Chapter 7

You're My Friend, but I'm Your Enemy

A few days had gone by, and Jihoon was no better. He had yet to return home, and he refused to go to Minhyuk for help. It was no doubt that the poor boy looked pathetic. How could he not? He was walking around wearing the same grey hoodie, and and black jeans he wore before his parents kicked him out. Not to mention the dark circles under his eyes, and the fact he looked paler than usual. He opted out of going to school, not just because he was feeling ill, but also because he didn't have the strength to move from under the bridge where he sitting. Though it was still a bit chilly out, he felt unbearably hot and he was even sweating. He dismissed it, figuring that it would pass and he'd be shivering in no time. But, as time passed, he didn't cool down. He continued to dismiss it- even the fact that he was starting to feel nauseous. "It's nothing.." He told himself. His voice was hoarse, which was, most likely, because of the sore throat he wouldn't admit he had. Let's face it, the poor boy was sick and he refused to seek help. Even if he wanted to seek it, he couldn't with how weak he was feeling. Not much time had passed before his vision began to go black. Poor Jihoon fell unconscious.


The fact that Jihoon was hostile towards him worried Yukwon, but what worried him even more was that he hadn't seen nor heard from Jihoon since. Something was wrong, and there was no way he'd be able to find out what it was by himself. So, he had no choice but to reach out to someone. That someone was Minhyuk. Since he didn't know Minhyuk's number, or even where he worked, he did know when the man lived, and that's where he headed. 

"Oh.. Hey, Yukwon." Minhyuk looked surprised once he answered the door. "What's up?"

"Have you heard anything from Jihoon?" Yukwon asked with a hint of worry in his voice.

"No, why?"

"He was acting weird the other day, so I asked him what was wrong, but he wouldn't tell me, and I haven't seen him around school since." 

Minkyuk was now just as worried as Yukwon- maybe even more. He knew that most likely, Jihoon fell out with his parents again. But, that didn't worry him as much as the fact that Jihoon didn't show up at his house like he normally would. Minhyuk set aside that worry for a moment, and drew in a deep breath. "Let's take a walk." He nodded.


Minhyuk shut the front door behind him, and began walking. "I'm assuming you don't know much about Jihoon's personal life," He started.

"No, I don't." Yukwon confirmed.

"Well... he probably won't like that I'm about to tell you all this," He pursed his lips for a moment, not sure if he wanted to say what the truth was. "He's constantly stressed because of his parents. They basically treat him like , because he's gay. I think that's why he changed a lot of things about himself, like the way he acts, and not to mention his hair. They're also the reason why he skips school a lot. Well, not just them. From what I remember, the people at school were giving him too, but I don't know if that's the case now. He's just really stressed out, I guess."

"I had no idea.." Yukwon looked at the ground as they walked.

"Yep, and he fights with his dad a lot." Minhyuk nodded. "His mom doesn't say much of anything to him, and always takes his dad's side when they fight. I feel like if I would've never went to see him that day... he would've kept it a secret from me."

"So, maybe that's why..." Yukwon  was sadden by this information. "But, he's always smiling when I see him."

"Probably because he's either glad he's not home, or he's hiding that he's hurting." Minhyuk shoved his hands in his pockets. "He's a pretty strong guy, though. Anybody would be lucky to be with him. I mean, he has problems, but all in all, he's a good guy."

"He doesn't derserve that at all. He seems like he's so sweet."

Minhyuk snickered. "He is. He really is amazing, but he doesn't think so."

As they were approaching their destination, they saw that a certain someone had beat them there. Yukwon looked at Minhyuk, who only stared at the bright-haired boy in the distance. They had yet to notice that he was not conscious until they got closer and saw the boy slumped over. The two approached him slowly, assuming he was sleeping. 

"Hey, Jihoon. Wake up, idiot." Minhyuk knelt down to nudge the boy. "Yukwon was worried sick about you." When Jihoon wasn't waking up, Minhyuk lightly slapped the boy's cheeks, trying to wake him. Minhyuk then felt how warm Jihoon was, and tried his best not to panic for the sake of Yukwon. ".. he's not conscious." He said louder than he had hoped.

"What? What do you mean he's not conscious?" Yukwon was now kneeling beside Minhyuk, worried for Jihoon.

"He's burning up, and god, he's sweating bullets." Minhyuk sighed heavily. "The idiot's got a fever."

"But, how?"

"Now's not the time for questions. Help me get him on my back." Minhyuk commanded. "Good thing there's a hospital nearby, huh?"


The two waited patiently for Jihoon to finally wake up, which didn't take very long

"Is he gonna be okay?" Yukwon looked up with hopeful eyes, when Minhyuk returned to the waiting room after leaving Jihoon's room. 

"He's fine. They got his temperature down, so now they're just waiting for him to wake up." Minhyuk nodded and sat next to Yukwon, who was starting to look distraught.

"If I would have picked up that something was seriously wrong sooner, then I would have been able to tell you, so all of this could have been avoided." Yukwon sighed heavily. "What if he hates me? What if he actually wanted me to help him but I didn't, and what if he hates me because of that?" 

Minhyuk gently set his hand on top of Yukwon's and smiled reassuringly when their eyes met. "I know for a fact that he won't hate you. In fact, I've not once heard him say he hated anyone. He's not capable of having anyone. Not even his parents. So, you're fine."

"Are you sure?" Yukwon tried to ignore his skin burning from Minhyuk's touch. 

"I'm positive." Minhyuk nodded. He knew that it probably wasn't the best idea to have his hand resting on top of Yukwon's, for obvious reasons, but he couldn't bring himself to move it. For the first time, Minhyuk and Jihoon were attracted to the same person, and that was not a good thing. Minhyuk and Yukwon stared at one another for a long time. It was obvious to anyone who didn't know them, that they were probably madly in love with one another. Maybe that was the case. Maybe not. Maybe there was some misunderstanding. But, there was definitely no misunderstanding the stares that were exchanged between the two. 

"I hope I'm not interrupting." 

Looking away from each other, the two cleared their throats and shifted awkwardly in their seats, trying to make it seem as if nothing happened. Minhyuk looked up to see a doctor standing in front of them with a sweet smile on her face. "How is he?" Minhyuk asked.

"He's doing fine. You two can go in, he's awake now." 

Minhyuk wasted no time with thanking the doctor. He practically jogged to Jihoon's room, leaving Yukwon trailing behind. When he walked in the room, he saw Jihoon was sitting up and staring out the window. "Jihoon.." 


Jihoon continued to stare blankly out the window and asked, "Why are you here?" 

"Because, we're your friends." Minhyuk answered. 

"And, we're worried, Jihoon." Yukwon added.


"No one asked you to be worried." Jihoon finally turned to see the two standing incredibly close to one another. Of course, it probably meant nothing to anyone else, but to Jihoon, he didn't like the sight. Maybe it was just him being possessive, like Minhyuk said. Or, maybe he was just sensing something before it had the chance to happen. Whatever it was, it began to make Jihoon even angrier than he already was. "I really don't want to be bothered right now." He said before coughing a few times. 

"Jihoon, please. We're worried about you." Yukwon repeated. 

"Then worry somewhere else. Leave me alone." Jihoon stated. "Maybe you two should've been like my parents and not have shown up." 


"Why're you being so mean?" Yukwon asked.

"You really wanna know why?" Jihoon glared at the two.

"Can you step out for a moment?" Minhyuk asked Yukwon, because he knew that Jihoon most likely didn't want Yukwon to see him like that, even though he'd never admit it. 

Yukwon nodded hesitantly and left the room without question. 

"Talk to me." Minhyuk pulled a chair from the other side of the room to Jihoon's bedside. 

"What's there to even talk about? What's the point in talking?" 

"Tell me, why are you being so hostile?"

"Because, I'm tired, Minhyuk. I'm tired of my parents, I'm tired of school, and I'm tired of you." Jihoon looked down at his hands. "You're my best friend, but its hard when everyone knows and likes you, while they don't even know I exsist. You act like its no big deal, but it really is. No one likes me, because they're too busy fawning over you, and none of my relationships last because of you."

"Jihoon, you gotta understand that I'm not doing it purposely to screw you over." 

"Yeah, I beg to differ. You and Yukwon were a bit close just now." 

"Because, we're worried about you, Idiot! I don't like him, okay?"

"Bull, Minhyuk. You said, at your party, that you were interested in him just as much as I was. And, stop saying you're worried about me! I don't need anyone's pity." The red-head scoffed. "So, if you want him, have him. I don't care. But, I don't wanna talk to either of you any more." 

"What? What are you even saying? You like him, right? So, I said I'll back off and I'll keep my word."

"It wouldn't even matter. He'll still end up choosing you over me anyway." Jihoon sighed. "Please leave." 


"Leave!" Jihoon shouted.

Minhyuk sat there for a moment. He wanted to stay and at least get a smile out of his friend, but it was obvious that wouldn't happen. Jihoon was in too dark of a mood to even think about smiling, and if he wanted Minhyuk to leave him alone, then Minhyuk would comply. He bowed his head and left the room. He hoped that his friend would be able to recover safely.



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finally updating!! so sorry to keep you all waiting //sobs BUT I AM BACK SO DONT WORRY


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Chapter 12: KKK NO.... IT'S NOT GOING TO HAPPEN.... PLEASE DON'T..... *cries*
Chapter 11: I haven't read your other fanfic yet since this one is a prequel of it... It's sweet though... but it won't last AHAHAHAHA I don't feel sad at all AHAHAHAHHA keep updating :)
Misaitonya #3
Chapter 11: Awww so cute! Maybe now I can understand why P O was planting when he met Taeil... maybbe?
BookWormNerd #4
Chapter 11: Aww~ it's cute how Yukwon's mom ecstatic is when meeting Jihoonie~ :3
I'm happy that he and his mother are finally talking again! Someone he can finally depend on! :D
It gives me a warm felling inside~~ <3 *becomes a ball of feels*
Chapter 10: I really want to know how Kwonnie and Jihoon are going to break up with now hard feelings afterwards (I mean, Jihoon even ends up shipping Ubomb)... So happy to have you updating again ^^
ChocolateDragon #6
Chapter 10: This fic legit gives me so many feels <3 it's okay if you can't update really long chapters! I feel like this chapter deserved to be short in its own right, and I'm sooo glad Jihoon has at least one family member to depend upon! And there's Mr Li too :D but here's me being cautiously happy because i know sad things are gonna happen soon :( hope you update soon!
ChocolateDragon #7
Chapter 9: That moment when you realise the relationship isn't gonna work and more sad things are happening :( GODDAMNIT i hate angst but i love it so much its a tragedy
Also I hope this isn't too asking much, but in the epilogue you could perhaps write how exactly Yukwon and Minhyuk got together in the end! It'll be the perfect ending gyaaa and omg this fic isn't even going to end any time soon and I'm already asking these things ohhh god :P Can't wait for my heart to be thrown in a blender ahahaha don't worry it happens a lot
BookWormNerd #8
Chapter 9: KYA~!!! YOU'RE BACK~~! *jumps in excitement*
It's cute how Jihoonie and Yukwon are going to be a thing now! :3
But I know in the end it doesn't work out *depressed sigh* ;~;
Anyways~, glad to have you back, Author-nim~~! *hugs* :D
ChocolateDragon #9
Chapter 8: LOL earache... I'm sorry I shouldn't be finding this funny XD hope you're okay! but my god your writing is so captivating. You're constantly improving, and guess what, that takes practice. KEEP WRITING YO *peace sign*
BookWormNerd #10
Chapter 8: Good to see that Jihoonie is alright~ ^^
And it's cute that Yukwon is looking out for Jihoonie :3
Oh! Author-nim! I've got to tell you something!
If you update again in the next two days, I may not be able to comment on it like I usually do :(
I have a two day trip that I'm going to go with my symphonic orchestra for competition~ :D
And I don't know if the hotel we're staying at has wifi ;~;
So don't be worried~ ^^