next to Jimin since he was nice with me but we couldn’t know that someone nice as him will have talk to me. On the way to my home, my teacher ask me question about the morning in school and I answer her with simple and short sentence as usual. The rest of the day was like usual, nothing chance. As usual, at 5:00 pm, I go at my windows and look at the school bus that deposes the student from primary near my house. I do that since the time that I had left school and I still remember the feeling that I had to watch people as old as me outside as I was obligate to stay inside.


I was waiting for the school bus to come near my house. Inside, they were kids like me that go back to home. They are like me well they were a difference. They can talk, as they want with no anxiety disorder to stop them. I always look at them and I just wanted t be with them. They look so happy right now. It’s probably nice to go outside and go to school. My mom was looking at me sadly. She knew that I will like to be with them but she always repeated me the same thing.


“People outside can be mean Jungkook and I don’t want you to get hurt by them because of your situation.” She said to me.


When I could no more see them, I go back to do my homework that my teacher gave me.


I went back in the reality when I realize that someone was standing in front of my house. It take me a moment before realize that it was Jimin. I wave at him as smile and he waves back. I didn’t wait to him to go that I get up to go do my homework. The first that I did was the one from the school. I want to be a good student and start in a good way. Long after, my mom call me for the dinner and I walk down to eat with my family. My mom and my father ask me question about my day, as my big brother was simply listen. At the end of the dinner, my mom said that she have something for me. I’m surprise because normally I don’t get anything except for my birthday. She came back with a phone and give it to me.


“Since that you will now have friend, you can keep contact with them.” She says.


I was still shock by the new. I have a phone now too. My big brother have one two years ago and not me because it’s expensive and that I had no reason to use one since that I was always at home. I just give a hug at my mom.


“Thank you mom!” I say to her.


“It’s nothing sweet heart.”


I start to play on my phone and discover it. It was really nice and it has a lot of option. I also can put game on it and that I can play on it.


“Hey! I will be your first contact.” My brother says to me.


I look up at him. “No! I want to keep that for someone. You will be the second.” I tell him.


I want to Jimin to be my first contact. It will probably be nothing for him but for me it was something special.


The day after


I went on school like usual but this time; I try to find Jimin before that the class start. I saw him with someone that I don’t know. I don’t know if I should go see him but I want to have his phone number. I walk to see him and tap on his shoulder to have his attention.


“Hey Jungkook!” He says when he saw me.


I show him my phone so he can read what I have written on the block note.


-I have a phone! Can I have your phone number? –


It was simple and that make Jimim smiles.


“Yes sure! Give me your phone and I will enter it. After you will just have to send me a sms so I can have yours.” He says


I give it to him and he goes enter his number. He didn’t react to the fact that he was my first contact and that’s probably normal. He gives my phone back and I was about to go but Jimin’s friend talks. I have forgot that he was there.


“Hey Jimin, you don’t even present me to your friend.” His friend says


I look at that person, not sure of what I should do.


“Ah yeah, so Jungkook, this is Taehyung, he is my best friend.” Jimin says to me.


I bow to Taehyung as say nothing as usual. He simply smiles at me. Jimin have probably told him about my anxiety disorder.


“Jimin didn’t tell me that you was that cute. He probably wants to keep that for him I also want your phone number.” Taehyung says.


I simply feel that my cheeks become red when Taehyung compliment me. I gave him my phone so he can enter his phone number and take it back when he has done it. Finally it's Jimin that end the conversation has say that we have to go to our classroom. I still can’t believe that I have now two contacts in my phone. I feel to be like a normal person that can have friend and that simply make me happy.


Don't hesitate to leave a comment to tell me what you think about it so far. It's really motivate me to continue. 

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Sorry for the wait. I'm writhing the next chapter, it will be over soon.


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Wmh_chim #1
Chapter 7: Jimin ah.. can u just dump her? Tht crazy girl. Make jikook happy pls~~~~~ :(((
Chapter 7: i hate jimin's girlfriend sm wtf
ohx9sehun #3
Chapter 6: omg I want to know what will happen next, definitely waiting for the update
be quick pls
jungkook show him >.>
Chapter 6: this is interesting
Asus211 #5
Chapter 5: Yes please update ^^
Bts_baepsae #6
I would love you to update!
Hi! There is still person hoping for an update? If yes, I'm soo sorry >< But please comment if you want me to continue. If there one person, I will try my best to do so.