Rule #6

How To Keep A Princess Happy 101:By Amber Liu [Hiatus=Marked as Complete]


Rule #6-Do not on 소녀시대or 카라 sunbaes.

New York was beautiful.

Amber had been all across California; the beaches, the night club scenes (the scenes, she never actually got a chance to enter them), the boardwalks and everything.

She had always heard about how New York was the City of Dreams, how there was this indescribable feeling that you received once you stepped foot into the bright city lights, and heard the taxi men yelling, and smelled food carts cooking on the sidewalk.

Amber appreciated the little things of New York.

Well, she would appreciate it more if the manager weren’t driving so damn fast so she could appreciate the goddamn scenery.


An indiscernible grumbled of sounds appeared from her left shoulder, from which Krystal was snuggling closer into, wrapping around Amber’s left arm.

“Krystal~, look outside! New York is really pretty!”


Krystal snuggled closer into Amber’s neck, appreciating the manly but feminine cologne she sported.

“Ugh, you’re no fun.”

“I love you~”

“Oh, NOW you can use words.”

“Mmmhmm.” Krystal placed a chaste kiss to Amber’s pulse before falling asleep again.

Like unnie, like sister, Amber thought as she continued watching Manhattan stroll by the window, Sulli finding it just as fascinating as she did.

Meanwhile, Luna and Victoria were arguing about something meaningless in Chinese.

She really thought Victoria just uses it as an excuse to speak Chinese.

I can’t wait to see Sooyoung and Yuri unnie. I’m sure they’ll appreciate New York as much as I do. Or at least more than this lump of human.


*                                                                       *                                              *

SMTown New York

New York fans were crazy.

This was by far one of the most energy-filled and exciting SMTowns that Amber has been a part of.

Okay, maybe she’s only been in like, 3 but this one was amazing.

She had always thought that they’re popularity was restricted to Asia and some parts of Europe.

She NEVER anticipated the outcome of a New York concert to be this big, and she could feel the crowd’s excitement and energy pulse through her very own veins.

Sadly, it was the end of SMTown ,and Amber took this as her chance to find an unsuspecting unnie to on.

Unknowingly Amber smiled, the two had always been a secretive couple and preferred to keep it that way, since most people thought Jessica was all but married to Yuri.

But lately they had been becoming more public; like she and Krystal.

She waited until Sooyoung made her way over to her and hugged her around the waist, with Sooyoung doing the same to her.

“Unnie, you and Jessica-sshi look cute together.” Amber said over the wave of crowd shouts as Super Junior flaunted whatever they had around the stage.

“Are you so scared of her that you can’t call her unnie?” Sooyoung chuckled, as she and Amber walked with their hands around each other’s waists.

“Yes. Yes I am. I still think she hates me.”

“She doesn’t hate you. She’s just….overprotective.”

“I kind of got that vibe already since she’s staring me down from 100 feet away.” Amber said with a quiver of fear in her voice, because while walking around with her sister, Jessica had indeed seen Sooyoung and Amber.

And she did not approve.

“Whoops, sorry Ber but, I have a girlfriend to cool down. Catch you on the cold side. Keke” Sooyoung chuckled evilly as she made her way through the other SM artists towards her fuming girlfriend.

Amber stood their stupidly, taking time to digest the fact that her very own girlfriend’s sister just might hate her.

A lot more than she already did.

Before she could move, she felt a pair of arms encircle her waist.

“Hey hot stuff~” A voice whispered in her ear, and without even turning around Amber knew who it was.

“Hey Yuri unnie,” Amber chuckled, wrapping her arms around Yuri’s lower back.”Enjoying New York so far?”

“I love it! Yoona’s been fretting over the lights ever since the plane landed. I don’t get her and lights but it’s whatever.”

“Lucky. Krystal’s being a bum and just wants to sleep all the time.”

“Look at who she’s related to.”


“Well, this was a lovely conversation, but apparently we’re going back to our hotel. So, I’ll see you later Ber!”

“Bye, unnie.”

As Amber and Yuri disentangled from their embrace, Amber was completely unaware of the two cat-like eyes of a 17 year old that were glaring her down.

She knows what she saw.

And she did not approve.

Oh, hell no.

*                                                       *                                                                               *

f(x)’s hotel rooms were divided as follows:

Hotel Room 481: Luna, Sulli, Victoria

Hotel Room 483:Krystal,Amber.

Once LunSulToria entered, their room Luna immediately dove for the goose down sheets, despite being extremely sweaty. Victoria called the shower as Sulli jokingly asked to join, before moving towards the second bed and turning on the TV.

American TV was really odd. So she had heard.

Almost immediately Luna whined and told her to change it to something worth watching, like X Factor.

And thus sparked a meaningless fight over a talking sponge and homeless people that cannot sing.

Meanwhile, in KryBer’s room………

Amber sat on the edge of the bed that KryBer was intended to share, new beads of sweat running over the trails of old ones as her leg shook uncontrollably.

Krystal had told her to walk in and sit down, her tone colder than usual.

Thus, Amber was scared.

For her life.

She wasn’t sure what she had done wrong, but she just decided to plead guilty to it so that she might, just might, live another day.

A creak echoed through the room as Krystal exited the bathroom, in a fluffy white bathrobe, drops of water trailing down her seemingly endless legs.

Amber couldn’t even allow her imagination to run wild, because the look on Krystal’s face read pure business.

“So, Amber.” Krystal said, once she directly in front of the tomboy, ”What was that rule that I told you had to be put into play if we were going to date?”

Amber swallowed what little saliva she had as her mind drew a blank, for she couldn’t concentrate with Krystal’s cleavage peeping from beneath the scandalous bathrobe.


“Well, this was it: I, Amber Liu, will not on So Nyuh Shi Dae sunbaes or KARA sunbaes.”


“And what did you just do at SMTown? Hmmm?” Krystal asked, leaning so close that Amber could smell the citrus in the shampoo that she had used.

“U-Uh, I was just talki-“

“Just talking? I really don’t recall that talking involves groping Yuri unnie’s back.”

“I was not groping it!”

Amber sighed, the Jung jealousy was something Sooyoung had warned her about, but she had never thought it was this bad.

In a quick blur of movement Amber picked up Krystal and placed her on her lap, earning a soft gasp from the younger girl.

“Krys~, you really need to calm down your jealousy hun.”Amber said in English, trailing soft kisses from Krystal’s neck up to her jaw.

“No I don’t.” Krystal grumbled stubbornly, although she was falling prone to Amber’s loving actions.

“Yes you do. You know that they’re just my friends.” Amber added, letting her lips linger for a while as she kissed Krystal’s cheek, completely ignoring the drops of water that were attaching themselves to her nose and face.

“And you’re the only one I love.”

At this point Amber gave Krystal a firm but gentle kiss at the lips, lingering slightly before pulling back.
Krystal smiled smugly, The jealousy act works everytime, she thought.

“Say it again.”


“Say that you love me again.”



“Wo Ai Ni~”



“One more time.”Krystal said, placing a hand at the shell of her ear as if she couldn’t hear.

“I love you.”

And with that, the night ended with Krystal giving Amber a final kiss on the cheek before scampering towards the bathroom to brush her teeth.

Amber smiled like a dork even with the door closed, before a thought settled deeply on her.

Did she just trick me?......Again?!



A/N Sweet Mary Jesus this took me forever to write

I apologize for the iness

Honestly I just wrote this in an hour because I got my inspiration back while I was writing another fic

Check it out if you want to yo.

So yeah.

Oh and who caught my Tokio Hotel reference?Eh?Eh?Anyone?No?

Well, one of their albums (And my favorite one by far) Is called Zimmer Vier Acht Drei (483)

P.S. ForeverNine9 is an awesome human.

She helped me figure out how to get my inspiration back.

I bow to you *le bow*


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2074 streak #1
Chapter 3: Gosh I love this so much
Mysn123 #2
Chapter 6: Hope you can make a story like this author,so funny to see amber whipped by krystal
KryberloverFX #3
Chapter 6: You're back YAY I love this story and I hope you will be able to write more in the future
dolphindork #4
the rules hahahahaaaaaa
i'll subcribe you ff. it must be interesting
Author!!!! Where are u?! Come back! Need u to to write new ones!
More please~~~ author ssi! Please! Continue the other rules!
Please continue this story. It's awesomely cute. We'll be waiting :))
chandyto #8
the next rules pleaseeee.....
flo_dyn #9
continue please? :3
Chapter 6: Its a very interesting yet fun story to read :)