The Secret is out!

We Got Married (Top & Kim Ha Neul (fictional character) )


“Yah !” yelled Tae Yeon suddenly as she sat next to me. “What are you doing?”

“Nothing. Just doing some reading.” I replied with a smile.

Tae Yeon let out a smirk laugh. “Are you sure? Yah, dongsaeng~aa. I know you very well. You’re nervous aren’t you?” She looked me in the eye.

“No. No. No no no no, why should I be nervous about?” I covered my face with the magazine I was reading in.

Please, Onni, please don’t bring up that topic. Please, please, please, plea-

“Of course she’s nervous, Tae Yeon. Tomorrow’s the big day!” came Jessica out of nowhere.

Where the hell did she come from??? I put down my magazine quickly to find Jessica sitting on the table across me. She put on a smile in her face. She places her right hand to her chin.

“So, who do you think your husband going to be? Jun Hyung? Seu long? K.Will~shii?” she teased me with some of the male singers that I fancies.

“Aniya, Onni!!” I said, in full denial. I looked at both of my SNSD onnies through the magazine.

 Then I sighed. “I don’t know.” I said, putting down the K-Pop weekly magazine. I rest my head on the hand rest on the couch. This We Got Married programme really got me stressed up.

“Why do you look so depressed? You supposed to be happy! This season’s husbands list is among the hot and young artist. There’s nothing to be worried about. Unless, if they changed the plan and they arranged you with somehow, an older ahjusshi.” Said Tae Yeon.

“Hmm, that would be, err…not really, cute?” said Jessica to Tae Yeon.

I looked at both of them. Sigh again.

“Can I not think about it? Let’s just go with the flow.” I suggested, with the hope that they might drop the topic.

“Oh! Are we talking about Ha Neul’s future husband??” said Hyo Yeon suddenly, sitting down on the floor, next to Jessica. “I wanna join in!” She said happily.

“I bet it’s going to be Jun Hyung~shii, from Beast. You know how they like to make up scandal between Ha Neul and Jun Hyung since the “coffee” incident.” Said Soo Young suddenly.

I looked behind my back, and saw Soo Young, who looked really bright with her yellow clothing today. Why do these Onnies like to appear so suddenly????

“Where do you come from?” Tae Yeon, Jessica and Hyo Yeon said all together, looking at Soo Young, shocked with her presence.

“I thought you have a Strong Heart filming today, with Yuri and Seo Hyun.” said Hyo Yeon, still looking up towards Soo Young, one of her closest friends in SNSD.

“Yeah, I went for the filming, shot the filming, and the filming ends. And here I am. Back in my dorm. What is so surprising about that?” Soo Young said, cleverly.

“Okay, okay. Let’s get back to the topic.” said Jessica, switching her focus back towards me.

“There’s nothing to talk about, Sica~Onni.” I said, weakly.

“Why are you like this? You’re not yourself, the bubbly and cheerful Ha Neul that we know.” Said Hyo Yeon.

Tae Yeon, Jessica and Soo Yound nodded, agreeing with Hyo Yeon.

I looked at all of them.

“I’m scared. I’m scared if it’s not going to work. I’m not good in acting, you guys know that well, don’t you.”

I sighed. “Remember the Horror Factory thing? Remember how I messed up everything?” I said trying to bring up the horrible memories of the reality show called Horror Factory.

“Ugh.” Hyo Yeon responded, perhaps already replaying that memory in hear head.

“You’re right. That was pretty messed up.”

“See!” I said, tossing my hands in the air, and slammed my body on the couch.

“But that is not the point.” Said, Tae Yeon. “This time, it is not acting, it’s real. All you have to do is, be yourself.” She said, touching my hands.

I looked at her. A smiled appeared on her cute face. A confident smile. The kind of smile she always give us right before we went on stage to perform. Then, I looked over at Soo Young, she was also smiling at me, while sipping water from her bottle.

I sighed. Maybe they are right. Maybe I should try and look at the positive things that might happen later.

“So,” I said, looking back at Jessica and Hyo Yeon. “Who do you think will be my-”

I didn’t even get to finish my sentences when Hyo Yeon raised her hands on the air and clapped it together.

“I know, I know!” she yelled, still clapping her hands. “Rain!”

“Don’t be ridiculous, Hyo Yeon. He’s not even in the list!” Jessica said, shaking her head.

“Maybe, JunHyung. Soo Young is right. The possibilities of Ha Neul to pair up with Jun Hyung~shii is high. It might be him.” Jessica continued.

“Or maybe Jong Hyun~shii from CN Blue.”

“You don’t think they’re going to pair up another CN Blue and SNSD together, after YongHwa and Seo Hyun, right?” Tae Yeon said.

“Yeah, you are right. Who else then?” Jessica sighed.

“It’s a Big Bang member.” Seo hyun yelled from the kitchen.

All of us switch our heads to the kitchen. Seo Hyun walked in to the living room with a mug full of Hot Chocolate in her hand. “It’s a Big Bang member.” She said, sitting between me and Tae Yeon.

“How do you know it’s a Big Bang member?” I said, curiously.

“Onni,” she took a sip of her hot chocolate. “YongHwa and I were on the set the other day. And I heard the managers were talking about you and that guy.”

“Which one?” Jessica and Hyo Yeon said together.

“I don’t know. They didn’t mention the name.”

“Hmm..” Tae Yeon said, thoughtfully. “That is huge. I mean, YG Entertainment hardly send any of their artists to variety show. Hardly.”

“Except for Family Outing.” I said. “Daesung is in it.”

Daesung happens to be in the Family Outing, with me as well. And every weekend the ‘family’ would go somewhere and we get to spend the whole weekend together with the rest of the family member.

“Could it be their leader then, G-Dragon?” said Soo Young, interrupting my thoughts.

I looked at her. It might be.

“Or Tae Yang~shii!” said Tae Yeon, clapping her hands. “He’s a good guy.”

“No, no.” Jessica disagree. “Too nice for Ha Neul.”

“Hey!!!!” I said, in disbelief.

‘You know how Ha Neul is. She may be this quiet right know, and the next thing you know she’ll be doing pranks with Hyo Yeon and Soo Young.” Jessica laughed.

We all laughed hard. I throw the small pillow I was holding to Jessica, still laughing.

“I know! Daesung! Dae sung is Ha Neul’s future husband!” Hyo Yeon said, half standing with the facial expression as if she just found a cure for cancer. Looking clever and all.

“Hyo Yeon!!!!!!” all of us yelled her name out loud.

“Dae Sung is a like a dongsaeng to Ha Neul onni.” Said Seo Hyun, shaking her head.

“Okay, okay. Maybe not.” Hyo Yeon said, sitting back again.

“That leaves us with the maknae..and the hyung, Seungri~shii and-”

“- Seung Hyun~shii. TOP.” I continued Tae Yeon’s sentences.

TOP. G-Dragon. Dae Sung? Nah..Obviously it won’t be Dae Sung. Hmmm...Tae Yang? Or Seungri~shii?

I shaked my head really hard.

“What’s wrong with you, Onni?” Seo Hyun said, looking at me.

“You know what?” I said, standing up. “I don’t care. I don’t give a damn who my husband going to be. I’m just going to go with the flow.”

“Even if you were paired up with a really really old ahjusshi?” said Tae Yeon, trying not to laugh.


Tae Yeon burst out laughing. ‘Whatttt?????” she said in innocent tone.

“Oh, by the way, onni.” Seo Hyun said, looking at me. “You do know that they are going to announce your marriage right after the Music Bank, right?”

I nodded, “Yeah. They might be doing it like yours. Send me to YG building or something.” I said as I walked to the kitchen.

“” Seo Hyun said shortly.

“Then, how are they going to do it?” Soo Young asked.

“After the Music Bank. Like, really after they announced this week winners. They are going to do it on the stage, along with the singers and audience.” Seo Hyun said calmly.

Tae Yeon and Jessica’s mouthed dropped open. Hyo Yeon’s facial expression changed into a weird one, and Soo Young spit on her water that she just drank.

“WHAT????????????!!!!!” all of them said together.

While I, who was in the kitchen, making tea, couldn’t help but to yell out my inner feelings.


Could it get any worse?!!!



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sekaibreath #1
LoveLab #2
Chapter 10: so hot hot ho!
Hmm why is 2NE1 seemed like a sensitive topic to TOP?
Yes and he is super hot it and woah guess 2ne1 is a touchy topic for him I wonder why
really? yeah~ :DD<br />
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ooh and nice update ~ ^^
AzizaKzm #6
i like Beast too. ;D
oohooh~ im don't know about it ><<br />
maybe because im too addicted to B2ST and Boyfriend :3
AzizaKzm #8

I didn't if you guys have seen this (or maybe I'm just really slow aka not up to date) but..have you guys watch Big Bang's commercial of North Face? TOP looks extremely hot in it! :D<br />
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AzizaKzm #9

I didn't if you guys have seen this (or maybe I'm just really slow aka not up to date) but..have you guys watch Big Bang's commercial of North Face? TOP looks extremely hot in it! :D<br />
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aah~ cute XD<br />
update sooon~~~~ *whined*