Decided To Keep Her

Our Fate

From: Jeong Min Lee

Hyun Seong-a, I have been told by Mr. Alexander that today is a meeting for many architectures’s applicant. And you don’t be mad at me because this was a suddenly announcement. He said if there is a student who don’t attend this meeting, he will give him/her an ‘E’ for task’s result. At 8 o’clock, you must already in campus. Remember!


Hyun Seong pressed his forehead to think normally about Jeong Min’s message. Firstly, he was sure to attend that meeting. But any seconds then, he was aware that there was an other person to be kept by him.


“AAAAAH! What can I do, huh? I don’t wanna be given E for my task’s result,” he tried not to scream louder because it was still 05.43AM. He randomed his hair, tried to think the best step which could be done.


For clever student liked him, just needed some minutes to think about that. Hyun Seong nodded his head and decided to go to the room which the girl was in.


The girl still slept when Hyun Seong opened the door. Finally, he took some stuffs which would make his plan could be done completely.




Jae Ah opened her eyes slowly and tried to aware her condition. She took an alarm-clock beside her. “MWO?!! How can it already 02.00PM? How long I have slept?!!!”


Without her awareness, she put on her clothes into her suit-case. But, suddenly she wanted to go to toilet because her slight stomach. “Eh, what is it?” she felt something laid out on the floor. It was a paper. She opened and read what was written there.


Hai, you, the girl whom I don’t know your name! I just want to tell something to you in this letter. My friend has told me to go to campus this early morning. And if you can’t find me in house, that’s meant I have gone to my campus. You, don’t make me getting some hardness again. I beg you not to go from my house. During I’m in my campus, you can do all the things you want like in your house. If there isn’t some problem, I will back to home at 08.00PM. Please... don’t make a decision to run off from my house. I have to know more about your origin as soon as possible. Thanks.


“What the...?! Sounds he decides that I’m the most trouble for him!!” Jae Ah got some angry because read the letter. Yes, she knew that one of these boys was really kind-hearted just because begged her not to run off from his house. But in sentence “You, don’t make me getting some hardness again”, Jae Ah seemed like being beaten by him.


“Okay, you, whoever one of these boys, I will do all the things what I want!! Err...!!!” Jae Ah said to her self. Suddenly, she got a bad scent from her body. And then, she decided to go to bathroom.


After a half hours, she was done taking a bath. With her smirk, she went to dinner room and got shocked because there were many foods which maybe already had been prepared by one of these boys. She ate slowly to enjoy the foods. “Hahahaha, I will make the foods empty!”


“Euuu,” she belched because her stomach felt so full. For any minutes, she looked arounding the house and found that this house was so good looking since here lived a boy. Usually, the boy couldn’t manage about house’s stuffs. But, this boy was really different. Jae Ah thought a positive for him.


She strecthed her joints and confused about something which could be done in this boring afternoon. Any seconds then, she found a home-theater and decided to watch some movies. And luckily. There was many movies which could be watched.




“Hyun Seong-a? Hyun Seong-a?”






“What are you doing there? Can you be serious for this important meeting, huh?”


“Ah, sorry, Mister. I do apologize!”


Hyun Seong bowed ninety degrees because his fault. Mr. Alexander–his architecture level instructor–got made about him. Alexander felt that Hyun Seong didn’t serious in this meeting. He looked like thinking something outside this materies’s meeting. “What are you doing?”


“Errr... I’m sorry, Mister. Emmm, no at all. I just...” Hyun Seong scratched his hair and got some strange glance for other students. “Emmm, I just get some bad feeling, Sir.”


“About what?” Mr. Alexander asked him like wanted to intimidate Hyun Seong.


“Err... no need to worry with me. I will follow this meeting sincerely. I do apologize again!” he bowed again and sat on his chair. Mr. Alexander shook his head because saw his cleverest student seemed like didn’t get his attention.


“Okay, let’s continue this meeting!”


Hyun Seong sighed as Jeong Min glanced at him. Hyun Seong gave him a smile to tell that he was on health condition. Whereas, Hyun Seong didn’t feel good today. He didn’t know why his feeling suddenly worried about that girl. He felt something bad happened to her.




Hyun Seong parked his car in his garage. No need many times, he took off his shoes and opened the door. It was already 10.00PM whereas, he promised to that girl that he would back to house at 08.00PM. He hoped there wasn’t something bad happened to her.


“Hello? Annyeong! Any body home?”


He turned the lamps in the living room. Some sounds was heard. And he ran into his house, fastly. “Hah?”


About bad feeling in his campus, actually not really bad. He suddenly smiled when saw the fact in front of him. That girl was sleeping in front of the home theater which was presenting an action movie.


Hyun Seong turned the home theater and sat on the chair. He didn’t know but, he wanted to see her face clearly. And then, he decided to approach her and saw her face. “It was true about Dong Hyun’s said. She seems like not going from naughty teenagers. I think, she looks beautiful. But, what’s your name, girl?”


Hyun Seong felt sleepy. Didn’t know why, but since there was a girl inside his house, he felt that he had a responsibility to her. And then he took a blanket and gave the blanket to her.


Finally, Hyun Seong decided to sleep on the chair which near from that girl.



To be continued

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Chapter 1: Awesome ! Been looking for hyunseong's fic. Thank you for writing one though.
saludlang #2
i love the mannga!!
update soon. pleeeeassssse! xD
update soon :)
awww...really sweet hyunseong! i'll leave the house and wait outside your door so that you'll keep me! XD<br />
<br />
@karashi_kyonen<br />
Ahhh, yes. You're welcome dear =))))
storkydork #7
I like it how they met! Update again okay :D<br />
And I'm also reading the manga Shinshi Doumei Cross, thanks to you :D
@seolheebyul enjoy =33
seolheebyul #9
Hyunseong story..! *fist pump*
eih! LIKE IT! continue on updating! i'm really enjoying this! :D