Fated To Love You


"Shhhhhhhh...quiet..don't scream" Jackson order you, changing glance at the door and looking back at you.

Your face were few inches from him. You can felt his warmth breath against your face

In your heart 'Lord, please save me'  your eyes getting teary, never thought of this kind of thing happen to you. Everything in your life flashes in your mind, you start having weird thought of dying horribly, your mum...

"Shhhh please...don't scream" Jackson pleaded, gazing straight into your eyes, your heart started to tremble, his gaze getting intense, your cheek burn, can't hold it in, you close your eyes.

Jackson too felt his heart pounding like a wild horse. His junior started to felt arouse at their current position.

'NO Jackson NO!, Hold it in. WGHJKJYSHNSKS !!!' Jackson take a deep breath

"Look, I'm not gonna hurt you. Ok? " Jackson try to assure you

"I'm going to let you go. But you have to promise me you won't scream" Jackson told you in his deep husky voice

You can't stop cursing and praying at the same time in your head. Slowly open your eyes, looking back at Jackson, 'Can I trust him?'

Deep down you know you shouldn't trust him, who knows if he lied, but your body tell you otherwise. You nod slowly. 'Wait! What...NO..NO..NO Don't believe him!'

"Oo...okey?" Jackson stumble on his word, worried and wanted assurance that you won't scream, signaling you to nod again

You found him irritating although in that unfortunate situation, can't help it, you roll your eyes and nod again

Before he could release you, the door was open, both you and him turn to look at the door simultaneously

JB walk in "Yah Jackson, are you done.....?" his eyes widen, with shocked

'Oh . No' Jackson is caught red handed. His expression just dry looking at JB. His lips slightly moving trying to say something but nothing seems to come out

"WANG JACKSON!!! What are you doing?!" JB storm in and push Jackson away from you, he stumble on the table lamp and fall on the floor. You pull yourself together, feeling relieve(?) Gather the blanket and cover yourself, staring at raging JB and Jackson.

"Jackson, are you out of your mind?! I never thought you have this kind of intention!!" JB has turn into a raging Pikachu "Come here you punk!" JB strut towards Jackson

"Ahhh...JB...hyung.." Jackson groaning in pain, trying to stand up

JB grab Jackson's collar pull him up "You..!!" JB growl, forming fist and about to punch Jackson

'Hello! I'm the victim here' feeling disbelief at the drama happening before your eyes

"YAAAAHHHHHHH!!!" you shout so loud, making both men in front of you startle and hug each other.

'LOL these guys are funny' holding back your giggle                 

"Can somebody explain what is going on here?" you said

Jackson and JB realize they were hugging and pushes each other away. Both fake a cough and feeling embarrass. 

"Errr actually..." Jackson started forming sentence in his head while scratching his unitchy head

"First we would like to apologize for any inconvenient situation. " JB cut of Jackson from blabbering bull

" You fainted at the park, so we bring you to our dorm.." JB started to explain

You raise your eyebrow and frown 'I fainted? (Y/N) please remember'

"A ball hit you from behind, it was Jackson's fault.." JB eyeing Jackson

"What? NO! It is not my fault" Jackson try to defend himself

"Jackson! Shut up. Err you remember anything?" JB worriedly look at you

"Ohh emmm....I...I don't" you lied

'Better  lied than admitting falling on the grass. Pfft what an embarrassing (Y/N)-ah' slowly curl yourself into the blanket, hiding your face

"Yah..apologize" JB hissed to Jackson

"Ohh err..miss... I want to apologize for errrr you know, just now..the...." Jackson tries mimicking the stunt he pull of just now

"Yah! What are you doing?" JB stop Jackson from doing the weird gesture

"Errr miss, don't worry, we are good guys. Jackson has brought you some clean clothes, please change into them, we will wait outside. I prepare you some dinner." JB said calmly and drag Jackson out of the room, close the door.

You breath in relief. Calming yourself from everything just happen, figuring out what to do next

"Oh Yeah, my phone! Where'" you were searching for your phone in that room, but you couldn't found it. "Sh...! Where the hell" You sunk on the bed, feeling like given up. 'How am I suppose to escape from here, Lord, please~' looking helplessly on the floor, you found the clothes, Jackson must have drop it there.
You get up, took the clothes, 'All black? Jeez, you have no style at all'

Quickly change into them, luckily it fit you nicely, but extra big of course. Finding mirror to look at yourself. "Oh My God! (Y/N) you look so horrible, your hair.." while fixing your hair, there's a reflection of a poster hung on the wall caught your eyes.

The poster left you with impression 'woah...they are all good looking' but of course only one guy caught you eyes the most "Jackson" that name blurted out of your mouth thoughtlessly. Suddenly, it remind you of the bed scene, make your heart pounding, your cheeks blush. "OMO, this is not right" you cover both of your cheek

*Knock knock*

"Oh my god, kkamjjag nollage" you were surprise by the knock on the door

"Err hell...hell...hello" Jackson stutter, feeling nervous too

-no response-

" Errr miss...." He tried again

You cough "I'll....I'll....I'll be out in a minute" feeling nervous and scare what could have happen next

'Yah (Y/N)-ah, you have a black belt in karate right. Be strong!' "HUH!! Fighting!"

You let go of a deep breath, walking to the door, and open it slowly, lurking with caution BUT your eyes meet someone at the door

"Arrrghhhhhhhhh" you and Jackson synchronously scream your lungs out, shocked at the sudden appearance. You slam the door hard enough, it hit Jackson's nose who is standing really close to the door, both of you collapse down on the floor

You lean yourself behind the door, calming yourself. You heard Jackson was cursing just behind the door, whining in pain. "Yahh...what are you doing?!! You've scare me, you know?!!" You yelled from inside the room

"YAHHHHHH!!!! I'm bleeding! HYUNG~" Jackson scream

JB who is at the kitchen, run to the sound coming from the room "Jackson! what are you...." he was taken aback looking at Jackson, who was rolling on the floor with his nose bleed. "Yah, what is going on here?" JB lifted Jackson up, and walk him to the sofa, lying him down, grab tones of tissue to stop the bleeding

"I was asking her to come out, but she slam the door on my face" Jackson responded with a snuffle voice

"Aishhhhhh....what a trouble maker. Stay still, I'll go get her" JB told him

"Miss can you come out please, I need your help here, please~" JB pleaded in front of the door

"Is that mad man, gone?" you ask, referring to Jackson

"Yes..yes, now would you please come out" JB assure you

"Oh...ok..ok..stand back" you voice startle as you instructed him. Slowly open the door, finding JB standing still in front of the door

"Follow me, I need your you know how to use ice pack?" JB talk to you while walking to the living room, where's Jackson is. You reluctantly follow him from behind. Still feeling unsecure and scare.

"Err what pack? " you sounded nervous and scare. 'oh my god'  as you saw Jackson still bleeding. 'Did I do that' guilt start to swell up in  you as you look at the helpless Jackson on the sofa groaning in pain

"Ice" JB handed the ice pack and ask me to help Jackson

"DO WHAT?! No..I can't...I don't know..." Before you could even finish your sentence,

"Let me teach you.." JB drag you by the hand, oblige you to seat beside Jackson, pass you the ice pack, guided your hand onto Jackson's nose.

"Arghhhh...." Jackson groan in pain

"oh uh...sorry..sorry" you apologize, feeling so bad for hurting him

"Wang Jackson..stop whining" JB scolded him. You definitely holding back your giggle

"I still need to prep for dinner, kept doing that until the bleeding stop ok..errrr..." 'what is her name' JB felt embarrass all of a sudden asking a stranger to help .

" Y/N" you told him

"oh err ... (Y/N). Nice to meet you, I'm JB that's Jackson. I'm sorry, but please take care of him for me.." JB feeling apologetic and hurriedly to the kitchen as something smell burning

"slowly please~" Jackson pleaded as you were about to continue massaging his nose with the ice pack

"Errr ok...ok.. slowly.." cautiously shift the ice pack on his nose

You look at Jackson with guilty, sorry eyes, and his eyes meet yours, both staring at each other, your felt your heart started to pound again, feeling uneasy as he kept looking at you. So you look away.

However, Jackson still has his eyes on you intensely, mesmerize by your beauty, silky dark brown hair, define jaw line, ’perfect'  he thought to himself.

You started to feel nervous 'JB please hurry...'  quietly pray


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jackjackjackson #1
Chapter 11: I want both! Kkkkkk
hangarianne #2
Chapter 9: At first I was like, "WHOA, already?... I guess this is fine."
YOU. ARE. A. TEASE. >:( kekeke that was fhykwefjsgfajfkahekjfHAQejkf
O-<--< I died. Great update TT^TT
hangarianne #3
Chapter 8: I'm so sorry if I'm flooding your comments section with... uhh... comments LOL.
Not kidding when I say that I really like this story and every update, I can't help but speak my mind. You are giving me so much feels on this. And I see you've really decided on creating a love triangle :3 I can't be any happier since it's with JB heehee ^^
Now I'm seeing that Jackson's having an 'effect' on'me' (the girl hahahaha). I'm so excited to know what will happen next <3 Fluff / cute / sweet moments with Jackson please (to lessen my JB feels hahaha) <3
hangarianne #4
Chapter 7: *chants* ! ! lol.
So I think there's a JB-Reader bit there kekekeke <3
hangarianne #5
Chapter 6: Jackson is such a ert LOL he sounds like an inexperienced man hahaha very cute. Gotta love that french toast part with JB and Bambam kekeke so funny and cute~ The way you write your story, I can totally imagine them. Their characters... this is how I imagine them to be in real life <3
Oh, I'd love a love triangle with JB pleaseuuuuu *kneels and begs* hahaha his character here is just so... sweet. He's not the main but you're still making me fall hard for him T^T
--Lauren-- #6
Chapter 6: Awesome update! can't wait for more ^_^
hangarianne #7
Chapter 4: Why didn't you tell me you were writing a fanfic too? kekekeke this is great <3 I can't wait for the next chapterssss ^^
--Lauren-- #8
Chapter 2: You're doing so well so far! Really lIke Jackson and JB's characters too keke, well done! look forward to reading more ^_^