
A Lie and Two Truths.
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                They didn’t come over last night to check if I was okay and I didn’t get a text after that either. It was just telling me that they’d see me at school the next day. A part of me wanting to skip it and bury myself in quilts and ice cream but I knew better than that. I was stronger than that. Every day I would walk to school with a heavy heart.

                So after I got dressed and forced myself to eat. I grabbed my bag from where I had left it the night before and slipped my shoes on. Heading out of the door the second they fit on my feet. At the beginning of our university year they would occasionally come to pick me up with a cup of coffee from the nearby coffee shop and walk with me despite them both living on campus.

                Now that they had the football group it seemed inevitable for that to stop. I didn’t remember the last time they had come to my apartment. Although it was probably for the best that they didn’t.

                I was struck with shock when I reached the university to find Tao leaning against one of the walls outside of it. His university football jersey stood out a mile away with his number and name on the back and the arm. I really hoped he wasn’t waiting for me and for someone else.

He looked up as I walked down the pavement and pushed himself from the wall to stop in front of me “Hey Em.”

I wanted to sigh but instead I forced a smile at him “Hey.”

“I was actually hoping to walk you this morning but I really didn’t know where you lived.” He frowned for a moment. “Kai and Sehun seemed reluctant in telling me. But I waited for you.”

I felt my heart skip a beat at the fact they didn’t want to tell Tao where I lived; at least they hadn’t entirely forgotten about me “Why?”

“Well.” He shrugged “You seemed off yesterday because of the girls and I wanted to make sure you got here okay.”

I wanted to laugh so I just smiled at him “You do realise I live two minutes from here and that I’m okay to walk here by myself?”

“Can’t you accept a kind gesture?” He smirked.

I rolled my eyes “Don’t you have breakfast with the football group in the mornings Tao?”

“Sometimes.” He said “But I’m really not in the mood for that most days.”

I moved to his side and we soon walked side by side into the school “Too much?”

“I don’t like the attention.” He admitted “But you know what Em? You never hang out with us and I’ve always wondered why.”

I was taken aback by him noticing “Well not everyone is so happy about my friendship with Kai or Sehun.” Saying his name was like I had a mouthful of sand “So sometimes I think it’s best I don’t push it.”

“Look Em.” He placed a hand on my shoulder to stop me in the middle of the corridor. I didn’t fail to notice my two best friends and some of the football group staring at us from the end of the hall “I’m concerned that you’re not as happy as you lead them to think.” He motioned to

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Chapter 45: Ahh…and awwww… that was still good
Chapter 28: Really honestly proud of her here
Chapter 24: Chanyeol being the sweetie I know he is here 😍
Chapter 22: I forgot how Sehun was changing towards her. And how sweet and awesome Gongchan is as a friend
Chapter 18: Tao really was her best friend
Chapter 14: I forgot how cute this chapter is
Chapter 45: I usually try to comment on each chapter but I found this today and binged it. Ong was it worth it!!! Usually unrequited love stories get to me and irritate me with the mc, but this time it made so much sense and the guys were all good supporting characters. Really enjoyed this story
the_exotic_angel #8
Chapter 45: THIS FANFIC IS A HIDDEN GEM!! Omg its so good! Its also the only fic where i enjoy the chemistry/friendship among the members. Usually when fics include the other members as part of a large friend group it just becomes really cheesy and they have useless conversations, but this was really good. DERSERVES SO MUCH MORE VOTES!
the_exotic_angel #9
Chapter 17: oh my god this story is really good!!! I cant believe it hasnt been featured yet
Chapter 45: Not sure how many times I reread this but is still amazing to me!