“Because she’s Yein.”



Sorry for havng late update. I've been to busy watching AUTUMN'S CONCERTO. Guys, it's a must watch drama, and i think, most of you knows it already. But, I just can't stop thinking about it. Vanness Wu FTW! :) ♥




The next few days, Jaejoong went back to the old him. He tries everything he can just to visit Yein just like what he used to do.

At the coffee shop, Yein and Jaejoong were inside the office talking.

“What are you going to do this Christmas?” Yein asked.

“We actually have a performance so we planned to spend Christmas with each other and we’ll go home the day after.” Jae said.

Yein’s phone received a text message.

Me and Siwon are going there. Prepare something yummy.~


“Oppa! Donghae Oppa and Siwon Oppa will come. Wait here. I’ll ask for something to eat from the staff.”

Yein went outside.

‘Siwon will arrive.’ Jaejoong tought then Yein entered the room again.

“I haven’t seen Siwon Oppa for quite some time now.” Yein said as she sat down on her chair and look the picture on her phone. (Her phonce background photo was a picture of her and Siwon while Siwon arms were around her.)

“You miss him?”

“Ofcourse!” Yein said then stood up. She walked back and forth while Jae was looking at her.

“You know what oppa, I never thought that Siwon Oppa and I were going to be together. I never expected that he’ll like me too.” Yein said as she sat beside Jaejoong at the sofa.

“Me too.” Jae said. Yein looked at him with a what-do-you-mean look. “He was never the kind of guy who will date a friend’s sister. He wasn’t interested on girls that have the same career as he does. He’ll always go for the simple ones. ” Then Jae looked at her. “But I can see what he liked about you.”

Yein smiled at him. “You speak like you know him too well oppa. You two don’t seem to be close.”

“I’m kinda observant around the people I talk to and before debut, we kinda hanged out a lot.”

“Tell me everything you know about him.” Yein said. Jae looked at her then looked at the window.

“He’s picky when it comes to girls, he will tell us that we should be careful on who to meet. He tries his best in everything he do, like in performances, he may not be the best, but he gives his all. He’s serious about this job that he doesn’t want to ruin his image.” Jaejoong stood up. “He’s living a perfect life. He has a loving family, a great career and..” Jae sat infront of Yein, “the most wonderful girl a guy can have.” Yein smiled at him.

Then Donghae and Siwon knocked at the door and came in, they saw Jaejoong sitting in front of Yein holding her hand. Yein quickly stood up and Jae also. Donghae smiled and Siwon looked away.

Jaejoong saw Siwon looking away; he just sat on the sofa again and looked down.

“Oppa. You’re here. It’s a good thing you came to visit.” Yein said as he hugged Donghae. Siwon closed the door.

“Hey. You look sad.” Yein went close to him; she used her hands to make Siwon’s lips form a smile. “What’s wrong?”

Siwon hugged her then held her head and kissed her forehead. “Nothing. I’m just tired.” He put on a smile.

The four of them started talking with each other. Siwon and Jaejoong were kind of in an awkward situation but they smile at each other. Donghae noticed the two but he just let it go, and for Yein, she doesn’t seem to know anything.

The whole time they were talking, Yein seemed to give more attention on Jaejoong than Siwon even though they were sitting together. Siwon didn’t mind it because he thought maybe they have just missed out so much of each other. But one thing caught Siwon’s attention.

“I’m glad that this past few days, Jaejoong Oppa will always go here just to hang out. Actually, he’s like also running this place, not like Yunho oppa who comes here just twice a week.” Yein said to Donghae and Siwon.

Siwon looked at Jae and Jae did the same. Siwon was the one who looked away first. Donghae saw what happened.

Siwon stood up. “Hae. I think we need to go.” He said while grabbing his jacket.

“What? I thought you don’t have any schedule anymore oppa?” Yein said.

“We need to go.” Siwon was looking at Donghae.

“You don’t need to go. I’ll go.” Jae said and stood up.

“What? All of you want to go?” Yein looked at the three. “Then go!” Yein looked away.

Siwon was about to go near her, but Jaejoong went first.

Donghae looked at Siwon’s disappointed face; he pulled him and said, “Yein, we’re going first.” Siwon made a last look at Yein and Yein was also looking at him.


With Donghae and Siwon.They were riding Siwon’s car back to their dorm.

“You okay?” Donghae asked.

Siwon didn’t answer.

“By the way Jae looks at her….” Donghae stopped because Siwon stopped the car.

“He likes her.” Siwon said. “And, I think, she also likes him.”

“She’s not like that.” Donghae said.

“How can you be so sure?”

“Because she’s Yein.” Donghae looked down, doesn’t know what to say.

“Yeah. She’s Yein. She has her ways. Everyone likes her.” Siwon said and paused. “And he’s Jaejoong, the person who can get all he wants; money, fame, fortune, Yein.”

“Don’t say such things Siwon.”

Siwon shouted. “But it’s all darn true. You’ve seen everything right? They’re making the fool out of me in there. Why would he do such things like visit her almost every day, he was holding Yein’s hand right in front of us when we entered, he also went up to her while she’s angry but he knows that I’m there. What the hell do you think he’s doing?”

“They are bestfriends.” Donghae said.

“and I’m her boyfriend.” Siwon said in a low tone.

“Let’s not talk about this Siwon, I’m sorry I opened it up.” Donghae said.


At Yein and Jaejoong.

“He left.” Yein said.

“I’m sorry. It’s all my fault.” Jae said.

“It’s not. It’s mine.” Yein said.

“No. I shouldn’t have gone to you in the first place. Siwon must be the one staying here now.”

“But he left.”

“I know he doesn’t want to. Yein, I’m really sorry.”

“Oppa, I don’t want to have misunderstandings with him.”

“I think, we both need to say our apologies to him.”

Jaejoong decided to go home as well after that.


To : Choi Siwon

Let’s talk. Tomorrow. 9AM.




Thank you for everyone leaving a comment. :) I really appreciate it. I hope, i don't disappoint you guys, with the outcome of the story. :>

New Year's already near. I hope you guys had an awesome 2011 and have a great 2012. :)

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Jaelyntastic #2
yeah Jaefany ^^
YAY!!!! I love this pairing XD
Yay !! Finally Jaefany <333
ooohhh Jae please tell Fany that you could srsly go out with her.
AyraLovesKibum #7
jae and fany? cute couple :) like in haptic :))
awwww hyo don't be sad!
Ok I give up, Siwon/Yein will work for me too. Thanks for updating!!
sihaebiased #10
i really love this story<br />
i want to see yein and jaejoong together<br />