The Cake Disaster

We Got Married (Top & Kim Ha Neul (fictional character) )


COEX Mall.


The staff is busy placing the mike over Top and my cloths. Cameraman and WGM staffs are everywhere now.

There are at least 3 cameras covering each angle.

“I need to buy a cake for Tae Yeon onni.” I said to one of the staff.

‘It’s her birthday today, is it?” she asked while applying some make up on me.

I nodded.

“They are throwing a surprise party for her tonight.” I continued.

“Oh!” she beamed at me. “We can do recording then in your dorm!” she said excitedly.

“Errr….” I shrugged. “I am not sure, Onni.”

I feel guilty having to tell that Onni about the surprise party.

“Or maybe not.” She said after seeing the exchanged of expression on my face.

“Ahhh Onni. Mian hae.” I said sweetly.

“Are we all set? Top’s ready.” Said one of the male staff.

“Yup, yup. She’s ready too!” said that Onni, still applying a little bit of blusher to my face.

“There, you’re done!” she smiled, and quickly putting away her makeup stuff.

“Thanks, Onni. I’ll see you later.”

With that, I quickly went to the PD who was talking to Top. Great, found him.

I smiled and walked hurriedly towards the two men.

“Oh, Ha Neul~aa. You’re all set?” said Hyun Won.

I nodded sweetly. “Ehm!”

“So, what do we do today?” Top asked the PD.

“Today will be like your first date. Just hang around at the mall. Perhaps, for one or two hour. Again, do whatever you want.” Hyun Won smiled warmly.

“I need to get a cake for one of my member. It’s her birthday today.” I said, looking back and forth to those two men.

“Great. Perfect!” beamed Hyun Won. ‘Something to do, right?” he laughed.

“We’re ready.” said the head cameraman.

“Oh, okay.” replied Hyun Won. “You guys can start now.” He smiled at Top and I before vanishing into the sea of staff.

“A cake?” Top said, looking at me.

“Yup. Do you know where I can get a really good one?” I asked, looking around the shops.

‘Well, there’s one shop particularly. I’m not sure if they have it in this mall.” Said Top as if he was trying to look for the Mall’s Map somewhere.

“Ahhhh! Found it!”

He took my hand and led me to a huge iPhone sculpture that contains the Mall’s Map and functions electronically.

‘Whoa....’ I said to myself.

“Let’s see,” Top started to type in words into the mega iPhone sculpture.

I sneaked around Top’s shoulder to see what he is typing.

Cake Wonderland.

“Your luck. Third floor, South wing.” Top smiled, happily.

“They have the best cakes there.” said a male staff loudly, and accidentally.

Both Top and I looked at the male staff before bursting out laughing. The staffs were laughing as well.

“Let’s go then.” I beamed at Top.


Cake Wonderland.


“This is the best cake shop EVER!” I screamed happily seeing tons and tons of cakes decorated throughout the shop.

I really was acting like a small kid who gets really excited at the sight of sugar.

“I didn’t know such place existed!” I said, still smiling widely.

‘Well, thanks to me, now you do.” says Top.

I turned around to face him and put my arm around his shoulder.

“Thanks. You’re the best husband EVER!!!” I smiled happily.

Top looked at me weirdly. He laughed.

“Well,” he cleared his throat. “Figures.”

Suddenly, a young female worker came and approaches us.

“Welcome to Cake Wonderland. How can I help you?” she smiled brightly, flashing her braces teeth.

“We’re looking for a birthday cake.” Top says, shortly, sounding professional all of a sudden.

“A special one!” I added, sounded like a kid.

“Okay,” she let out a friendly laugh. “How would you like to decorate your own cake, then?” she suggested.

Top and I exchanged look.

“That is something new. Let’s try it then!” I jumped a little, overly excited exposed.

Top gave me a look.

 “What did I put in your tea this morning? Or were you always this hyper?” asked Top, his eyes were looking all over at me.

“There is a lot more,” I paused to follow the female worker, as Top does too. “-that you still don’t know about me.” I smiled, playfully.






2 hours later…….


“It’s a disaster.” I said, looking regretfully at the cake we’ve just decorated.

“What?” Top said looking unbelievable. “I did a great job at doing this! Right, now I’m completely sure of my baking skills.” He said, proudly while admiring the cake.

“You didn’t bake the cake. You decorated it, ONLY.” I said.

“You didn’t bake the cake. You decorated it, only” Top mocked me.

I looked at him with some weird expression.

He laughed. “I think we’re done.”

“Are you sure this is okay?” I looked at the cake again.

It does seem a little bit plain though, but classy. And flowery.

“Hold on,” Top said. He wipes his hands again with wet tissues Eun Hye(the female worker) left us.

And then he runs his pinky fingers through the cake and tasted the creamy icing.

My mouthed dropped, shocked.

What did he just do??????

“YAHHH!!!!!” I screamed out loud, smacking his shoulder.

Top looked surprised and jerked back a little.

“What’s wrong?” he asked as if nothing happen.

“What’s wrong you ask?” I said in disbelief. “Look what have you done to the cake!” I pointed at the cake.

Top looked at the ruined cake. Then he looked at his pinky fingers. Finally, he turned and looked at my furious face.


B L A N K   E X P R E S S I O N. 



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sekaibreath #1
LoveLab #2
Chapter 10: so hot hot ho!
Hmm why is 2NE1 seemed like a sensitive topic to TOP?
Yes and he is super hot it and woah guess 2ne1 is a touchy topic for him I wonder why
really? yeah~ :DD<br />
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ooh and nice update ~ ^^
AzizaKzm #6
i like Beast too. ;D
oohooh~ im don't know about it ><<br />
maybe because im too addicted to B2ST and Boyfriend :3
AzizaKzm #8

I didn't if you guys have seen this (or maybe I'm just really slow aka not up to date) but..have you guys watch Big Bang's commercial of North Face? TOP looks extremely hot in it! :D<br />
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AzizaKzm #9

I didn't if you guys have seen this (or maybe I'm just really slow aka not up to date) but..have you guys watch Big Bang's commercial of North Face? TOP looks extremely hot in it! :D<br />
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aah~ cute XD<br />
update sooon~~~~ *whined*