My Girlfriend Is A Teacher (MGIAT)

“What are we going buy anyways?” ask Victoria looking at groceries that need to buy.

“Just take whatever we need.” Amber said lazily. Bored while pushing a trolley.

“Okay. You go to dry item section  and me wet item section.” Victoria suggest.

Amber agreed as she push the trolley to the dry items section. She took the plastic and select the onion. Then she went to other dry items section

As she finish picking her part, she push the trolley to wet items section. While she was looking for Victoria, her eyes catch sight of someone that she recognize. Her eyes widened as she saw Jackson holding hands with a girl. The girl seems younger than him. she don’t know why her chest feel stinging and pain. Looking at Jackson make her recalled of her past. Amber hid behind the shelves. Her hand clutching  at the trolley. Her knees felt weak. She closed her eyes and took a deep breath. She really want to get out from there. She push a trolley and looking Victoria.


“Amber, you are here. Great! Come help me.” Vic took the plastic to  pick some shrimp.

Amber pulled Victoria hand before she could take the shrimp . “ Let’s go home. We buy next time.” She dragged Victoria out from the supermarket

“What’s wrong? I was about to buy….”

“I’m just ummm…sick. My stomach hurt and I feel dizzy.”

“You sick?

“Y-yeah. Can you drive. I don’t think I can drive.”

“Sure.” Victoria took they key from Amber. Victoria look worried as she saw Amber look a bit pale.

“Sorry for troubling you.”

“It’s okay. Let’s go.”


All the way back, Amber pretended to be sleep. Her gaze directed out of window. In her head, she remembered how happy Jackson was with the girl. She must be his girlfriend. She’s pretty, young, and look stylish. Amber smile cynically. Why am I so stupid to believe that he likes me. Kid like him would never have that feeling to me. Besides, I’m 4 years older than him. What should I expect? Kid like him want a girl that younger than him and pretty. The girl seems intimate with him.

The tears began to stagnant but she hold it. Worried that Victoria might noticed.




Amber put down her bag on the desk before lay down on her bed. Her eyes staring at the ceiling, tried to forget everything that playing in her mind. But she can’t. The scene of Jackson with a mystery girl still blooming in her mind. She hold her chest. Feel hurt.

Why this thing must happen again? Am I the one that always should to be fooled by men?

She finally burst her tears. Although she didn’t have  feeling for Jackson but why her heart ached? And it even hurt than before.


“Why you do this to me? What’d I do wrong?”  her tears fell on her cheeks.

Henry was silent.

“Tell me Henry! What’d I do wrong?!”

“Nothing! Nothing is wrong.”

Amber close her eyes. Tried to hold her feeling. Its not the answer that she wanted.

“Who is she? What make you love her more than me?” she sobbed.

Henry still silent.

“Answer me Henry.”

“I’m sorry. My heart…has changed.” He said weakly.

Amber bowed after listening to his words. “Why henry? After all this four years, our relationship has no meaning for you?”

“I’m sorry Amber.


Henry is the first man that she ever met that succeed to make her fall in love with him. For her Henry is a good man and never take advantage from her. their relationship also blessed by both of their parents.  They plan to marry after Henry’s graduate as engineer in England but all change when Henry fall in love with other girl. He says he cannot be alone and he cannot handle long distance relationship. For about 5 month Amber suffer from the broken relationship. Thanks to her brothers and sister that gave her such a great support.

Since then she realized, it’s not worth to cried to the man that never love her and closes her heart from any men. She will never let any men playing her heart anymore.

But now, she was played again by Jackson. Her own student who said that he loves her. She should not allowed Jackson to fell in love with her. This is supposedly should not happen. This is all her fault.


Amber too her phone from her bag.  She throw the phone beside her as she saw Jackson name on the screen. She didn’t want to talk to him.


The second ring also ignored by Amber. Her heart really hurt right now. She took the phone and staring it “Liar!” Then one incoming message appear to the screen. She quickly press to read it.

Why you not answer? Sleep already?

She put down her phone beside her. Why I must face this situation? Do I always have a bad luck when It comes to love? Why am I talking about love when related to Jackson? I don’t love him. And wouldn’t it nice if Jackson have girlfriend. Then I can stay away from him. I should feel relieved he not have those feeling for me. But why’d I feel hurt when I saw the friendliness between Jackson and other girl? Am i…jealous? No! no! no! This is crazy! I’m not jealous.


Message from Jackson. She bit her lips. She really want to replay his message. She want him to explain everything and hope that everything that she saw is a lie.

                Amber, I really miss u…

She touched the screen when she read his message before put the phone on her chest. Her tears keep flowing

“I miss you too…” Without realized she said the words softly.





“How’s the performance for the event?” ask James as he approach her at cafeteria.

“It seems  great! They’re improved a lot.” she answer before sipping a hot tea.

James cleared his throat. “I heard that you using  Jackson’s court to practice.”

“Yeah. But not anymore.  We will do a practice at the field” she said. After re-thinking, she decide not to use Jackson’s court anymore. She want to distance herself with him as far as possible.


“Because there’s too many student that participate for the event so I think it’s not appropriate for me to do the practice at the court anymore.”


“Why James?” Amber asked.

“I just want you to help me to borrow some sports equipment from the court.”

“Oh…I’m sorry James. I can’t help you. Why not you find Jackson at the court?” Amber said as touching his hand. Smiles given to him  as sorry. 

“It’s fine.” Said James. Smiles form to his face as she smile on him.

“I’m sorry Ja….” Amber went silent when she saw Jackson, who staring at her intensely. She suddenly felt goosebump around her neck. It’s been  a long time he not staring at her like that. Her head bowed as Jackson walking past them. Her heart suddenly pounding like crazy.

“That’s Jackson! I’m going to ask him.” said James  before chasing Jackson.





Car alarm pressed. Rear door open to placed her books on the seat. She close the door and walking towards the driver’s door. One hand old hers when she was about to open the door. Amber looked up and see Jackson Jackson eyes staring at her.

“W-what are you doing here?” she ask, looking around. Scare that someone might watching.

“Why you not answer the phone? Reply message? Why?!”

Amber paused.  She know she will have to face him anytime. But not this soon.  “I’m tired, Jackson. I want to go home. Can you please move?”

Jackson hold his anger.  “I said why?!”

Amber closed her eyes. “J-Jackson, I-I think you should go home now. I’m really busy.

Jackson came up to her which make her move backwards. “Jackson, behave. This is school.”

“I don’t give a f*uck!”

“Okay Jackson. I think from now on, we have to stay away from each other.  Please stop the games that you being played. I’m tired with this nonsense.”


“Yes! Stop it! Stop this nonsense. Just leave me alone. If you think you can play with my feeling , then you are wrong. I…”

“Play your feeling? I don’t get it.”

Amber take a deep breath as Jackson look a bit calm.

“Stop it Jackson. I know it all. I forgive you and I want you to stop bother me anymore. Can you move, please. I’m busy.”

“Huh! You’re busy with me but with that jerk, you’re not busy at all. Holding his hand, laughing!” Jackson rage.

Amber was now confused. Who is he talking about? “I don’t get it. What are you talking about?”

“Let’s be honest here, lady!”

Amber chuckled. “Honest? You want to talk about honest…with me? It should be me who said like that to you.”

“What the f*uck you talking about?! Just straight to point!”

“Enough Jackson. Besides, we are nothing. I’m you teacher and you are my student.”

“I never see you as my teacher!” He said sternly.

“But that’s the fact. Always! Forever!”

“Hope you not forgot our promise.”

Amber realized. How she wanted him to give up on the promise?

“T-that…I  j-just said it. I never thought you will do it.”

“I will claim your promise after I succeed. You better not try to run away. If you try to play my feeling, you will pay for it!” he said and before walk away.

Amber stunned. She suddenly feel scare. Who are being played right now?




Jackson lay down on his bed. His eyes closed. His head feels heavy. Probably not getting enough sleep.  Two weeks mid-term break will starting tomorrow. What should I do during this break? Study? Nahh! I don’t have mood to study.

Before this Jackson had no problem with these mid-term break and usually excited with these break. But now why he become anxious? He should be happy right? No homework. No class.  No school. No teacher.

He staring on the ceiling. Why I already miss her?

Last time he met Amber at the car park and he didn’t even talk to her. Jackson scratch his head. Sh*t!

He took his phone on the table and searching Amber’s name. Hesitate to call her. Should I call her? Is she still drivingJackson knew Amber would return her home in this semester break. She told him before. He put the phone on the table and lay back on the bed. He being restless, not being able to speak with Amber. Almost 2 weeks he didn’t call her because he was too angry at her. His ego is too high. Amber also not even trying to persuade him like they were dating before.

Suddenly Jackson smiled as he recalled of their date . Amber looks so cute in his eyes. She don’t   look like a teacher when she outside the school. Blouse, tight jeans and white sneakers. She just look like a girls next door and a bit childish. He felt so close to her. He also didn’t feel like  walking with a teacher.

The way she treats me, console me when I’m sulk…wait the minute, when did I became a sulky guy? Seriously?  Love is crazy! I might get laughed by others

He took the phone and touch the screen softly. Amber image appear as the home screen wallpaper.

Can’t wait for the break to be finish.




Amber hugged her knees. Somehow she felt quite lonely.

One more week school break will be ended but why the time flies too slowly? Wait… Why she wanted school breaks ended quickly? Isn’t school breaks is the most favorite day? No homework should be check. No student. No class.

*One incoming message*

Amber quickly open her phone and read it.

       Congratulation! Your xxxxxxxxx

She bit her lips and put the phone on the bed. Chin placed on the knees.

Weird. it’s been 3 weeks. Why he not calling me?

Amber took the phone and touch the screen. She check if there something wrong with the phone or maybe no coverage or damaged.

Is this phone broken? Or maybe no coverage? That’s why she didn’t receive any message or call from him? or the owner of this phone was having a good time together with his girlfriend and forget this new owner?

She but her lips. Suddenly feel sad.  She touch the phone screen. Should I call him? Message?

She sigh and put the phone back on the bed.

“What are you doing right now, Jackson?”




Jackson leaned on the couch. Youngjae loud voice can irritate anyone that heard it but not for Jackson.  His soul is everywhere but his body still in the karaoke studio.

“Yah Jackson! Come on. Join us sing.” Bambam urge him to sing.

“Bambam’s right. Come on Jackson. Join us. You no fun.” Said Yugyeom.

Jackson stand and smiles to them. “Sorry. I’m not in the mood to right now. You guys have fun, okay. I’ll pay.

“You no fun Jackson.” Said Bambam before continue pick others song.

Jackson just chuckled and watch them singing.

“Jackson… what’s wrong?” Mark approached him.

Jackson turned to him. He just silent. He also don’t know what is wrong with himself. 3 weeks  without her voice, called or message, make him feeling uneasy.

“Why love is painful?”

“Huh?” Jackson talking about…love? He staring at Jackson without blinking. Even Bambam and Youngjae voice is too loud but he can hear what his saying.

“Why I kept remembering her? Why’d I miss her? Why I feel uneasy when I couldn’t hear her voice?” he ask but more to questioning himself.

Mark scratch his head. Don’t know what to answer. “Umm… is she…”

“I love her. I think I can’t live without her, Mark.”

Mark eyes widened as he heard Jackson’s words. Seriously?!




“Amber, let’s go shopping!” said Jonghyun, sit beside his beloved lil sister.

“Nahh. No mood to shopping.” Amber said without looking at her second brother.

“Since when you’re not in the mood for shopping? Is this my li sister, Ajol?”

“I’m just… tired.”

Jonghyun look at him strangely. Tired? Weird!

She usually ask or force Jonghyun to go out with her but now she have a break for like 2 weeks and never ask him to go out.

“What’s wrong Ber? Problem?”

“I’m okay just…too lazy right now. Besides I don’t have anything to buy anyways.” Said Amber.

Something fishy. “Did you fight with your boyfriend?”

Amber turned to him and quickly denied it. “What?! No! Of Course Not!”

Jonghyun chuckled by her sudden reaction. He realy love to . “Then tell me? Why you being such a bored kid all sudden?”

“Nothing Jjong.” She answer as push the remote button to change other channels.

“Who is he?”

“I don’t know.”

“Where did you meet him?”

“School .”

“Is he kind?”

“No. He’s like a son of the devil..”

“Do you miss him?”

“Yes.” Amber eyes widened after realizing her answer.

“Gotcha!” Jonghyun burst out loud. Amber felt annoying when she see her brother laughing so hard right now.

“I hate you Jjong!” Amber pushed Jonghyun. She felt so embarrassed. She punch Jonghyun arm which make him groan.

“Ouch! Fine…Sorry. Sorry okay.” Jonghyun held up his hand as surrender.

“I really hate you Jjong!” She retorted.

Jonghyun still laughing at his sister behavior. “So it’s true then. Who’s the guy that managed to steal  my lil sister’s heart? Poor him.”

“Whatever!” Amber sticking out her tongue at him. “Where’s my phone?” she said when she hear sound of an incoming message.

“Move Jjong!” She pushed Jonghyun, looking for her phone.

“You phone is there, Ber.” Said Jonghyun, pointed her phone placed on the dining table.

She quickly headed to the dining table, reached the phone and touch the screen.

                Amber, when you’re going back? Saturday or Sunday?

Amber sigh. Message from Victoria. She reply it before returning to the living room.



“No wonder.”

Amber looking  suspiciously to her brother. “What?”

“Expecting a message from BOYFRIEND but end up with ‘girlfriend’. No wonder you look so hollow.”

“No I’m not! That ridiculous! I’m going to my room. I’m sleepy. ” she said. Walking towards her room.

Jonghyun chuckled. He know her sister too well.

Amber close the door and lay down on her bed.

“Jackson…I miss you.”



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Leonicograce #1
Chapter 13: When will u update??
Chapter 13: Okay... New subbie...
Just exactly what i've been imagine
Jackson character suit him so much...
And this reminds me of jackber interaction on MAMA
They are so cute together...
Jackson and amber one of my fav pairing
Goodjob... Love it so much
Cant wait for their next date... XD
themisberry #3
Chapter 13: Im so glad that u updated. I really love urs. So please dont stop writing!!! I will wait patiently!!!
When amber buying the lingerie, its remind me one of her youtube video searching for her . Sooo funny!!
Leonicograce #4
Chapter 13: wowww... u surprised me with this!! I thought u will stop updating... but I'm glad u did... more romance please in d next chapter... thx author!
alexmakenshi #5
Please update the story!! It's the best story jackber I ever read!
Leonicograce #6
Chapter 12: Update pleaseeeee.... Been waiting soooooo long!!
markbogi #7
Chapter 12: i hope u update soon i really like your story
kareryn #8
Chapter 12: waa continue por favor!
JailynC #9
Chapter 12: Awwwwww oh my gosh this is so cute
markbogi #10
Chapter 12: when will you next update i hope you update soon