Fated To Love You

Back in the room:

JB clear his throat "Yah, you two...emm get out"

"Hyung, please don't. What if she wake up and accuse us for molested her?!" Bam bam try to bring out sense out of JB's head

Mark just lost his words at Bam Bam's thoughts

"Oh lord" JB sigh, scratching his head. Really in dilemma. JB lean his head on the wall, start to feel headache

"JB hyung, here I got my...." Jackson walk into the room with clothes and stop at the stillness of s "What..what's wrong?"

JB turn to look at Jackson. "What? " Jackson still look puzzle

"This won't do." JB mutter too himself

"Errr..Jackson-ah, the thing is...I'm really sorry, I don't think I can do it. I can't help you" JB solemnly telling Jackson, holding Jackson's shoulder, hoping Jackson  would understand

"WHAT?! Hyung what are you saying?" Jackson felt disbelief at what he just heard
JB felt guilty for putting the burden on Jackson. He just can't do it.

"Hyung~ please." Jackson whining

"If you won't do it, then I won't" he sulk against JB

"Jackson-ah, listen. You have the clothes ready,so...make it quick and leave. Ok?" JB try to assure him again

"Guys let go" JB pull Mark and Bam Bam out of the room and close the door.

"HYUNG!~" The rest heard Jackson shriek from inside the room

Living Room:

"Yah, mind" Mark try to say something, but he thought, nah~ take his sweater and heads to the main door, leaving the mess behind.

"Yah! Where do you think you're going?" JB try to stop Mark from leaving

"I still have a game to win, remember?" Mark signaling at Bam Bam who is standing behind JB

"Guys, not right now. We have.." JB's head is a total mess now

"NO..NO..NO" Gesturing his long finger imitating his words "Stop. I'm leaving. Annyeong~" Mark stop JB from continuing his sentence

"Mark-hyung wait for me." Bam Bam follow Mark out too.

"FINE!. Just leave then!" Sigh and slump onto the sofa

"But JB.." Mark sneaking behind the door before he left

"What?" JB answer half heartedly

"Don't be naughty. Kyaaaaa O_O !!!! " Bam bam shouted from the outside before running away on the hallway, left Mark laughing like hell before closing the door. BAMMM!!!

"You punk! " JB scolded, throwing pillow at Mark but he miss it.

Jackson POV (In his room)

You flop on the floor with teary eyes, still can't believe JB left everything for you to do. "What should I do?" whining. Folding your feet close to the chest, hugging them, pulling your hair in a messy way.

Suddenly something come to your mind "What a sec. That girl....isn't she.." you eyes widen, you quickly stand up, walk closer to the bed, slowly, peeking, trying not to make any sound.

Once you approaches the subject. You look closely at her, scanning her from head to toe. 'Damn! Nice figure.' you not going lie, bitting your lower lips

You slap yourself hard, stopping any wild delulu. 'Jackson, STOP that!'

You eyes traces back at her face. 'Hm I think I see her befo.....'  You gasp, eyes widen

"OH MY GOD!!! she is...she is...the AMERICANO GIRL!!" you burst out but quickly close your mouth. 'that was too loud, but....she's pretty'

"Oh " worried hit you at the sudden flashback memory at the coffee shop. Feeling uneasy, you kept walking back and forth in the room, holding your head, the thought of having your head explode for over thinking

"What should I do?" non-stop from going back and forth, talking to yourself, like a mad man lost his wife

"Will she recognize me from the incident? ...or will she be mad at me?" you felt cold sweat stream down your forehead. Until suddenly...... *you froze


Your POV:

Finally getting your conscious "ohh my head" it felt so dizzy and heavy. You must have fall so hard just now. Still trying to figure it out, what is going on.

*consciousness state: 40%*

With your eyes still close, your hand felt the soft comfy sheets that's covering your body.

"Hmmmm..." you moan "This felt so good" pulling the blanket up to your upper body, still don't remember what happen. Perhaps continue having sweet dreams of 7 hot boys.

*consciousness state: 70%*

Suddenly you frown, you caught an unfamiliar scent on the blanket . 'what is that smell,'

Slowly open your eyes, adjusting your sight to the strong light exposure. Take a peek at your clothes underneath the blankets. WOAH strong scent of coffee swift thru your nose.

*consciousness state: 100%*

'Wait a minute. This isn't my blanket' realizing the fact, you jolted up from sleeping position,panicking, eyes widen looking around 'OMG am I being kidnap'  started vigorously pull the blanket covering your body. Then suddenly you saw a man standing stealth at the corner of the room. You thought your eyes going to burst out @_@


            'NO..NO..NO...don't look...'  Jackson hoping you won't see him in the room

"Arghhhhhhhhhh......HELP" you scream your lungs out

'' Jackson sprung towards you, jump on the bed and close your mouth with his strong hand, strangle your body from running away, making you hard to move. You still trying hard to get away, squeal under his muscular soft hands, eyes begging him to let you go

'! He is on top of me' 

Image below is just to arouse your imagination, not half of course. Kyaaa! ^_^

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jackjackjackson #1
Chapter 11: I want both! Kkkkkk
hangarianne #2
Chapter 9: At first I was like, "WHOA, already?... I guess this is fine."
YOU. ARE. A. TEASE. >:( kekeke that was fhykwefjsgfajfkahekjfHAQejkf
O-<--< I died. Great update TT^TT
hangarianne #3
Chapter 8: I'm so sorry if I'm flooding your comments section with... uhh... comments LOL.
Not kidding when I say that I really like this story and every update, I can't help but speak my mind. You are giving me so much feels on this. And I see you've really decided on creating a love triangle :3 I can't be any happier since it's with JB heehee ^^
Now I'm seeing that Jackson's having an 'effect' on'me' (the girl hahahaha). I'm so excited to know what will happen next <3 Fluff / cute / sweet moments with Jackson please (to lessen my JB feels hahaha) <3
hangarianne #4
Chapter 7: *chants* ! ! lol.
So I think there's a JB-Reader bit there kekekeke <3
hangarianne #5
Chapter 6: Jackson is such a ert LOL he sounds like an inexperienced man hahaha very cute. Gotta love that french toast part with JB and Bambam kekeke so funny and cute~ The way you write your story, I can totally imagine them. Their characters... this is how I imagine them to be in real life <3
Oh, I'd love a love triangle with JB pleaseuuuuu *kneels and begs* hahaha his character here is just so... sweet. He's not the main but you're still making me fall hard for him T^T
--Lauren-- #6
Chapter 6: Awesome update! can't wait for more ^_^
hangarianne #7
Chapter 4: Why didn't you tell me you were writing a fanfic too? kekekeke this is great <3 I can't wait for the next chapterssss ^^
--Lauren-- #8
Chapter 2: You're doing so well so far! Really lIke Jackson and JB's characters too keke, well done! look forward to reading more ^_^