
Looks Can Be Deceiving

Soo Yeon sat in her father's old den which has been vacant for almost 5 years. Her mother and her brother never went inside because it would bring back memories of their father.

She decided to cleanup the den even though there was nothing wrong with it. 20 minutes later, Soo Yeon decided to take a shower and soon spots Hoseok's shirt.

'How could I forget ?!' Forgetting about taking a shower, she grabbed his shirt and headed downstairs to go to a dry cleaner.

As she left the house and drove to the nearest dry cleaner, she arrived 5 minutes later and went inside. 

"Soo Yeon?" Right when she enters the dry cleaning, she spots Hoseok sitting down. Her eyes go wide.

"What are you doing here?" She asked, a bit flustered.

"I came to pick up my suit for a party tonight. I could ask the SME about you." He grins.

'That grin.' Soo Yeon thought and bit her lip.

"I remembered to dry clean this." She holds up his shirt and he chuckles.

A lady comes out holding a suit and hands it to Hoseok. "Here you go, nice and ready to go." She smiles.

"Thank you." Hoseok fully smiles, cheekbones showing.

"How can I help you young lady?" The lady turns to Soo Yeon and she hands her the shirt.

"There was coffee stain on this so it just needs to be washed." 

"It'll be done in 15 minutes." The lady smiles at her and goes to the back of the room.

"It seems like we meet each other often." Hoseok said, gesturing her to sit down. Soo Yeon grins and sits next to him.

"Do you live around here?" She asked.

"Just 30 minutes from here." 

"That explains.." She whispered.

"What?" He asked, not hearing what she said.

"Are you sure you want to wait 15 minutes for your shirt? I could call you anytime to get it since you seem like you have to be somewhere." Soo Yeon gestured at his suit.

"Huh? I don't mind. The party isn't until 8 so I have until 4 hours." He looks at his watch and smiles at her. Soo Yeon nods and looks at her watch. "Speaking of the party, how would you like to come to the party with me?"

"W-what! No its fine. Besides I don't know anything or anyone at the party." Soo Yeon flustered.

"Don't worry, as long as you're with me the whole time, you'll only know me." He grins. 

"If you want me to, I'll go. But I don't own a dress.."

"I'll take you to go buy one." He suggested.

"What?! No its fine, I'll buy it myself."

"It'll be equal, you dry clean my shirt, I buy you a dress."

Soo Yeon thinks about it for a couple of minutes before the lady finally appears with the shirt on a hanger. "Sorry for the wait, here you go." 

Taking the shirt and paying the fee, both Hoseok and she leave the store. She hands him the freshly cleaned shirt.

"Fine. But this is only time you'll pay for my dress. I don't like to be indebt to anyone." She sighs.

"We'll take my car." He grabs her by the hand and leads her to his car where he opens the passenger door.

"Why are you doing this?" Soo Yeon asked once he got into the car and started to drive to the mall.

"What do you mean?" 

"I don't know, being really mice towards me when it hasn't been a week since we've met." 

"Is there something wrong with that?" He glances at her and back on the road.

"Do you do this with other women? Swaying them?" She asked, pouting.

"Would you believe me if I said this is the first time buying a girl a dress and inviting them to a party with me?" He asked, raising his brow.

"Its not hard to believe you since you look innocent. But I feel honored that I'm your first." She smiles to herself.

Arriving at the mall, they both take the escalator to the 2nd floor. Most of the shops looked expensive and she was suddenly nervous.

"Are you..perhaps..a chaebol?" Soo Yeon asked, biting her lip.

"What makes you think that?" He asked, leading her to a store that was luxurious.

"Welcome." Two ladies working there bowed in unision and smiled politely.

"This place looks expensive." Soo Yeon walked to a rack of dresses ranging in an order from light to dark colors. She looked at the tag of a dress and saw that it was $330. Her eyes go wide and she backs away from the dress. "No, no way am I buying a dress here!" 

"Why? Is it not your taste?" He asked walking to her.

"$300 for a dress?! No thank you!" 

"We're here already so don't hurt my feelings and choose whatever dress." 

"But-" Hoseok stops her and shakes his head. He grabs onto her shoulders and stops her in front of the dress rack.

"It'll make me feel better if you chose something. I really want to see you in a dress."

Soo Yeon admits defeat and sighs. "Just so you know, you wanted me to do this so don't regret it."

He smiles and shakes his head. "I won't." 



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ikondom #1
Cool story