Uncovering the Truth

All is Falling Down

Jongin was lying comfortably in bed with Chanyeol, both unable to sleep. It had been four days since Baekhyun had been taken and things were deteriorating between all of them or, to better say, between some of them; Minseok had made a war against Sehun and Junmeyon, while the younger seemed to ignore the oldest, their leader, who had been on edge, didn’t and it was frequent hearing screaming matches between them; it was always about the same thing: Junmyeon accusing Minseok of being unfair to Sehun and Minseok stating that Junmeyon was teaming with Sehun against them.

Tao, the poor man, had been sobbing his eyes out and almost had a mental breakdown yesterday and commenting that he wanted Baekhyun back because then all the arguments would stop. That had led to an extremely uncomfortable moment when Yixing, the calm, level headed person, had given them a glare worse than hell and led the younger upstairs to calm him down. Funnily enough, Sehun had commented with him, just a few moments before the big fight, that Tao had seemed closer to Yixing for the past few days.

Also, since Baekhyun’s disappearance, Kyungsoo had been more quiet and withdrawn than usual, it was clear that he missed Baekhyun like a lost limb. Jongdae was trying his best to be the positive one and reassure everyone, especially his own boyfriend, but Chanyeol had confessed that he had seen in cry just the other day. Everyone was affected.

He and Chanyeol sought comfort in each other, they were absolutely devastated, and they often spent some time with Sehun. Jongin didn’t quite know what to do about the younger man, since he barely slept and barely ate. He knew that the younger had taken the news quite badly, especially because the police seemed to do nothing and because he was actually the one who received the call.

They were still staying at the house provided by SM but tomorrow they would move back to the dorms; police and forensic experts had been all over the place, searching high and low for clues, but in Jongin’s opinion they weren’t doing that much of a thing; they hadn’t give them a single conclusion nor did they have a clue to lead them to Baekhyun.

“I am getting really sick of staying house. I want my bed!”

“Chanyeol, we will be back tomorrow.”

“I know but that and the fact that I now that the police is messing through our stuff and Baekhyun’s…”

“Don’t talk like that.” admonished Jongin with an upset face “You make it sound like he’s dead or something and he is not.”

“I’m sorry, you’re right. It’s just really frustrating. The police is being really useless.”

“I know. I know. But we will find him, come hell or high water. We distributed enough photos of him today around town people are bound to see him and are going to make a call, I’m sure of it. Also, it’s not like he’s not very well known!”

“You’re right!” agreed Chanyeol pressing a kiss to Jongin’s temple.

They stayed in silence for a few moments, thinking about the past few days, when footsteps coming from the living room at the end of the hall, snapped them from their thoughts.

“I think Sehun is pacing on the living room.” commented Jongin effectively changing the topic of the conversation.

“Again? He needs to sleep. This is not good for him. He napped with me today, I didn’t slept much but neither did he”

“I’ll have a talk with him tomorrow!” promised Chanyeol seeing how worried Jongin actually was.

“I appreciate that.” thanked Jongin pressing a soft kiss on the other’s jaw who, in response, tightened his grip on Jongin’s waist.

“You know that today I received a very weird call?” asked Chanyeol suddenly, trying to keep the conversation light as he knew that maybe that would relaxed them enough for them to be able to sleep.


“Kyuhyun hyung called me he said he heard a conversation between our manager and some other person about Baekhyun’s therapist and how they simply could not get in contact with the guy. He wanted to ask me what was that all about, since the news about his kidnap only cover half the story.”

“They couldn’t get in contact with Dr. Lee? That’s strange. Baekhyun says the guy is a neat freak and answers the phone on the first ring.”

“Odd. I’ll go to his office tomorrow. It kind of passed right through me but he could have some clue that can lead us to Baekhyun.”

“I’ll go with you.”

“Sure but now, try to get some sleep, I know it’s hard but we need our strength if we want to help Baekhyun.”

Jongin nodded into Chanyeol’s neck and let the other press a kiss to his lips before snuggling into the other’s embrace. Sleep wouldn’t come easy, that was for sure, but he would try his best. For his dear hyung who he missed more than anything.






Baekhyun hadn’t been able to say much about the past few days; his flu had taken a turn for the worse and he had drifted from consciousness to unconsciousness until today. The doctor had been nothing but helpful; he had provided all the medicine and had helped Baekhyun through his days, feeding him, dragging his comatose body to the bathroom, dressing him in warm clothes after icy baths, that had helped his body lower its own temperature, or even spending sleepless nights with a wet rag cleaning his forehead and monitoring his health.

When he woke up today, he was allowed to go to the bathroom, to finally take a shower, as he could now stand on his own two feet, albeit shakily. Doctor Lee had given him a fluffy white robe and not a single clothing article more. It had left Baekhyun feeling suspicious but, the last time he protested, he had ended up with bruise on his body so he felt that it was better, for his own sake,to enjoy his little bit of freedom, since he was no longer tied up.

He spent a lot of time under the hot spray of the shower; it’s not like he was being abused, he wasn’t and thank heaven for that, but Doctor Lee kept him constantly on edge; the man could go from one extreme to the other in few seconds, for example, he was extremely attentive when Baekhyun, is his semi delirious state and rasped that his throat was killing him and immediately found him fresh water with a straw, but when Baekhyun stated that he didn’t want to wear the lacy underwear he was given, he was smacked on the mouth. All in all, he wanted to get the hell away from there, not only the doctor was not sane but he also missed everyone and, most importantly, the comfort that they provided.

He thought about them, if they missed him as he missed them; if they were looking for him at the moment and both his heart and his mind told him that they were. They were too loyal and they care about each other very much, but he didn’t even know where he was so he doubted the others did. His mind started to think about a way to let them know he was alright; of a way to give them a little something to keep them searching for him and not give up. It was a hard task since he couldn’t even escape the place; whenever he left, the Doctor made sure that the door of the room he was staying in was locked up and the room was devoid of anything useful, there was only a wardrobe full of feminine clothes and exactly four books. There wasn’t even a chair in there. The only window in the room was too high for him to even reach and too small for him to pass through it. Then, something clicked on Baekhyun’s head: what if he broke the mirror from the vanity? If there was a shard big enough, it could be his weapon; he could use it to pass through the doctor. The thought gave him shivers but if it would do the job than he was more than willing to do it.

He exited the shower and dried himself with a big towel before slipping the robe and leaving the bathroom, connected to the room where he was staying, where the Doctor was expecting him.

“I see that you are now fresh and clean.”

Baekhyun nodded, gripping the front of his bathrobe tightly.

“I have something for you to wear. It’s lovely and you are going to like it very much!”

What Baekhyun didn’t like was the demented look on the man’s face. When the man pulled a dress behind his back, Baekhyun liked it even less; in fact he hated the man. The bottom half was ruffled and black and the top looked like a white dress shirt, with a high, ruffled collar with a black bow. Baekhyun figured he could appreciate the thing, if he was playing some kind of an online game, but not on him.

“Try it up Baekhyun; I’m sure you will look lovely.”

Baekhyun wasn’t too keen on trying the damn thing but, as he tried to retreat to the safety of the bathroom, Doctor Lee, grabbed him by the arm and brought him closer to the frilly thing.

“See? Isn’t it beautiful? You’ll make such a pretty doll.”

The doctor handed it to him and looked at him expectantly.

“No!” protested Baekhyun “I won’t wear this.”

“You don’t like it?”

“If I did you would like it to much! I don’t want to feed your crazy obsessions."

Apparently, it was the wrong to say, damn him and his smart mouth, because Baekhyun noticed the shift in the doctor’s eyes and the punch he received to the side of his head made his eyes water and his vision to turn black for a second.

“You will wear it!”


The doctor was a crazy lunatic but Baekhyun was determined as hell not to roll over and comply with the wishes of a crazy person; he was a strong person and he was not submitting himself to something just because someone told him to, not even when he could be harmed for it.

The doctor pulled him in a headlock and Baekhyun saw, from the corner of his eyes, the man’s hands moving to his back pocket. He pulled a syringe from it and Baekhyun struggled to get rid of the man’s hold but he was still recovering and the man was way stronger than he seemed, so the syringe was emptied in his neck. It didn’t take much time for Baekhyun to feel his limbs losing their function and become limp.

“I was hoping not to use this serum on you until later but you are just such a disobedient little doll that you left me no other choice.”

“What did you do to me?” asked Baekhyun, his own words distorted.

“This is a serum that I developed that will relax your muscles in such a way that can be compared to paralysis. It wears off in about three to four hours. So now, I will put you in your pretty dress and I think a little cute headband will finish your look.”

Baekhyun stood there, unable to move, as the doctor put him some lacy underwear and the dress, complete with black tights and mary janes, finishing it all with a black headband with a little bow on the side. The doctor brushed his locks to the side and gently sat him on the bed, his back against the headboard and adjusted the frills of the skirt.

“There! You look absolutely gorgeous.” told him the doctor before leaving the room and returning shortly after with a camera and taking some pictures of him.

The photo shot was cut short after the doctor received a phone call.

“I have to leave now, my pretty angel, but I will return soon, you’ll see. So sit here and wait patiently for me okay?”

He brushed a kiss on Baekhyun’s forehead, much to the other disgust, and left the room, locking it after him.

Baekhyun was despairing; he wanted his friends and he wanted them now. His head hurt from the punch earlier and he could feel his eyes dripping tears onto his hands and dress. Despite not being able to talk, Baekhyun’s mind was screaming at the world, screaming for help and for someone to find him.






Chanyeol knocked for the fifth time on the door of Doctor Lee’s house, since the man gave his sessions at home, but there was no response from the other side. It was strange, he had called the man but there had been no answer either, their manager didn’t know his whereabouts either and they really needed to speak to the man.

“Try one more time Chanyeol and then we’ll leave.” advised Sehun who was standing next to Jongin.

“If you are looking for the doctor, you won’t find him home, that’s for sure.”

They all turned to the voice of a little old woman, with white hair and crinkled eyes, standing on top of the staircase that led to the next floor.

“What do you mean halmoni?” asked Jongin.

“The doctor hasn’t been home for several days. He left with a packed suitcase a few days before.”

“Why would he do that? Doesn’t he have schedules with his patients?” asked Chanyeol to no one in particular.

“He doesn’t have that many patients. He is a sketchy little man if you want my opinion. We, his neighbors, don’t know much about him and he keeps to himself as well, like he keeps a lot of secrets. I have lived many years and let me tell you, you shouldn’t trust someone who keeps that many secrets. You are in that band with that boy that is missing, isn’t that right?”


“Then, if I were you, I would be looking for the doctor, or at least I would be looking through his things. I’m sure that you’ll find something related to that boy.” The lady turned to leave but before, she looked at them one more time. “If someone asks, I didn’t see you here my dears! Good afternoon.”

The three young men stood there looking at the disappearing lady.

“What was that all about?” asked Chanyeol.

“I don’t know.” replied Sehun “But you know what? I’m going to follow halmoni’s advice.”

Sehun pulled his keychain from his pocket, revealing a little pocket knife dangling from it. With the switchblade, he approached the door and messed it around with the key hole.

“What are you doing Sehun?” asked Chanyeol in a panic.

“I’m trying to know if halmoni’s suspicions are just bull or she has reasons for them.”

“You’re breaking in!”

“Do I look like I care?”

“No!” commented Jongin grabbing the switchblade from Sehun “But if you are trying to breaking in, at least, get some results.”

Jongin inserted the switchblade in the key hole and twisted it a couple of times before a click was heard. He twisted the knob and the door opened. He turned to the others.

“Well, shall we?”

The three men got inside of the house quickly, closing the door after them and turning the lights on. The place was absolutely spotless and it was its design was quite modern. They searched inside of a variety of rooms and Chanyeol was so creeped out by the collection of porcelain dolls in the doctor’s room that he refused to get in there, leaving Sehun and Jongin to look for clues inside of it.

He wondered around a bit and found himself in front of a door that was locked. He looked around for a key but couldn’t find any.

“Did you find anything?”

Chanyeol turned to find Jongin standing next to him.

“This door is locked and I can’t seem to find a key to open it.”

Jongin nodded and inspected it closely before standing back and delivering a kick below the doorknob.

“What is he doing?”

“I think he’s breaking the door. Did you find anything in the room, Sehun?”

“Nothing strange aside from his collection.”

Jongin delivered two more powerful kicks into the door and it flew open.

“How did you manage that?” asked Chanyeol impressed. Sehun was slightly behind him, nodding and staring in amazement at the open door.

“The part below the doorknob seems to be the weakest point of the door and kicking it with the heel will help transferring the kinetic energy to an increased impact area without injuring my foot.” explained Jongin entering the room, leaving to males gaping at him.

“He’s smart!”

“That’s my baby!”

“Guys…” called Jongin from inside “Come see this.”

Both Chanyeol and Sehun entered the door and immediately stopped their tracks; the walls of the room were completely full of Baekhyun’s pictures, photos, magazines and newspapers cuts, printed images from the internet; there wasn’t a single bit of the wall that wasn’t covered by them.

In the middle of the room was a desk and Jongin was already opening drawers when Sehun and Chanyeol joined them.

“Look at this!” Jongin was holding a receipt “This is a receipt for a flower delivery and it is dated precisely the day Baekhyun received his.”

“Better yet, look at this.” Chanyeol was showing them little cards “This blank cards are exactly like the one’s Baekhyun had been receiving and one of them is written. It’s exactly the same handwriting.”

They searched on a few more drawers and ended up finding two folders: one was a medical file about Cho Donghoon and the other was a medical file for Baekhyun.

Chanyeol explained that that Cho Donghoon had been the responsible for the bus shooting incident but reading the file carefully they found out that the man seemed to have developed an obsession with Baekhyun, calling him ‘angel’ or ‘doll’ frequently as written and the reports. Baekhyun’s file was more or less a report of the time Baekhyun had spent on the hospital after the shooting.

“So, he was the doctor that, for a while, was responsible for Donghoon and then he went from that to Baekhyun? I don’t get it! Why?” asked Sehun.

“The more important question is why did he torment Baekhyun with the creepy presents and the notes? It’s clear that they were sent by him.” retorted Chanyeol.

“I think I know why. I found this guy’s journal, listen to this: ‘The more I heard Donghoon talk about the boy the more I wanted him. Donghoon told me how beautiful he was, how magnificent this angel was, almost like a doll. I like dolls! As soon I as I found him, I knew he had to be mine; I knew I had to add him to my personal collection. He would be my prettiest doll. It was hard to gain his trust, especially since he, himself, is a quite stubborn young man, exceptionally strong, if you consider everything he went through, but his friend and band members are dimwits who poison his mind against a lot of things. I have to pull him away from their influence, it’s detrimental for him. I am still working on my serum, it’s almost ready, but I fear, given the circumstances, that I have to test it in Baekhyun, instead of trying it on someone else first, because those meddlesome friends of him are making everything harder and I’m running out of time.’.

The men on the room stood there silently looking at each other; there was no single doubt in their minds that Doctor Lee, Jaehyun Lee, as the black journal had written on its cover, was the culprit behind Baekhyun’s disappearance.

“We have to take this to the police!”

“We can’t Sehun! Think for a bit, if they ask us where we found this we are in trouble. We literally broke in here and found a multitude of clues and even the culprit but we can’t use this because we are committing a felony right now and that invalidates all the proof we just found out in the eyes of the law.” stated Jongin pulling his hair in frustration.

“What do you suggest that we do?” asked Chanyeol.

“We take all the proof we can take. Maybe we can’t show it to the police but we can use it ourselves. Maybe we can find Baekhyun with something in here.”

They grabbed all the things that they deemed it could clue them about Baekhyun’s whereabouts and bolted out of the place, bowing at the halmoni, who smiled at them and waved, on their way to the car.

Sehun felt like his chest could burst from happiness and he smiled all the way to the dorms, since they had just move back in the morning. While they still didn’t know where Baekhyun was, or if he was okay, this was a step forward to find his hyung and the thought alone made Sehun’s heart leap. They would find Baekhyun. He would find Baekhyun, even if it was the last thing he did.




A/N: Hello wonderful people. Here it is, one more chapter of this story! So much happened! Thank you for all the lovely comments, I am feeling way better, I'm almost at full health! Anyways, I hope you enjoyed this chapter, I had a blast writing it! 

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Palak27 #1
Chapter 2: OMG my babyy!!!!
real_ohsehunx #2
Chapter 17: This story is a masterpiece ?❤️
every single sebaek fic of urs deserve thousand upvotes...Love all of them
-Debonair #4
Chapter 17: This story and the way it was written out. Renders me speechless. Kudos to the Author.
Angelkiller2004 #5
Chapter 17: This writing is the type of writing I would love to achieve, where grammars and symbols are used correctly. The emotion, suspension and diologue never deters the plot as it goes smoothly. The perfect uses of words that describes and explain the situation/emotions and last but not least the perfect plotting and how there was no plotholes that was too obvious or it was plainly non-existent throughout the story. All I can say is this is one of the best Sabaek FF I've read so far and definitely recomment others to read as well.
Lolypop123 #6
Chapter 17: Yay for happy ending ☺
Chapter 17: Sweeeeeeeeeeet this is my first story in aff and it's great
Chapter 10: You are a great writer I love this story sooooooo much
oce217 #9
Chapter 17: Thank you for this story, it's just beautiful.!! It's really my favorite !!!!!
Chapter 17: The ending is very good,, love it