My Girlfriend Is A Teacher (MGIAT)

“Wow! The banner looks great. Did you made it?”

“Nah… Shanon, Hara, Kevin and Sungjae made it. I just help them a little.”

“No Sir. All the ideas by Miss. We just help her.” Said Hara and the others just nodding agreed with her.

“But still you guys made it.”

“Oka guys stop.  All of you made it. End.” Everyone just laugh at James conclusion. Hara and others then ask to return to their class leave the two alone at the entrance.

“So how the tent?” ask Amber wanted to know the progress.

A week ago, she’s been asked by principle in charged as to lead for sports day event for the school and everyone agreed with it and for this past 4 days, she’s been preparing all stuff  helped by the teachers and students to make sure the event run smoothly. 3 days left and everything are already been prepared.  

“Already done. You seems excited about the event huh?”

“This is my responsibility James. And I am excited about this! I love sports.”

“Only 3 days left and all preparation are done.”

“Yeah…Thanks to everyone, this preparation would not be done by them. I should treat everyone who helping me.”

“You should.”


“Treat me? For lunch?” ask  James .

“Alright. Besides, I already promise with Hara, Sungjae, Kevin and Shanon to treat them this lunch. So you can join us.” Said Amber without noticing a bit disappointment on his face. His hoping for her to treat him lunch just the two of them is disappear but it will not make him give up.






“Miss Amber! Big problem! Miss!

“What going on Kevin?” ask Amber but Kevin panting non-stop after running which make him hard to speak.

“What going on Amber?” ask Vic before staring at Kevin who still panting.

“Take a deep breath Kevin. Take your time.” Amber pating his back to relax him.

Kevin began to relax and telling Amber about the problem.






This is not a problem! This is a disaster! Vic looked toward the tent area that has been damaged completely. All decoration stuff that she prepared for the event also damaged. The banner that she made by her student has clotted, and dirty like been stomped. 5 minutes later, the principle came before look around the place.

“I bet Jackson and his stupid friends do this!” assume Hara.

“We don’t have any proves to accuse him.” Said principle. The event will be held in 2 days so I want all of teacher and student  help Miss Amber. Announce all class are canceled today.

Amber staring sadly at the banner.

“Miss Amber, what should we do now?” ask Hara disturbing her thought.

“Just…just clean this place first. Throw everything that have been damaged and wash the banner. Use washing machine over there. Luckily we use spray paint for this banner. The color won’t wash away.” Everyone just nodding their head and start the cleaning. While she pick one of the decoration, her heart feel hurt. “This is too far!” Amber throw the stuff and walk away from the place.

“Amber, where are you going? Vic ask but ignored by her.





“Why I felt something bad will happen later?” Said Mark worriedly.

Everyone just quiet. Only guitar sound that been played by Jackson can be heard.

“Of course you should felt worried, isn’t us spoiled the tent and all stuff for the event.” Said Youngjae expressed his scare feeling.

“Since when you guys been such a coward? Relax. No proof can say us do that.” Jackson replied nonchalantly. “Besides, she deserve it” he muttered slowly.


Youngjae shocked as well as others. While Jackson still playing his guitar. Amber walk towards the room  which have been designated for Jackson and all his friends only and she surely Jackson was in it. Amber kick the room door and it was opened. She losing her patience. She look around the room with unsatisfying look.

“Mi-miss…” Jr stuttered.

“You! I know you spoiled the tent and stuff?!” Amber staring pointedly to Jackson its like she want to kill him right now.

Jackson  stop playing his guitar and staring at her. he throw the guitar at his side but luckily Bambam is there to catch it. “Don’t you dare raise your voice at me. You should realize who you talking to!”

“Don’t you dare raise your voice at me. You should realize who you talking to!” Amber mimicked his dialogue with disgust. “It should be me who said that to you! I.AM.YOUR.TEACHER!”

Jackson laugh loudly at her words. “Is that a joke? Please, I never thought you as a teacher, Amber.”

“Don’t be rude! I know you did it! Just admitted!

 “Fine….I admitted but you don’t even have any proof to say I’m the one who did it.”

“I knew it.” Amber muttered. But he’s right, Amber doesn’t have proof to say he did it. Then Amber saw a ball from Youngjae hands. “ I want us to compete.”


“Yeah…playing basketball. Only both of us. If I win, you must admitted your fault and I want you to help other to clean and fix everything for the event. And if you win…”

“If I win I want you to get out from this school. Can you?”

Amber surprised by his words but like it or not she have to agreed with it.  She cannot pull her words back. “F-Fine.”

“Interesting.” He smirked.  Jackson took the ball from Youngjae and throw it to Amber as he want her to  start it. “So let’s begin.”






“!” Jackson swearing.

Amber just smiling as she succeed to make that arrogant boy clean the place and admitted his fault. She can listen his swearing to her but she’s not even bother to care about it besides she can’t stop smiling when she remember about his defeated face. So precious! His arrogant face that think he can beat her, disappear. Only annoyance and mad face are on his face at that time.

“You know that you smiling like a fool now.” said Victoria

“I know.”

“I’m so surprised that you bring those boys here and they help to clean and fix all these. How you do that?” asked Victoria curiously.

Amber just smile and continue her work.

After 2 days…the sports day event are running smoothly.






It’s been 2 weeks she didn’t see Jackson after the event. He always missing and Amber sure he must hung out at that court.

“Amber… here the schedule for you about the camping next week.”

“Thank you Vic.” She took a paper before read it.

“There was list which class will follow this year camping.”

“Okay. 6-A, 8-C,6-A,7-A….11-A…11-A?!” Amber staring at Victoria disbelief.

Victoria just shrugging before walk to her place.




“Who not here yet?” Asked James.

“Jackson, Bambam,  Jr, Yugyeom, JB, Mark, and Youngjae , sir.” said one of the student.

Amber’s hardly hoping they will not come.

“There they are. I thought you guys will not come.” James remarked  them who now was in front of him.

“Of course we come. We should not miss this kind of activities right, Miss Amber.”

“Miss Amber?” Goosebump! Amber look down on the ground when she noticed that Jackson was staring at her. Seems like something bad going to happen.

“Everyone are here now so we can go now.” asked James. All student excitedly enter the bus. “Amber, Let’s go.”

Amber nod. She walk weakly to the bus or more like forcing her legs moving towards the bus. Her nightmare will begin.





Amber peered out of the tent that shared with Lyn and Victoria. She wants to go shower but the day nearly dark and she afraid to come out of the tent. It’s like something bad will going to happen if she out from the tent.

Victoria who watching her from behind slowly approaching her before slap her .

“Ouchh! Yah it’s hurt!”

“You said you want to take a shower. Who are you stalking? James?”

“No. ”

“Then hurry go take a shower. We must pepare for a cook tonight. Go..go.”

Amber took her shower stuff before weakly out from the tent.  After arrive at the toilet, she’s hurry take a shower because the toilet is shared with students. She’s return to the tent and found no one in there. Amber clean her stuff first before out from the tent. The surrounding is really dark. She switch on the torchlight to have a better view to walk. “Oh my god!” Amber almost shout when she saw a  creature leaning at the tree. “Wh-What are you doing there?”.  Jackson just pretended to not hear her . She surprised to see creature who leaning at the tree is Jackson. Then what make she more surprised when she saw a smoke coming from his mouth. “Are you smocking? You know it is an offense smoking in the school especially for students. You know the rules , right?!”

“Are you blind or what? We not in school so shut the up!”

Amber look around before slapped her forehead. “I forgot but even this is not school but you are still my student so…” Amber extend her hands to her as want her to give those cigarette. But Jackson just staring at her and nonchalantly the cigarette. “Give or I will tell this to principle.” She urged..

“Go to hell!” He throw the cigarette before walked past her but he still be able to crashed Amber shoulder which almost make her fell.

“Erghhh! I hate him!” She watch him walked to somewhere. “He definitely wants to go smoking.” She thought before followed him. “Jackson stop! Where are you going?” Amber ward off the bushed that block her path. She accelerate her pace when she realized that Jackson is getting farther.

 “Jackson wait!” she called him but he not even bother to turn. “Jackson, where are you going?! Come back here. This place is dangerous!”  Amber is worried and afraid when she realized that  they are getting far from the camp. “Jackson!” she scream  loudly. Jackson stop before turning to her.  He walk towards her which make her move backward.

“What?!” He shout. Amber close her eyes. Her ear might be deaf because of it. She take a deep breath.

“Where are you going? We are far from the camp.” Said her softly as persuade.

“It’s not your ing business! Leave!”

“I will not leave if you not leave with me.” Jackson turn and he looked over his shoulder before continuing the journey. Amber still following him from behind. The strange sound  make her walk too close behind him. Then she catch waterfall sound. Her eyes was amazed by the beautifulness. “Did he was looking this waterfall? The question just played in her mind.

“Jackson wait!” Amber quickly followed him.  She already tired but still following him. “Where are we going actu…Ouch!” Amber not realize she walking too close to him which make her bumping into him. He’s turning to her before grab her collar shirt , pulling her towards him. And now their face are so close just by one finger. Because of Jackson sudden act, Amber stepping his foot hardly.

“kkkk! It hurt, stupid!” Jackson screamed.

“You deserve it! I hate people like you. So rude!” she glared at him. she sat on tree root while releasing her tiredness.

“Crazy b**ch!” he muttered. Jackson realized they were lost. He look around and began looking for wood.

“Wh-where are you going?” asked her.

Not much wood around them and Jackson decide to search it quiet far from  “I’ll go find wood.”

 “I’ll help you.”

“No need. Just stay here. You’re just troublesome.”

Amber sat down again, hugging her knees. While watching Jackson slowly disappear in the dark. She also know they are lost and hoping the others know their missing and quickly search them.

After 15 minutes Jackson back with wood. Luckily for them Jackson have a lighter.

The weather is getting cold. Amber regret that she didn’t wear a jumper. She close to the fire to get a heat from it.

“Do not too close with fire. You wanna die?

“It’s cold.” Jackson noticed Amber look cold. Took off his hoodie throw it to her.  “Wear that.”


“I don’t want they thought I let you die in coolness.”

This boy really love annoying people.” Amber wearing the hoodie stare at Jackson who was lying already. “Thank you.”

It’s been already 1 hour they are trapped in the forest. Amber look at her watch. It’s 10.30 already. Then Amber catch strange sound.

“What is that sound?” Amber heard it again and this time is a bit loud. Amber who scared by it suddenly jumped into Jackson.

”Yah! What are you doing?”

“Sorry…I’m scared.”  Amber loose her hug but still sit close with Jackson.  Jackson stare at her before lying back on the  ground.

2 hour later…

“Jackson, sleep already?” she asked and this time is more peaceful.


“I can’t sleep…” she said while watching the sky full with beautiful star. “You know, you are not bad as I thought…”

Jackson just silent but Amber know he heard  her. “you still have your kind side.”


“I know you actually kind but why you with those attitude? You not respect teacher,  rude to them, always angry. Do you have a problem?”



“I’m sorry for what I did to you before. I don’t mean it.”


“I know you are a good boy Jackson…” Amber said before closed her eyes.

Jackson watch her sleeping on his shoulder.

“You don’t understand and you never understand it.” He muttered.

“I will try to understand you if you let me.” She said before sleeping soundly.




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Leonicograce #1
Chapter 13: When will u update??
Chapter 13: Okay... New subbie...
Just exactly what i've been imagine
Jackson character suit him so much...
And this reminds me of jackber interaction on MAMA
They are so cute together...
Jackson and amber one of my fav pairing
Goodjob... Love it so much
Cant wait for their next date... XD
themisberry #3
Chapter 13: Im so glad that u updated. I really love urs. So please dont stop writing!!! I will wait patiently!!!
When amber buying the lingerie, its remind me one of her youtube video searching for her . Sooo funny!!
Leonicograce #4
Chapter 13: wowww... u surprised me with this!! I thought u will stop updating... but I'm glad u did... more romance please in d next chapter... thx author!
alexmakenshi #5
Please update the story!! It's the best story jackber I ever read!
Leonicograce #6
Chapter 12: Update pleaseeeee.... Been waiting soooooo long!!
markbogi #7
Chapter 12: i hope u update soon i really like your story
kareryn #8
Chapter 12: waa continue por favor!
JailynC #9
Chapter 12: Awwwwww oh my gosh this is so cute
markbogi #10
Chapter 12: when will you next update i hope you update soon