Rule #1

How To Keep A Princess Happy 101:By Amber Liu [Hiatus=Marked as Complete]

-Always compliment her clothes and never fall asleep when she talks to you, or fear the wrath of HellJung.

Feeling tired and beat, 5 beautiful girls entered their dorm, preparing to dive straight beneath their covers as their schedules for the day were finished.

One in particular, a short-haired blonde, scurried through the living and room and dived onto the couch, preparing to drift off to dreamland.

“Yah! Liu Yiyun! Take your shoes off before you dirty the couch!” Victoria shrieked in Chinese, not in the mood to have to clean the couch because of the dino’s carelessness.

“Let me sleep, unnie~.”Amber whined back in Korean, her face half mashed into the couch pillow, as Sulli sat in the comfortable chair next to her ‘hyung’ turning the TV on in the process.

“It’s okay Toria unnie, I have this under control.” A sleek, cat-eyed girl said smugly, although a certain dino was already burying her head deeper in the soft cushions of the couch.

“Amber!” Krystal shrieked, causing said girl to panic and fall onto the floor, before she stood up straight at the angry girlfriend before her.

“Y-Y-Yes, Krys?” Amber stuttered, to a leave a smirking Victoria walking towards the kitchen and mouthing a ‘thank you’ to Krystal. Meanwhile, Amber was feeling nervous that she would feel the wrath of HellJung. What did she do wrong? She didn’t bleach Krystal’s underwear from Paris did she?

“We’re going shopping.”

“What?! But we just got back from our schedule and manager oppa wo-.”

“Are you arguing with me?” Krystal said, crossing her arms and fixing Amber with a glare so called it lowered room temperature.

Amber gulped, ”N-No, but I just thought tha-.”

“Manager oppa said it’s fine as long as we’re disguised. Now, go get changed.” Krystal said in English.

Feeling defeated Amber trailed back into her room, not noticing the high fives that occurred between her girlfriend and the other 3 members.

40 minutes later Amber was sprawled in a comfortable arm chair in the woman’s department of a store, bored out of her mind as Krystal relentlessly tried on clothes without even checking the price tag.

Fortunately they were in a semi secluded area of the store, in which it was ensured that no paparazzi would enter that section of the store. Unfortunately for Amber, that meant putting up with a shop-a-holic American.

Krystal held up a silver dress on her body, that would have left a small V for her cleavage and fall gracefully around her knees, as she examined herself in the mirror.

“Hmmm, Amber, how does this look on me?”



“Huh, what? Oh you look good.” Amber said, shaking her head to get rid of the sleep that she desperately craved.

“Good? Nope, I need great, I’ll be right back.” Before Amber could even argue Krystal disappeared into the dressing room searching for another piece of clothing.

Why didn’t I say she looked great?!,Amber thought, mentally slapping herself.

Krystal exited the dressing room, a red spaghetti strap shirt pressed lightly against her chest.

“How about this one?” She said, twirling for effect.”I think it-“

“You look great!” Amber said, not even allowing the younger girl to finish her sentence.

“Great? No, no, no I need fierce. I’ll be right back. I saw some jeans somewhere over there. But there were like, the bejeweled ones and that’s Sica unnie’s style. Because Sooyoung unnie keeps buying her stuff since like ever and now she looks like a piece of aluminum foil when she walks and-“

Tired and dreary, Amber grabbed Krystal’s wrist and pulled the girl into her lap, slipping her arms around Krystal’s torso and resting her head on her shoulder.

“Krys~, can we go home?”


“You look beautiful in whatever you wear.” Amber said, eyelids slowly drooping closed.

At this Krystal smiled, ”Really?”

Krystal felt Amber nod against her shoulder, ”You could make a garbage bag look y~.”

“Really?” Krystal said, a smile lighting up her feature.


Turning around slightly she could see Amber snoring lightly against her shoulder blade



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2074 streak #1
Chapter 3: Gosh I love this so much
Mysn123 #2
Chapter 6: Hope you can make a story like this author,so funny to see amber whipped by krystal
KryberloverFX #3
Chapter 6: You're back YAY I love this story and I hope you will be able to write more in the future
dolphindork #4
the rules hahahahaaaaaa
i'll subcribe you ff. it must be interesting
Author!!!! Where are u?! Come back! Need u to to write new ones!
More please~~~ author ssi! Please! Continue the other rules!
Please continue this story. It's awesomely cute. We'll be waiting :))
chandyto #8
the next rules pleaseeee.....
flo_dyn #9
continue please? :3
Chapter 6: Its a very interesting yet fun story to read :)