Fated To Love You

Jackson POV

"No..wait..wait..I can't leave now..."

"Ohh..ohhh careful!"

'Oh *gasp* I got you....! No I don't'

With that both of you just fall flat on the floor with you stranded her.

This is the second sensual-physically contact you had with women. To be exact, the same women, in the same day.

With that unlikely position, you could feel her petite body leaning against yours. As you take a deep breath

'She smells like flower'

Perhaps because of the shower. You swear, your heart just skip it beat for 10sec. Realizing that, you started to slowly inhale and exhale, controlling your nerve, but your heart refuse to calm down as it beat 200km/h. Gulp!

'Jackson, calm down'


*Play GOT7 - You Got Me*

(Jackson's Rap Part)

So lady tell me what you want
I’ll try to get you what you want
Or maybe tell me what you like
I’ll try to get you what you like
Cause you got me feeling so high
I'm make you be my girl
No matter what it gonna take ha
Yup I ain’t no born player
So why not give a shot I mean I ain’t no liar
Reject me or take me it’s your choice girl
But I bet you’ll go crazy with just my voice



You took this chance, eyeing her flawless complexion which soon reddened, blush, can't help it but smirk, biting your lower lips.

', that lips'

Your eyes all glued on her eyes, nose, lips, expose lean necks. Like a spellbound, just by looking at them arouse you

"You are so beautiful.." You whisper effortlessly, staring up into her dark brown eyes.

Her presence, her scent, everything just so surreal, feeling hypnotize, it is like she was calling you to savor her lips.

Lean closer to her, aiming for her plum lips,  

However, there's a voice in your mind telling you to stop for whatever you had intention on doing


So close, your lips vaguely brush against hers, every part of you just electrified, there an alarming tense between your thigh, you frown

'Damn!'  greeted your teeth fight back against the temptation.

Shift your head to the side, chuckle awkwardly to shrug off intense desire, roll over to the side and sit upright, let out a deep sigh

For the first time, you never felt so confuse, not sure the sigh are for relief or regret

"I'm sorry.."

With that you just walk away without turning back or help her up

Walking so fast, as if you are running away from something

In the car;

Stare blankly at the empty street ahead, panting, try to catch your breath, rubbing your chest

"Jackson, what is happening to you?"

When you finally calm down (you think) you drove home




You unconsciously let out a loud gasp and suppress a moan, at the sudden grip on your waist. Your subconscious mind at lost

BAMMMMM! Your head hit the floor. Eyes close overwhelming by the pain at the back of your head, frowning

" hurt"

At the same time you felt something heavy on top of you, slowly opened your eyes and was surprised to find that Jackson only 2 inches away from your face.

Eyes widen, blinking.

'Why..why..why is he..'

You lost your words and usual temper when it comes to men who try to take advantage

Gulp! feeling intimidating

Your inner subconscious frantically telling you to kick his balls and scream for help but your eyes were just glued on him and your mind was in a trance as he too intensely eyeing you

You never felt so under a man's gaze

Captivated by his robust body that hovering over you, his jaw line...  pale red lips. *blush*

The world seems to stop spinning, mouse hold back their squeak.  There is no other sound, other than strong heartbeats from two innocent souls and even breathing

The first time after 5 years of break-up with your ex boyfriend, your beastly nature awaken, it's a little sinful pleasure, and yes he is ungodly hot   

"You are so beautiful.." he whispers effortlessly, locking his eyes on you.

'Stop ing with my brain!! Kiss me, if that's what you want'


*Play GOT7 - You Got Me*

Today as well, I stare at you,
Please don’t shine into my eyes like this anymore
U Got Me U Got Me Good
U Got Me U Got Me Good
As you tell me everything too
Your eyes are also speaking to me


It is like he reads your mind, he leans forward going for a kiss ( you thought), unintentionally, you close your eyes and lips awaits for his perfect kiss

You felt his breath brush against your skin really turn you on, the fact that you are just in your bathing rob amplified every bits of your fantasies

In just a sec there's a tickling feeling on your lips but then you heard him chuckle at the right side of your ears definitely died out your raging hormones

"I'm sorry.." he said

'What..what..why sorry'  you are so confuse and crooked your eye brows

BAMMMMM!! Door slam

You jolted from the sudden sound of the door and sit upright,

"Did he just left?" You let out a deep sigh, feeling disappointed

Fixing your bathing robe that lightly expose you t-bone line. Right hand grasping your bathing robe closely at your chest, left hand cup your cheek

You notice that your heart still beat fast

"(Y/N) what is wrong with you? Oh my god, you are so weird"

You shake your head vigorously, trying to shove the 'weird thoughts' you have just now. Fanning yourself, of the sudden raising temperature

After a while you change yourself into an oversize tank top, sit in front of the mirror, combing your hair

The scenes with Jackson on top of you flashes on your mind so clearly. His deep sensual low husky voice telling you are beautiful, so y as

You cupped your face and squirm

"STOP!!!! You must be going crazy" Run off to bed and try not to think about it


At GOT7 Dorm;

"I'm home.." Jackson greeted JB who is casually lying on the sofa watching TV

"Oh Jackson. What took you so long?"

"Huh what?" still in daze

"Are you ok? What took you so long?" JB was looking at Jackson in questionable

"Oh..I'm fine. I went for dinner" Jackson lied

"Oh really? Ok. Did she get home safe?"

"What? O-oh..yeah, of course. She is... safe. " Jackson stutter

"You didn't do anything weird to her, right?"

"WEIRD? Err.. Ayyyy what are saying. Of course not" another lied

"Really? Oh ok then. You may go to bed."

"Ok hyung. Good night" Jackson hurriedly make his way to his room

"Good night. Wake up early tomorrow, we got work to do"

"Ok hyung." Jackson reply from a distance

'Hmm why do I get the feeling something is not right' JB drown in his deep thought

When JB was about to go to bed. He drop by at Jackson's room

JB knocks on Jackson's door

"Are you sleeping?"

"Hyung, come in. I'm about to sleep. What's up?

"Nothing serious. Hm did she said anything about us when you send her home? In the car perhaps"

"Hmm not that I could remember, we didn't talk much. Why? Is there anything you're curious about?"

"Ohh no, no. Just asking. Because, I didn't tell her that we are idol. So..yeah.."

"Ayyy hyung, do you like her?" Strong eye brow tease. Although it may seem like you are joking around with JB, but deep down you are hoping it is just a false alarm

"Yah! Be careful on what you said, just go to sleep. Good night" JB give that serious look before he closes the door. Receiving high pitch giggle from Jackson inside the room

"Tsk this kid"

'Have I fall for her? Ayy It's impossible.' JB shrugged off that thought and head to bed

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jackjackjackson #1
Chapter 11: I want both! Kkkkkk
hangarianne #2
Chapter 9: At first I was like, "WHOA, already?... I guess this is fine."
YOU. ARE. A. TEASE. >:( kekeke that was fhykwefjsgfajfkahekjfHAQejkf
O-<--< I died. Great update TT^TT
hangarianne #3
Chapter 8: I'm so sorry if I'm flooding your comments section with... uhh... comments LOL.
Not kidding when I say that I really like this story and every update, I can't help but speak my mind. You are giving me so much feels on this. And I see you've really decided on creating a love triangle :3 I can't be any happier since it's with JB heehee ^^
Now I'm seeing that Jackson's having an 'effect' on'me' (the girl hahahaha). I'm so excited to know what will happen next <3 Fluff / cute / sweet moments with Jackson please (to lessen my JB feels hahaha) <3
hangarianne #4
Chapter 7: *chants* ! ! lol.
So I think there's a JB-Reader bit there kekekeke <3
hangarianne #5
Chapter 6: Jackson is such a ert LOL he sounds like an inexperienced man hahaha very cute. Gotta love that french toast part with JB and Bambam kekeke so funny and cute~ The way you write your story, I can totally imagine them. Their characters... this is how I imagine them to be in real life <3
Oh, I'd love a love triangle with JB pleaseuuuuu *kneels and begs* hahaha his character here is just so... sweet. He's not the main but you're still making me fall hard for him T^T
--Lauren-- #6
Chapter 6: Awesome update! can't wait for more ^_^
hangarianne #7
Chapter 4: Why didn't you tell me you were writing a fanfic too? kekekeke this is great <3 I can't wait for the next chapterssss ^^
--Lauren-- #8
Chapter 2: You're doing so well so far! Really lIke Jackson and JB's characters too keke, well done! look forward to reading more ^_^