
Sophie & Mark


Why did she have to take this stupid class? It wasn’t as if she would be writing anything with her paintings. Stupid extra credit activity.

Out of habit, she doodled on her new book. For some unfathomable reason, she was nervous. As nervous as a rabbit about to run away from the wolf. What was she supposed to expect in this class? And what if... what if Mark took this class too? She didn't want to run into him. In fact, she had been avoiding him quite tactfully ever since she found he lived right opposite her. She would always leave the dorm when it was still dark, and return before anyone else came back from class. Her roommate couldn't stop talking about the cute boy who lived opposite, and Sophie had no doubt that she was talking about Mark. His roommate looked like a troll.

Sophie tried to be invisible, keeping her hair down and hiding her face. That might keep her hidden from everyone else, but not to Mark. Never to Mark. She knew that. But it was worth a try. 

Chapter Posted on: Apr. 5. 2015

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Chapter 6: update soon~
i really love eleanor & park too! it's an amazing novel :))
kawaiimacaron #2
Update soon!