Chapter 2

You Found Me
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“My name is Baekhyun” the boy spoke after days of silent conversations involving quick exchange of glances with awkward smiles and nods.

“Oh.. wow that’s a nice name” Chanyeol said smiling softly as he made dinner.

“I wanted to thank you for the clothes you bought me, they.. umm they fit me well” Baekhyun thanked nibbling on his lower lip as he spoke.

“Come on, let’s have dinner in the living room” Chanyeol said still smiling as he took the dinner plates into the living area.

After an hour and a whole load of cheese pasta Baekhyun was now resting his head the sofa. It was only after switching the tv off that Chanyeol noticed Baekhyun was asleep. His pale cheekbones sloped downwards into his curved pink pout. Beneath the healing wounds he could see how smooth his skin was and how long his lashes were.

Chanyeol started to lift him in his arms, when suddenly Baekhyun jerked awake and pushed Chanyeol with all his might making him fall on the floor.

In the past week he’d noted the few things he was not supposed to do around Baekhyun.

1. Don’t touch him without his conscious self being aware of the situation as it scares him to the point he has a panic attack.

2. Don’t ask him about his family or past or anything personal as it hurts him to the point he cries.

3. And for the love of god don’t stare at him for too long for he is beautiful to the point that he could almost be an angel.


“I’m sorry” Baekhyun mumbled in a defeated tone.

“Actually I’m sorry I just thought you would be more comfortable on the bed, since you know very well how comfortable this dumb couch is” Chanyeol laughed it off, to lighten the tense atmosphere.

“You don’t have to sleep out here. My bed is big enough for three people to fit in there even you know that.”

Baekhyun eyed him uncomfortably.

“I’m not forcing you, just suggesting since I can see your neck and shoulders are always strained in pain. And don’t lie that they’re not. You can lie to yourself but not to a doctor.” Chanyeol hoped he didn’t misunderstand his concern for something else; something sinister.

Baekhyun looked at him for few seconds trying to read his intentions before giving a slight nod.

The first couple of nights went by quite peacefully because now Chanyeol didn’t have to worry whether Baekhyun had his blanket on, if the temperature was right in the living room. They both slept on the far ends of the bed leaving a large gap between them. Chanyeol didn’t want Baekhyun to be afraid of anything, especially of Chanyeol.





“God you’re being so noisy tonight!”

“Where is he?”

“Shut up. Don’t talk”

“Stop —Please tell me“

“I need you to behave Baek you’re ruining the mood, I need you to be quiet.”

“Where is my brother?”

“Do you want me to hurt you baby? Do you now huh?”


“Answer me dammit! Do you want me to hurt you?”

“No—N-No no, no no”

“But you do, don’t you? I know you do..”

“Stop it, stop please ple-ease stop no, please! No!”



“Wake up. Baekhyun wake up, it’s just a dream it’s okay, I’m here. It’s okay, you're okay. I'm here and I’m not going to hurt you” Chanyeol held him close as Baekhyun trembled in his arms gripping the front of Chanyeol’s shirt sobbing loudly.

“You're okay, I’m not going to hurt you” Chanyeol’s heart ached as he held Baekhyun, feeling his tears seep through his shirt. Kissing Baekhyun’s soft hair, Chanyeol realised this was the first time Baekhyun allowed him so near to himself. Chanyeol held him close shedding tears in silence. Darkness enveloped them on that moonlit night. 

"It's okay, I'm here. It's okay." Chanyeol chanted as he rocked Baekhyun in his arms. It seemed to work because Baekhyun didn't pull away but rather he loosened his grip gradually until he fell asleep in Chanyeol's embrace.



2 weeks passed by quickly and they grew more comfortable around each other. Despite the occasional nightmares, some sunny days brought Chanyeol a gift so precious he wished he could preserv

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im writing a really gross fluffy cheesy epilogue. it'll be up in an hour!!! uwu


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Beau1996 1372 streak #1
Chapter 7: Hard start but very sweet ending!! I wonder what happened to the kitten??
Beau1996 1372 streak #2
Chapter 1: Poor Baek - can Chan help him?
Itseln13 #3
Chapter 7: THIS STORY IS SO FUJKING AWESOME!!!! I'M CRYING thankyou so much for your hard work author-nim?
Chapter 7: This is the cutest! Such a heartfelt story!
Black-roses03 #5
Chapter 7: sooooooo sweeeeeeeetttt

I love it :)
xxanonymous_aerixx #6
Chapter 7: If the sequel would be longer then that. I want to see more like how they'll grow as a couple, baek's college life, maybe a little bit of jealousy and maybe some and mpreg ;)
Chapter 7: its so fluffy... i LOVE IT AHHHH
toyadoya #8
Chapter 7: ♡♡♡
Chapter 7: A sequel maybe?