A White Rose - Orientation

A White Rose -

Chapter 4: Sunday, November 6 8:02PM

E-Young's P.O.V:

Gosh, Daesung is so nice. Look at him right now. So freaking adorable! He's so consumed into what the spokesperson is saying. Just some old dude who's like 40, not really interesting. Look at Daesung, though!

After the old man got off, a REALLY hot young dude came on. I guess the older man was his Appa. They look kind of alike. The young man introduced himself as Tae Yang, so thats probably how his Appa named the school. Wait, did I hear correctly? I'm going to be in the same school as that FINE PIECE OF MAN!? OH MY GOD! Here's what he looks like, so hot *-*

His eye smile made me blush, and Daesung looked over at me. "Daesung-ssi! Who is that!? OMO HE'S SO HOT!" I whispered. "That's my friend Tae Yang, the dude who this school is named after. And stop with the formalities, you can just call me Oppa."

"Um, Oppa, is over there where we look at our home rooms and classes and see who we have them with?" I asked, seeing everyone go over there. He squinted then answered me, "Yeah, how did you know? Let's go." He stood up and grabbed my hand as we walked over there.

"Oppa! I see Tae Yang coming!" I quickly hid behind Daesung, being embarassed about what I was wearing. "Do you think I can go home and change really quick and come back? It'll take 5 minutes, 10 at the most!" 

"That's stupid, Yi Young. You look great."

"Call me E-Young, and no I don't. Do you see everyone else? I stick out so much. OMO! THERE'S TAEYANG! I'LL BE BACK DAESUNG-SS- ER, I MEAN OPPA!" I ran to my apartment in record time, 3 minutes. I looked in my closet for the most elegant outfit I have and I came up with this: Silver flats with jewels at the foot, my silver necklace with pink hearts and a little figure at the bottom that Umma made for me, and my classy pink dress that's perfect for today. It looks like this:

The weather pretty much lightened up so I felt it'd be good. And I changed, and looked perfect all in 3 minutes. That's a total of 6 minutes, now it'll take me 3 minutes to run back.

After I got back, I felt great. Daesung must've seen me walk in, because I heard him say "E-Young! Over here!" But as I looked up over at him, I saw Taeyang right next to him. CRAP. I couldn't just leave, though, cause I didn't get my schedule. I strutted over there, tripping like three times but still looking confident. I kept looking for Minzy and didn't see her; thank god. 

"Hey Daesung-ssi!" I said, cheerfully. Daesung got close up to my face and said, "Wow, you look amazing, and I told you to call me oppa. This is Taeyang, I bought him to meet you." I whispered back, "What?! He's so hot and rich and stuff and I'm so disgusting why is he over here he should be doing important things." But Taeyang chimed in, "Um.. I'm gonna go.." "WAIT!" me and Daesung said at the same time, then I stepped up.

I was gonna try to meet him but I was too scared. "Uh.. Can you show me where my schedule is? My last name is Noh."

"Sure!" he smiled. Ugh, his eyesmile is adorable. "Right over here. First name?" he asked, looking at the schedules. "U-um.. Yi Young.." "Found it!" he held up the schedule.

"Yi Young Noh! Right here. Looks like you and Daesung over there have all your classes together, and you have about three with me! Daesung will show you around and for the three you have with me, I'll take over. Also, don't forget that school starts tomorrow! Wear something nice and casual, no need to dress up, kekeke. But before I go, what's your phone number? We can text and be friends!" 

OH MY GOD IS THIS REAL. I gave him my phone number then Daesung drove me home and stayed for a bit. 

"So uh, I see you gave Taeyang your phone number." Daesung made puffy cheeks and moved back and forth in his seat.

"Yeah, he asked. Kind of caught me off guard, kekeke." Daesung looked kind of sad. "What's wrong?" 

"Oh, nothing.. You just didn't give me your number yet.."

"Oh, MIAN OPPA!" I entered my phone number in his phone. "Text me or call any time~"

Daesung left at about 10:00PM because we both needed sleep after this long day. He stayed and we watched TV and talked and got to know each other. Nice to know that there's SOME nice, rich people. Taeyang and Daesung are definitely on the list!

As for Minzy.. She can just stay out of my life. She doesn't know anything about my family, and I don't plan on telling her, or Daesung. Even though Daesung is the nice type that won't just blurt it out, and even though he's my Oppa, it still doesn't feel right venting all of my problem to some stranger. 

I put on some basic pajamas and went to sleep. I can't wait to start school, tomorrow~

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Love your story so far! Hope you keep updating!:)