┊rejection. part 1┊

One Sided Marriage


You ran home, tears streaming down your cheeks. You burst through the door of your home and ran up to your room, completely ignoring your mother (she asked why you were crying). You threw yourself on your bed, grabbed your pillow and cried into it. 

Why did I ask?

Why does he like me?

Why did he agree to this? 

All sorts of thoughts ran through your head.

Short Flashback

"i want to be your everything, Ae Rim...




You've always been mine."

YOUR (Ae Rim's) POV

I had to tell Mom and Dad, but that would make things long and difficult. They've already set the date and planned everything. Luhan is happy. Wouldn't cancelling it seem selfish of me? I didn't want to argue, and I definitely didn't want Luhan to feel... Rejected. My tears were started to stop thinking of the marriage that way. My mom came into the room to talk to me.

"Hey, is everything alright?" She asked, sitting down on the edge of the bed.

I sat up, wiped my tears away and said, smiling, "Yeah, mom, everything's fine! I'm just sad that Kyungsoo will be leaving Korea... He got an opportunity to study abroad. You know, he's been my friend since almost forever and he suddenly told me he was leaving."

That, my dear readers, was an obvious lie. Kyungsoo wouldn't study even if his life depended on it. Therefore, it was no surprise my mom was shocked.

"Wow, he must have put in a load of effort for that opportunity. When is he leaving? Do you want to see him at the airport when he leaves?" My mom asked, offerring to drive me to the airport.

"No, no! That... Won't be necessary. I feel like it... Would hurt and sadden me more that way," I said quickly.

She sad "okay" before leaving my room. I decided to text Kyungsoo... For an opinion.

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