Sweet Dreams ?

Looks Can Be Deceiving

'Where am I...? Dad, is that you?' Soo Yeon called out as a man's figure stood in the middle of the path, his back facing her. Suddenly the man starts to walk away.

'Wait! Where are you going?! Come back!' Soo Yeon starts to run towards him but every time she runs, he is more further away, impossible to be near him.

Finally able to grab him, Soo Yeon holds onto her grip and pants to catch her breath.

'Dad is tha-' The man then disappears.

9:00 AM

Soo Yeon bolts from her sleep, sweating. She turns off the alarm next to her bed and combs her fingers through her hair.

'What a dream...' She thought as she got up to fix her bed and headed downstairs for a glass of water. 'Looks like mom and oppa aren't home.' Searching at how quiet it is.

Her phone buzzed and seeing a text with a number she doesn't know, she checks it.

'Hey, its me Hoseok. Are you free today?'

Soo Yeon spots the shirt with the coffee stain and forgot about taking it to dry cleaning. Biting her lip, she replies.

'I forgot to dry clean your shirt T.T sorry.'



'Don't worry about it. I just want to hang out :)'

Soo Yeon smiles to herself. 'Ok, I'll see you soon then.'  She tosses her phone on the couch and dashes to get ready. 10 minutes later, Soo Yeon walks out the house, wearing a simple white T-shirt, skinny jeans and red converse with a black jacket and just a touch of lip tint.

Deciding to meet at DROPTOP, she sees Hoseok through the window and quickly goes inside.

"Hey! You're here early." Soo Yeon smiled as she sat down and Hoseok also have her a bright smile.

"You look pretty relax today." He said, taking a sip of his iced coffee. "Did you eat?" 

Soo Yeon shakes her head. "I overslept."

"Good, because we're going to have lunch together." Hoseok says, standing up and grabbing her hand, he leads her out the cafe.

"This is very sudden." Soo Yeon said, as she entered his car and put on her seatbelt.

"Is it? A little but maybe its because I want to know you." He grins and drives off.

15 minutes later, they arrive in front of a ramen house and Hoseok comes around and opens Soo Yeon's door.

"Oh? I love this place." Soo Yeon said, looking at Hoseok surprised.

"Really? So do I, there's no other ramen place that makes the best ramen." He smiles and leads her inside.

Once ordering their food, Hoseok looks at her with wonder and Soo Yeon glances at him as she takes a sip of water.

"Is..something wrong?" She asked.

Hoseok shakes his head and smiles. "Just observing."

"ert.." She mumbled. The waitress comes and sets down two bowls of ramen. "Let's eat!" She smiles and starts to eat.

"So cute." Hoseok said and starts to eat. Soo Yeon stops eating and blushes that she got called that and tries not to smile.


After spending 3 hours together, Hoseok drops Soo Yeon in front of her house.

"Thanks for today, I enjoyed it." Soo Yeon said as she unbuckled her seatbelt.

"That's good to hear. Its weird how we have some things in common." He said, giving her a warm smile.

"Yeah it is, its funny. Anyways, I'll see you later and I won't forget to dry clean your shirt." Opening the door, she gets out of the car and closes it behind her. Waving goodbye and watching him leave, Soo Yeon heads inside.

"I'm home!" She calls out.

"Mom's not home." Her brother Soo Hyun said as he descended downstairs. "You look happy this afternoon." He points out.

"Huh? What are you talking about?" Soo Yeon asked, not sure what he's talking about.

"You've been grinning ever since you got in here. Are you dating someone?" 

"What?! No." Soo Yeon mumbled at the end.

"Who did I see you with then earlier?" Soo Hyun asked.

"He's just a friend." 

Soo Hyun sighs and just shrugs. "Whatever you say.."

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ikondom #1
Cool story