Fated To Love You

Jackson POV

' Gulp! Such a fair skin' you were stealing glance at her exposed thigh when lifting her into GOT7 dorm. Just then, she moves to much, her skirt unintentionally lifted up exposing something you never seen before. Your eyes widen as you saw a white lingerie under her skirt

'OH MY GOD.... O_O that's....that's.....'  trying so hard to compose yourself not to be so obvious in front of the other members. You swiftly pull down the skirt, covering it.



"Yaahhhhhh!!!!! Let me go you !" you yell at them once you're lip was free from JB's clasp

Gathering yourself together, fixing your clothes, not to mention you are wearing knee length pleated skirt when they are lifting you like emergency style. Your heart still racing, lifting up your head meeting 4 eligible bachelors who are still out of breath, eyeing them one by one. You swear to God they look extremely handsome compare to the poster you saw in the room earlier.

"Fuhhh~ I can't believe you are so heavy" Jackson snorted, receiving giggle-ish from Mark and Bambam. JB still trying to compose himself not to laugh

"WHAT DID YOU JUST SAID?!" you growl back at Jackson, forming fist  

"Jackson. Stop it" JB stops Jackson from going further

JB clears his throat before continuing "Err miss, we are very sorry for putting you in an inconvenient situation.." scratching his head

"Can't you just let me leave, why holding me back? As far as you found this situation uncomfortable for you guys, double that effects on me" you snarl, surprise at yourself. Seriously, you didn't even know where that courage come from

"" Jackson wanted to say something, again JB signal him not to, because whatever he was about to tell you, would be like rubbing salt on the wound.

'Damn! She's fierce. Interesting' Jackson smirk

"Errr miss please don't be mad..." Bambam kneel down closely by the sofa try to console you with his aegyo

"Bambam, what are you doing? " Mark said

Bambam gesturing 'shhhh' to his hyung, not to say anything

"What?" Mark reply, rolling his eyes, mouthing 'whatever'

"Hey, I'm tired.." rubbing his neck,

"...I'm gonna go for shower and take a nap, save some food for me" Mark pads on JB's shoulder before making his exit from the living room.

Grrrrrrr~ stomach grumble, you quickly cover your stomach, you cheek flush red embarrass, 'yaaaa (Y/N) this is so embarrassing...what' look away

You fake a cough try to distract them from the sound made by your stomach

"ohh emm...." JB smiles "...seems like you are hungry." 'she's cute'

"Dinner is...emmm...." JB turns to look at the kitchen, rubbing his neck, restless

"Hyung..let me go check ^^." Bambam voluntarily reply

"Oh okey. Miss please stay, we'll talk over dinner ok" JB suggested

"Wh..what? N..No I can't" you still refuse

"Jaebum hyung~ what is this......" you heard Bambam whining from the kitchen

"Huh? That's err...that's..." JB stutter

"Miss, please..."

"B..but... I.."

"Just stay. I insist" JB pleaded before hurriedly gone to the kitchen

'I can't believe I'm staying here again.' Sigh

As much as you felt insecure by the fact that you were with 4 good looking guys, JB's words somehow comforting. Plus, he looks reliable. Your instinct tell you that he could be trusted.

You let go a deep sigh. Feeling tired, hungry, sticky. Ruffling your hair free style, stretching your neck right to left, lightly massage your shoulder. You didn't notice Jackson was sitting quietly across the living room, observing every inch of your move.

There is a lot of noise coming from the kitchen, assuming Bambam and JB fighting over the skillet and complaining about each other cooking skills. kekeke ^^

Getting bored. Tapping your feet lightly on the floor, humming your favorite song Miss A- Only You. Looking around the area, Until you eyes meet the familiar gaze, who earnestly staring at you. You're humming halt.

All of a sudden, your breathing heighten, GULP!

'Why am I feeling so nervous. This is weird'

Turning away avoiding his gaze, looking at the kitchen 'UGH guys, please hurried..'


Jackson POV

'Jackson, what is wrong with you..? What is it about her?'

Just thinking about it there's a thrill of excitement, butterflies in your stomach. You keep looking at her, scanning her from head to toe.

The way she flips her hair. UGH

'Enticing~' Biting you lower lips. Right then, you felt a slight pressure between your thigh

'Umph...! I can't stay here' You little friend started to get too excited.

 Try to fight this gaze




Few seconds later, you heard foot step approaching, you cup your face with both of your hands, he chuckles as he walk pass by, heading to his room.

'He left? ' take a peek in between your fingers

"Thanked God"  \(>_<)/

After awhile, you felt like dozing off. You heard JB call saying dinner is ready. At the dining table

"......" you were speechless, changing glance between Bambam and JB

'Huh? 20 minutes of hustle in the kitchen just for French toast ?'

"Please enjoy the dinner" JB and Bambam in sync

"Ah ok...Thank you for going thru the trouble preparing these" " you smile awkwardly

"Errr...but aren't the others joining us too? "

"Ohhh Mark hyung probably sleeping, he plays so hard just now" Bambam chuckles

"Well...Jackson... He'll come if he is hungry" JB replies

'Thank you lord. I can at least enjoy my dinner without choking (?)'

All three of you sat and enjoy the simple dinner together, you didn't talk much. Bambam hardly stop talking, he told you what had happened from A-Z . JB do have trouble controlling Bambam from talking gibberish . Up until now they still didn't introduce themselves as idols, so you didn't suspecting anything.

Sometimes you steal a glance at the hallway, expecting someone, but left feeling disappointed.

' I didn't know you sleep early..' sigh

Dinner is done, you thanked them again for preparing a great French toast. JB glance at the clock, it is 10pm.

" (Y/N) shi..wait here for a sec" JB left and went somewhere

After awhile, JB made his return to the living room with someone you have been wanting to see, Jackson. Happy and nervous, you don't know how to explain the your emotion

"Err (Y/N) shi..if it is not too much, we would like to offer you a ride home. You know, up until now, we have gave you lots of trouble. So..." he chuckle awkwardly

"..will you be ok with it?" JB continue

"I uh...oo..okay I guess"

*Beep beep* Bambam receive a text message

"JB hyung, manager wants to see us at the lobby..what now?" sound a little worried

"oh really. Okey..tell him we'll be there in a minute"

"Wait what about her hyung?" Jackson finally speaks

"Em...why don't you send her?" JB told Jackson

"WHAT?!" you and Jackson response simultaneously, surprise at the reaction, both of you changing glance at one another. GULP!

"Why...why, is there any problem? " JB asks

"Huh..n-no. No problem at all" Jackson snorted

'Jackson, this is your chance. Fighting!!' Jackson determine to confront his emotion

'I'm in trouble >_< ' you thought

A/N: Okay.....I think this a poor one. Actually I was imagining love triangle. Perhaps between JB and Jackson over OC in this chapter, but idea doesn't seem to flourish today. Maybe I'll try on the next chapter. ^^  Enjoy fantasizing ~ <3


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jackjackjackson #1
Chapter 11: I want both! Kkkkkk
hangarianne #2
Chapter 9: At first I was like, "WHOA, already?... I guess this is fine."
YOU. ARE. A. TEASE. >:( kekeke that was fhykwefjsgfajfkahekjfHAQejkf
O-<--< I died. Great update TT^TT
hangarianne #3
Chapter 8: I'm so sorry if I'm flooding your comments section with... uhh... comments LOL.
Not kidding when I say that I really like this story and every update, I can't help but speak my mind. You are giving me so much feels on this. And I see you've really decided on creating a love triangle :3 I can't be any happier since it's with JB heehee ^^
Now I'm seeing that Jackson's having an 'effect' on'me' (the girl hahahaha). I'm so excited to know what will happen next <3 Fluff / cute / sweet moments with Jackson please (to lessen my JB feels hahaha) <3
hangarianne #4
Chapter 7: *chants* ! ! lol.
So I think there's a JB-Reader bit there kekekeke <3
hangarianne #5
Chapter 6: Jackson is such a ert LOL he sounds like an inexperienced man hahaha very cute. Gotta love that french toast part with JB and Bambam kekeke so funny and cute~ The way you write your story, I can totally imagine them. Their characters... this is how I imagine them to be in real life <3
Oh, I'd love a love triangle with JB pleaseuuuuu *kneels and begs* hahaha his character here is just so... sweet. He's not the main but you're still making me fall hard for him T^T
--Lauren-- #6
Chapter 6: Awesome update! can't wait for more ^_^
hangarianne #7
Chapter 4: Why didn't you tell me you were writing a fanfic too? kekekeke this is great <3 I can't wait for the next chapterssss ^^
--Lauren-- #8
Chapter 2: You're doing so well so far! Really lIke Jackson and JB's characters too keke, well done! look forward to reading more ^_^