
The Fairest One of All

A few days later Queen Aliya was brought before her people to be punished for her crimes. Prince Minseok had temporarily be declared acting ruler in light of what the queen had done and so presided over her trial.

            “Queen Aliya. You are being accused of attempted murder, use of dark magic and abuse of power. What do you have to say for yourself?” Minseok spoke clearly, his voice filling up the trail room. Beside him sat Luhan, no longer dressed in servant’s clothes but in what looked like clothes borrowed from one of Minseok’s friends.

            Aliya said nothing but stared definitely up at the prince.

            “Very well. We have already heard from those who saw you committing your crimes. Now it is time for you to be judged. Keeping with the customs of your kingdom, your people will decide your fate as you once decided theirs.” Minseok looked up from were Aliya stood and addressed the rest of the room.

“All those who find her innocent and wish for her to be cleared of all charges so she may resume being your queen, raise your hand.” Not a single hand was lifted into the air.

“All those who find her guilty and…” Minseok trailed off as a laugh began to bubble forth from Aliya. It quickly grew in volume and filled the whole room. It was the not the musical laugh her people had grown accustomed to hearing. This was a cold laughter, void of humor and full of cruel mirth.

“And what? Stick me in a jail cell? I cannot be executed since I did not actually kill anyone. And I would love to see a cell try to hold me. The only reason I stuck around this long was to watch you walk in pain.” Aliya turned in a circle to face the crowd, the cuffs around her wrist jingling.

“You have no idea who stands before you. I have power greater than you can imagine and yet you want to lock me away. I once ruled you well and this is the thanks I get. Very well. As you live out the rest of your lives remember that you made your decision here. Now choke on it!”

With that she burst into flames. And as quickly as they came, the fire vanished leaving nothing behind. Queen Aliya had disappeared.

They searched for days but could find no trace of her. Prince Minseok stayed to guild the kingdom until another ruler could be found. Aliya had no relatives that could take the throne and in the end it was decided that her maid servant should rule, for she knew everything the queen knew while also being of the people. She humbling accepted the crown and began a new reign of kindness and honesty.

Prince Minseok and his friends left after the new queen’s coronation. And a few months after they returned home they sent an announcement that the prince was to be married. The queen was invited to attend the union of Minseok and Luhan which she gladly accepted. The two kingdoms became close allies and helped each other grow and prosper.

It seemed like everything was perfect. But no matter how many days pasted, the people of Aliya’s former kingdom woke in fear of her retaliation. They had not heard anything for months but they knew one day she would come back. And they knew that when she did she would make them pay by brutally destroying everything they had grown to hold dear.

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Pinkunicornsrainbows #1
Chapter 7: Omg it was so cute :)