Fated To Love You

P/S: Sorry guys, I kinda took longer time than I expecting updating this story. But here you go. Enjoy, don't forget to leave a comment. So that I can improve in the next chapter. 




" It is like a routine for you to hangout at the Han River every Friday evening, listening to your favorite songs, enjoying coffee and sandwich. You like to draw, so Han River is the best place for you to be inspire while observing other people strolling along the side walk. Unlike other Friday, today is a bit noisy, because there are couple of teenagers (assuming) playing basketball nearby. While lose in oneself, drawing and sipping hot Americano, suddenly something strong hit behind your head, coffee spill on your thigh and drawing book...."


POV (Mark, Jackson, Bam Bam, JB)

"Team MarkSon gonna bring the trophy home tonight! Yeeah!!" Jackson said enthusiastically to Mark before joining in their knuckles. "Yeah baby!" Mark reply with a confident smirk on his face. "Hey, you, watch out" signaling to Bam Bam
"Ahh hyung, you have so many win already, give me chance this one time, please~" Bam Bam pleaded

"Yah! Bam Bam, what are you trying to do?" JB snorted. Jackson and Mark just giggle looking at their helpless maknae.

"Bam Bam-ah, stop it. I gonna help you win, trust me on this" JB and his confident level

"Really hyung? You are not bluffing are you?" Bam Bam chuckle, testing his teammates.

"Watch and learn" JB answer without losing his cool leader image, dribbling the ball and hops, showing of his shooting style, assuring Bam Bam.

"Yahh~ so cool. OK HYUNG!! I believe you" Bam Bam sounded so happy

"Yah! BRING IT ON!!" Jackson roar, receiving a loud laugh from Mark.

During the game;
JB was trying to pass the ball to Bam Bam for a drive toward the basket in an attempt to score. But Jackson cross thru in between that toss, "Yah! Yah! Jackson!" JB shout
Jackson leap high, trying to catch the ball, but the ball rebound against his attempt, fly out of the court, Jackson eyeing the ball and he gasp "..!!" Bouncing ball smack a girl's head who was sitting nearby.


"Ahhhhh....HOT..HOT" you lunge upwards at the sudden burn you felt on your thigh.
Experiencing two strong stings at once, your body wobble, before you could stand up straight, you trip on your own foot work and fall on the grass, HARD. *faint*

POV (Mark, Jackson, Bam Bam, JB) Cont-

All of us rush over to her , "Mark go get the ball" JB pointed at the rolling ball
"Yah! She going to falls!!" Bam Bam shouts. Jackson spring forward try to catch her before she hit the grown but he miss it.

"OMG" Mark mutter in disbelief of what he just saw

Jackson slides over, "Err miss..." calling her. 'Have I seen her before?'

"Jackson, I think she faints" JB said in worried voice. Jackson try to shake her body, "Miss please wake up" -no response-

"Hyung, what should we do" Bam Bam panic . "Shhh! let me think" Jackson started to panicking as well.

"Yah! let bring her to our house, Jackson, carry her up." JB getting more intense. Looking at Bam Bam "You get all her stuffs, Mark go get the car, faster! Move! move! move!" JB anxiously ordered us, while helping Jackson carry her to the car.

In the car;
"Guys, what if she didn't wake up? " Mark broke the silent. JB, Jackson and Bam Bam changing glance at one another before looking back at the helpless girl on Jackson's lap. All have worried face. "Ayy hyung. Don't say that, *gulp* I'm sure she will wake up" Jackson can seriously feels a cold sweats on his forehead.

"Why don't we go to the hospital?" Bam Bam blurted out

"NO! we can't" JB answered

"Wh..what?! Why not?" Mark interrupted

"Yah! Are you guys nuts?! We are idols. I.D.O.L. What if fans saw us with her, reporter are going to go crazy. PD-nims going to be mad at us. Don't be stupid!" JB reminded them sternly

The whole car was in deep silent until they reach their dorm. Bam Bam go out of the car first, monitoring the side walk if it is clear before signaling to JB and Jackson to bring her out. JB cover her head with a towel so that no one (just in case) notice it was a girl. All hurriedly move to their dorm, stealthily, and lay her on the bed. Lucky us, it was GOT7 free time, so Jr, Yugyeom and Youngjae are currently back in their hometown, visiting family members.

In the room:
"What should we do now?" Jackson anxiously looking at his mates for help. JB rub his face and deeply sigh, thinking hard, trying to save the girl and their asses from getting scolded by their manager & PD-nim.

"For now, fan her to cool her down. Bam Bam go get a glass of water.." JB instructed

"Mark, go get a basin with a towel" Both Mark and Bam Bam left the room "..and have to help her 'clean-up' " he sigh

"WHAT?!" Jackson's eyes widen in disbelief "What do you mean by cleaning her?"

"You know...." JB gestures something to Jackson

"What? What is all that?" Jackson's mocking JB hand gestures in confuse

JB so shy to speak it out "Change her clothes" he finally mutter it out, feeling his cheek burning up

" WHAT?! Are you seriously crazy?!" Jackson shout, urging Bam Bam and Mark to barge in between the conversation

"Yah! what is going on here, is she awakes?" Mark ask changing glance between Jackson and JB, before looking at the girl

" JB ask me to change her clothes" Jackson speaks up

"WHAT?!" Mark and Bam Bam answer simultaneously

"Hyung, don't you think that is too much?" innocent Bam Bam ask worriedly

"Yah! JB what were you thinking?" Mark lightly push JB's shoulder

Jackson scratching his head, rubbing his face, looking so miserable "Yah! I am not gonna do it..! I know I'm wild but not that 'wild' to have unapproved skinship with her" walking out of the room

"Yah! Jackson! Where do you think..Wang Jackson!" JB shout and follow Jackson to the living room

" I AM NOT GOING TO DO IT! FINAL!!!" Jackson firmly tell JB

JB deeply sigh at Jackson reaction. " Jackson. Look at her, her clothes (skirts and blouse) are stain in coffee, she might burn her skin because of the coffee" half pleaded

"It is your fault the ball hit her" JB addded

"Ahh hyung. Why are you making me do this~" Jackson falls flat on the floor, rolling and wining, acting like a small kids refusing medicine.

"Yah! Yah! stop it. You won't be doing it alone. I'm gonna help you. Now, get up and go get me some of your clothes, sweat shirt and pants for her to wear. Come one get up" JB persuaded

"Hyung...please~" TT^TT Jackson still refusing

Back in the room:

Jackson and JB changing glance at each other, before nodding, signaling 'let's do this'

What do you think happen next? Kyaaaa!!! @_@
To be continue



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jackjackjackson #1
Chapter 11: I want both! Kkkkkk
hangarianne #2
Chapter 9: At first I was like, "WHOA, already?... I guess this is fine."
YOU. ARE. A. TEASE. >:( kekeke that was fhykwefjsgfajfkahekjfHAQejkf
O-<--< I died. Great update TT^TT
hangarianne #3
Chapter 8: I'm so sorry if I'm flooding your comments section with... uhh... comments LOL.
Not kidding when I say that I really like this story and every update, I can't help but speak my mind. You are giving me so much feels on this. And I see you've really decided on creating a love triangle :3 I can't be any happier since it's with JB heehee ^^
Now I'm seeing that Jackson's having an 'effect' on'me' (the girl hahahaha). I'm so excited to know what will happen next <3 Fluff / cute / sweet moments with Jackson please (to lessen my JB feels hahaha) <3
hangarianne #4
Chapter 7: *chants* ! ! lol.
So I think there's a JB-Reader bit there kekekeke <3
hangarianne #5
Chapter 6: Jackson is such a ert LOL he sounds like an inexperienced man hahaha very cute. Gotta love that french toast part with JB and Bambam kekeke so funny and cute~ The way you write your story, I can totally imagine them. Their characters... this is how I imagine them to be in real life <3
Oh, I'd love a love triangle with JB pleaseuuuuu *kneels and begs* hahaha his character here is just so... sweet. He's not the main but you're still making me fall hard for him T^T
--Lauren-- #6
Chapter 6: Awesome update! can't wait for more ^_^
hangarianne #7
Chapter 4: Why didn't you tell me you were writing a fanfic too? kekekeke this is great <3 I can't wait for the next chapterssss ^^
--Lauren-- #8
Chapter 2: You're doing so well so far! Really lIke Jackson and JB's characters too keke, well done! look forward to reading more ^_^