
Unbiased Reviews [closed/busy]

Statistics Don't Lie by WangZiTao


The title is cute and fits the story perfectly. I like the theme about the statistics and how in the end it was not about proving the statistics wrong but about having the courage to grab onto something wonderful. It was all about the acceptance, even if some high school romances don't work in the end at least they are beautiful and totally worth it and there is still that remaining 5%, a speck of hope.

About the description, I think that...

"You know that 95% of high school relationships fail right?"

"I am aware."

"Then why do you even want to try?"

"Because I like you."

...this is enough. Keep it short, simple and sweet. These few lines summarize this story really well yet they don't give away too much. I know I'll get some fluff with a cute ending and if that's what I was looking for I'll feel satisfied.

The two following paragraphs repeat the same message that simple dialogue already conveyed. The reader is already feeling impatient to get to the story.

To Kim Jongdae, high school is a place of learning. High school is the final step to college. High school is when you're supposed to focus on your grades. A scowl finds itself on his face whenever he sees high school "couples." Then a roll of the eyes when he learns they break up a week later. Jongdae doesn't find the point in dating in high school. After all, 95% of high school romances fail, so what was the point?


"For one 95% of high school relationships end. There's no actual love since teenagers are too idiotic to understand the concept. And in the end when you inevitably do break up all that's left is awkwardness and heartbreak." Jongdae threw the core of his apple dramatically.

"Ew." Minseok cried, wiping the remains of the apples off his face.


The foreword is for you to introduce yourself and tell about your story (how you thought about it, what you felt while writing etc), to advertise and credit people. 

The description is where you post the excerpts of the story.



The story itself was cute and fluffy. It was not original and it didn't stand out in any special way but it was an enjoyable read. You said it yourself that you thought it was cliche but does it really matter? You enjoyed writing it and people enjoyed reading it, isn't that what matters the most? The cute atmosphere you managed to create is more important than originality because it's not originality what keeps us reading, it's a good story – cliche or not. Handling cliches and putting them out in a good way and giving people what they want to read, that's a talent too.

The whole story consisted of dialogues and I think that's a little risky. It works only if dialogues are somehow special or if the topics discussed are out of ordinary. If it's just about EXO guys hanging around and being cute then it's a bit numbing because it feels like the discussions just go on and on with no proper meaning to them. My advice is to cut the dialogues shorter to bring out only the most important things. I tried to break every dialogue into what I thought was the meaning behind them:

new transfer student 

becoming friends with the new student 

Baek finds out about Jongdae's thoughts on high school relationships

the flower drawing, Baek thinks he likes Jongdae

talks about the winter break were more like introducing the characters and there was a mention that Baek wants to hang out with Jongdae

Baek and Jongdae talking about life

revelation that Baek likes someone, a hint that Jongdae might like him

the sketch


How about cutting the dialogues shorter with only the most important things being said? Everything else can be explained in short paragraphs. Then you won't need to use long lines ------- separating every scene (they cut the flow of the story and make it choppy) but there would be a paragraph or two between every dialogue to add the much-needed space. When there are less words being spoken then what is actually being spoken will stand out more and the sharp dialogue will give some edge to the story, highlighting the best parts. When there is a lot of blabbering then the fun, cute and bittersweet moments will all melt into a dull something.

By adding more paragraphs and actually explaining all characters with the narrator's voice instead of bringing out their character traits only in dialogues will give a clearer picture of them to your readers. Even if we all know how these idols look like it's still important to explain how they look like and what they are wearing. You don't need to go in detail and write half a page on everyone, just a few simple sentences would be enough.

There is not really much to complain about your story. It's very simple and that's perfect for such a cute fluffy story. The pace is good and it's not dragged or anything. Your grammar is good, I saw some typos here and there but didn't really catch any glaring grammatical mistakes. However, ironically you had some mistakes with punctuating your dialogues. Here is a good blog post about how to punctuate your dialogue correctly. 

original: "Hehe, came out(.)" Minseok snickered.

corrected: "Hehe, came out(,)" Minseok snickered.

original: "Let go Baekhyun(.)" Jongdae said.

corrected: "Let go Baekhyun(,)" Jongdae said,

I think you got it, instead of period you should use comma. But anyway, check out that blog post it's very helpful. 



What comes to dialogues, emphasize the undertones of your characters’ voices once in a while and describe the expressions they make, instead of describing them with what they say. Check out these links Words to describe voicewords to describe smiles

Another thing about the dialogues. Since you use a lot of dialogues then he said, he asked, he wondered etc tend to get repetitive, but naturally you need to point out who is speaking for us readers to know. How about:


"Give him a break Min." Baekhyun said, tossing an apple at him.

"Shut up." Minseok said, almost dropping the bruised red apple.


"Give him a break Min." Baekhyun said, tossing an apple at him.

"Shut up." Minseok almost dropped the bruised red apple.


"Can I use your laptop Baekhyun?" Tao asked.

"Why?" Baekhyun asked, pulling out his laptop anyway.


"Can I use your laptop?" Tao glanced at Baekhyun.

"Why?" the latter asked, pulling out his laptop anyway.


Sometimes when two people speak and it's obvious who is speaking you don't really need the dialogue tags. And sometimes when the emotion is already expressed in the words it's not necessary to further explain the emotion. I think if you reread the story you will see yourself which parts should be modified.


"Because they're so small they caught my attention." Jongdae said. Baekhyun cracked a smile.

"Nice." Baekhyun laughed. "And for your information, I'm wearing guyliner."


"Because they're so small they caught my attention." Jongdae said. 

"Nice." Baekhyun cracked a smile. "And for your information, I'm wearing guyliner."


"I heard you the first time." Jongdae said slowly. "Why?"

"Why?" Baekhyun parroted. "What do you mean why?"

"Why do you like me?"

"I don't know. I like your smile. I like your cheekbones. I like your laugh. I like your cheeky grin that appears whenever Tao's being stupid. I like how you always have trouble with chemistry, but is too stubborn to ask for help. I like how you always manage to make me feel special. I like how you held an umbrella for me two weeks ago. I like how you always ask me for a pencil. I like how you help me on math. I just like you Jongdae." Baekhyun shrugged.


"I heard you the first time," Jongdae said slowly.  "Why?"

"Why? What do you mean why?"

"Why do you like me?"

Baekhyun shrugged, a short silence landing between the two before he took a deep breath and started speaking: 

"I don't know. I like your smile. I like your cheekbones. I like your laugh. I like your cheeky grin that appears whenever Tao's being stupid. I like how you always have trouble with chemistry, but is too stubborn to ask for help. I like how you always manage to make me feel special. I like how you held an umbrella for me two weeks ago. I like how you always ask me for a pencil. I like how you help me on math. I just like you Jongdae." Baekhyun shrugged.

Tips to better your dialogues and here check out #3


Final words:

Like I mentioned before I think the story is good and you have managed to create a cute atmosphere. There were some parts I thought were brilliant like that flower sketch or the gayliner joke when Baek and Jongdae met and more.

One thing, I thought that Sehun's appearance was not needed, he only appeared once (I think) and didn't really have much of an importance to the story except that he made Baek and Jongdae talk to each other, but anyone else could have taken his place like Tao or Minseok. Since this is an oneshot it's better to have less characters than too many.

Your characters were fun and you gave them all some special traits so it was easy to tell them apart, if you had described them in more detail and made them livelier then it would have been even better. Now the characters are fun but if you reread the story and rewrite some parts your characters can come to life too. You have the talent for that, just keep writing more and more!

Don’t worry about clichés and such, just write what you enjoy writing and add some of your original thoughts to your stories, you will do just fine! Pay more attention to the dialogues from now on and your stories will immediately get better.


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hey! sorry for the stray comment, but i was wondering if you're still reviewing stories. i just really love your reviews and they're all really detailed. sorry for disturbing you, im sorry if you've stopped.
Chapter 4: I hope that you open soon ^^ Really wanting to request a review from you :)
daydreamer23 #3
I have picked up my review, thank you.
Chapter 1: Thank you for reviewing this! I was really amazed at how in depth that was! (: My cousin and I are very thankful. ❤️ I'm gonna recommend you to my friends! (:
Hello ~ I've read through your reviews and really liked them. I would like to request a review for my complete story "The Watched". It was my first multi-chaptered story and I am looking on editing it. There is one chapter of in it, and it is 29 chapters long, so if you do not want to do it, I'm fine. I just wanted to ask to see if you would. :)
Hello ^_^ I have read your reviews, and I've got to say that I'm really amazed. They are so detailed, constructive, and professional. So I want to make a request:

It has in it, but I can assure you that it also has plot in it. If you don't want to review it, it's alright. Just ignore my request :)

Thanks in advance, and have a nice day! ;D
i've read a few of your reviews, and they seem quite detailed, so i would like to request one, if possible.
thank you in advance!