Chapter 8

You're My Friend, but I'm Your Enemy


After spending about a week in the hospital, he was released, and he finally returned home. This time around, he didn't bother with acknowledging his parents. They were in the kitchen again, chatting. And as usual, they stopped and stared when Jihoon was in their presence. He didn't look at them, nor did he say anything. "Jihoon, where have you been?" His mother asked as if she really cared. 

He started up the stairs but stopped to look at his parents. "I was in the hospital." He answered flatly. He saw that his mother looked worried. He couldn't tell if it was sincere or not, but what did it matter? He disappeared into the bathroom. If there was anything he needed to do more, it was shower. He didn't bother with turning on the light, since the window near the bathtub provided just enough light for him to see. He glanced at his reflection, refusing to stare for too long, because he hated more than anything, to look at himself. He turned his back on his reflection and stripped out of his clothes, and spent a long time in the shower. Once he finally got out, he walked across the hall and into his room. In there, was a simple setup. A bed, computer desk, and a TV. There wasn't much he wanted or needed in there. Oddly enough, he was sort of relieved to be home-in his own room. It was a comfortable place to be. He didn't have to worry about his parents bothering him, since they didn't want be bothered by him anyway. He sighed, and changed into a faded grey shirt that he should've thrown away long ago, but couldn't bring himself to do, and a pair of plaid pajama pants. He was beyond exhausted. It was near impossible for him to sleep in that hospital bed, and not to mention the fact the his fever came and went quite a few times up until he fully recovered. He pulled back the covers on his bed and wasted no time getting comfortable. Within minutes he was out cold.


Yukwon gathered his things from his locker, before stopping by each of Jihoon's classes to get the assignments that he missed. 

"Yes, can I help you?" Mr. Li asked as Yukwon entered the classroom. 

"I don't mean to bother you, I'm just here to get Jihoon's work that he missed." Yukwon nodded.

"Oh?" Mr. Li laughed a bit before flipping through a pile of papers. "How is he by the way? Do you know why he hasn't been in class?"

"He's been in the hospital for the past week, but I heard he gets released today, so I'm getting the work he's missed." 

"Hospital? Is he okay?" 

"Yes, sir. He has a bad fever, but I think he's okay now." 

"I hope he is. I do worry about him a lot." 


"I'm not sure. I guess its because he seems so lonely." Mr. Li nodded. "Are you a friend of his?" 

"Honestly, I think I'm more his love interest than anything." 

"Ah, so he likes you?" 

"At least that's what I think." Yukwon nodded, and found himself sitting a table as they talked. 

"I've heard not many students like him. Do you?" 

"Uh.." Yukwon laughed nervously, and nodded a bit. "I think so." 

Mr. Li handed Yukwon a bunch a papers and smiled. "Take care of him, please. I know I shouldn't be too concerned, but as a teacher, I want to see him work hard and get out of this school on time, so please, take good care of him." 

Yukwon took the papers from him. "I'll do my best, sir." Yukwon returned Mr. Li's smile and left the room.  He sighed heavily. "What am I gonna do?" He mumbled to himself. He came to realize that in the time he and Minhyuk spent together while Jihoon was in the hospital, that he held feelings for both of them. He was conflicted, and torn between the two.  He shook the though from his head and pulled a folded piece of paper from his pocket that had Jihoon's address written on it. Now was no time to sit and sulk. He had to see how Jihoon was doing- and delivering his school work was his way of doing that. Once he finally made it to Jihoon's house, he gently knocked on the door and waited. After a short while, a woman whom Yukwon assumed to be Jihoon's mother, came to the door. 

"Yes?" She asked politely, wiping her eyes as if she'd just finished crying.

"Hi, I'm just here to drop off Jihoon's schoolwork, and check to see if he's doing okay." Yukwon nodded with a small smile. "Is it alright if I come in?"

At first, she hesitated, but let him in nonetheless. "I think he's upstairs. His room is the first door on the left." She nodded, and disappeared into the living room, where she'd finish doing whatever it was she was doing.

What mother doesn't know where their kid is at all times? Yukwon thought to himself and he made his way up the stairs. He stood in front of Jihoon's door, hesitating to knock. He wasn't sure if he was ready to see Jihoon for the first time in a week, but he finally knocked anyway. "Jihoon?" Yukwon slowly opened the door after a few minutes had passed, and saw the red-head was asleep. Yukwon smiled and invited himself into the boy's room, shutting the door behind him. He set Jihoon's school work on the desk and pulled the computer chair to Jihoon's bedside. Yukwon didn't intend on waking him up, because he didn't look anything like he did last week. He looked relaxed, which was relieving to Yukwon. Instead of waking him, Yukwon watched as Jihoon's chest moved ever so slightly with every breath he drew in. He smiled at how Jihoon's damp hair clung to his forhead, making him look even more like a child than he already did. This boy meant a lot to Yukwon, and if he didn't, then he wouldn't have been there in his room, he wouldn't have been so concerned, and most importantly, he wouldn't have let Jihoon get away with kissing him. But, then there was Minhyuk, who never made a move on Yukwon, or even showed any signs of liking him, and yet, Yukwon still managed to have feelings for him. Maybe, he was clinging onto the fact that Minhyuk said he was interested in him. Or maybe it was because he seemed so caring and mature because he looked after Jihoon so well. Whatever it was, it was driving Yukwon insane. He sighed, and leaned over to gently push Jihoon's hair out of his face. He felt that maybe he should distance himself from the two, and as much as he didn't want to, ask his dear friend Kira for advice. After some time had passed, Yukwon stood and quietly left Jihoon's room. He walked down the stairs and was greeted by Jihoon's mother. 

"How's he doing?" She asked.

"He's sleeping, so I guess he's okay?" Yukwon nodded You're his mom, how don't you know how your own son is doing? Yukwon though to himself before bowing his head. "Thank you for letting me stop by." He smiled and took his leave.


I would have posted this chapter a lot sooner, but I had to put finishing the chapter on hold because I've had a really bad earache and it was hard for me to write anything. So, I hope you all aren't upset or anything! I know I don't make you guys wait too long but it feels like forever if I don't post a chapter within two days ^-^"

Anyways, I love you guys for sticking with me through this story <3

Also, if you want, follow me on tumblr and talk to me ^~^


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finally updating!! so sorry to keep you all waiting //sobs BUT I AM BACK SO DONT WORRY


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Chapter 12: KKK NO.... IT'S NOT GOING TO HAPPEN.... PLEASE DON'T..... *cries*
Chapter 11: I haven't read your other fanfic yet since this one is a prequel of it... It's sweet though... but it won't last AHAHAHAHA I don't feel sad at all AHAHAHAHHA keep updating :)
Misaitonya #3
Chapter 11: Awww so cute! Maybe now I can understand why P O was planting when he met Taeil... maybbe?
BookWormNerd #4
Chapter 11: Aww~ it's cute how Yukwon's mom ecstatic is when meeting Jihoonie~ :3
I'm happy that he and his mother are finally talking again! Someone he can finally depend on! :D
It gives me a warm felling inside~~ <3 *becomes a ball of feels*
Chapter 10: I really want to know how Kwonnie and Jihoon are going to break up with now hard feelings afterwards (I mean, Jihoon even ends up shipping Ubomb)... So happy to have you updating again ^^
ChocolateDragon #6
Chapter 10: This fic legit gives me so many feels <3 it's okay if you can't update really long chapters! I feel like this chapter deserved to be short in its own right, and I'm sooo glad Jihoon has at least one family member to depend upon! And there's Mr Li too :D but here's me being cautiously happy because i know sad things are gonna happen soon :( hope you update soon!
ChocolateDragon #7
Chapter 9: That moment when you realise the relationship isn't gonna work and more sad things are happening :( GODDAMNIT i hate angst but i love it so much its a tragedy
Also I hope this isn't too asking much, but in the epilogue you could perhaps write how exactly Yukwon and Minhyuk got together in the end! It'll be the perfect ending gyaaa and omg this fic isn't even going to end any time soon and I'm already asking these things ohhh god :P Can't wait for my heart to be thrown in a blender ahahaha don't worry it happens a lot
BookWormNerd #8
Chapter 9: KYA~!!! YOU'RE BACK~~! *jumps in excitement*
It's cute how Jihoonie and Yukwon are going to be a thing now! :3
But I know in the end it doesn't work out *depressed sigh* ;~;
Anyways~, glad to have you back, Author-nim~~! *hugs* :D
ChocolateDragon #9
Chapter 8: LOL earache... I'm sorry I shouldn't be finding this funny XD hope you're okay! but my god your writing is so captivating. You're constantly improving, and guess what, that takes practice. KEEP WRITING YO *peace sign*
BookWormNerd #10
Chapter 8: Good to see that Jihoonie is alright~ ^^
And it's cute that Yukwon is looking out for Jihoonie :3
Oh! Author-nim! I've got to tell you something!
If you update again in the next two days, I may not be able to comment on it like I usually do :(
I have a two day trip that I'm going to go with my symphonic orchestra for competition~ :D
And I don't know if the hotel we're staying at has wifi ;~;
So don't be worried~ ^^