
The Fairest One of All

“It’s been four days! What do you mean you don’t know what’s wrong with him?” Minseok was once again yelling at Aliya’s doctors. They had been attending to Luhan since the morning after the welcome dinner but could not find a way to change his situation.

            They said it was the oddest case they had even seen. Upon first examining him they concluded he was merely asleep. His heartbeat and breathing were regular and other than his eyes being closed there was nothing to suggest something was wrong. But when noon came and went and he was still asleep, Prince Minseok insisted they check on him again. This time they discovered that he did not respond to stimuli and his heartbeat and breathing had gotten so faint it was a wonder he hadn’t started changing behavior due to lack of oxygen. After another full day of this, they said the only possible explanation was that he was in a trance like sleep so deep he was practically dead.

            Minseok didn’t like that explanation and demanded they keep doing everything they could to find a way to fix the situation. He halted all his schedules and planned outings in favor of staying by Luhan’s side until he got better.

            But after three full days of Minseok sulking around her bed chamber, Queen Aliya had had enough. She called for the medical testing to stop and for the doctors to tell the prince that there was just nothing they could do so it would be best if he left Luhan and continued his life.

            “Leave him? What do you mean? He’s still alive! He’s breathing and his heart is beating! I can’t just leave him.” Minseok’s shouts carried down the hall, frightening Aliya’s servants.

            “Prince Minseok, may I have a word?” Queen Aliya pulled him into one of her spare guest rooms and sat him down to talk.

            “I know this is hard for you. I would be very upset if one of my subjects had fallen ill in a foreign kingdom as well. But we’ve tried all we can and it’s time to face the facts. Luhan is not going to get better. At least not through any means of medicine we have.” Aliya reached out and rested her hand on Minseok’s shoulder. “I think it’s time for you to accept your loss and move forward. I know it’s hard but think of your kingdom. They need you and sitting by the bedside of an invalid isn’t going to do them any good. If you want a funeral ceremony for closure I will be more than happy to provide one. I want to help you in any way I can. But you have to be willing to accept it and be ready to move on.”

            Minseok didn’t say anything for a long time. He just stared at the floor, seemingly lost in thought. Aliya waited. She had already got what she wanted. Now she just needed to get the prince and his people to leave so she could put this whole thing behind her.

            At last Minseok looked up. “I’ll move on for my people because that is what a good leader does in difficult times. But I don’t want a funeral. I don’t believe he is dead and I refuse to give up hope he can get better. I’ll move forward but I need your word that you will keep his heart beating and his lungs breathing until a cure can be found.” Minseok looked straight into Aliya’s eyes, challenging her to refuse his wish.

            But Aliya was a good liar. She had been since she was young. Without missing a beat she stared right back into his eyes and said, “Of course. I’ll do what I can in order to help you get back to leading your people.”

            Minseok’s eyes scanned Aliya’s face for a couple moments before standing. “I’ll need to stay a few more days. There is still business here I need to attend to since I haven’t yet.”

            Aliya stood as well and began leading Prince Minseok back toward the guest wing of the palace. “Do what you must. You are my guest and I have already asked that you make yourself comfortable. Although, I feel it best that you no longer stay near Luhan. Please, stay with your people in my guest suite. I’ll have someone report to you on his progress daily.”

            They had reached the main entrance of the palace. Minseok nodded once then excused himself to go inform his entourage of his new plan of action. Once he was out of sight Aliya quickly turned and began to march back to her bed chamber.

            “Get out. All of you, out.” Aliya was not known as a cruel queen but her subjects knew better than to disobey. Everyone in her room, the doctors attending Luhan, the servants changing her blankets, even the person holding her morning tea quickly bowed and filed out of the room.

            “Not you. I have a job for you.” As the last person passed, her number one maid servant, she stuck out her arm to hold the smaller girl back. Once she heard the door close, Aliya dropped her arm and walked toward her bed where Luhan still lied, somewhere between sleep and death.

            “I need him moved. I can’t bury him like I wanted but I can put him out of sight and out of mind.” She turned to face her hand maid. “You know the forest very well, yes? I need to move him to a clearing deep inside the forest where no one will find him. Find some trustworthy people to help you carry him.”

            Aliya looked back down at Luhan. Even in this near death state he was very handsome. She felt a sudden urge to run her fingers through his hair but balled her hands into fists instead. She would not fall for his beauty. That was a power reserved for her and no one else.

            After a few seconds of looking at Luhan, Aliya shifted her gaze back to the other girl in the room. “Why are you still here? You have your instructions and I want this done tonight!” Her voice was firm and it caused the girl to flinch.

            “I'm sorry Your Majesty. But how are we to transport him? Surly you do not wish us to carry him in our arms and then drop him in the woods for the elements to have at him.” Her voice was meek but firm. Queen Aliya smiled. This was why she liked this servant the most. Even though she knew Aliya’s word was practically law she still knew that the queen was only human and sometimes needed gentle correcting.

            “You’re quiet right. We need him to stay safe from the outside world in case the prince wants to see some time in the future.” Aliya paused, her face contorted with distaste. She really couldn't understand why Prince Minseok was so insistent on Luhan getting better. Sure she had favorite servants but none were that special to her. Honestly she couldn’t think of anyone she would be heartbroken about if they fell terminally ill. Odd.

            With a shrug Aliya came back to the present and addressed the current problem at hand. “Don’t worry about how you’ll transport him. I’ll have him preserved by the time you come to take him away. Just get this done as quickly and discretely as possible.”

            The servant curtsied and quickly left the room, leaving Aliya alone with her enemy. Aliya stood there for a minute, soaking in her triumph. She had won. She was back on top, the only place she belonged. With renewed confidence she strode over to her magic mirror.

            “Now tell me, who is the fairest one of all?” she challenged her mirror.

            “I assume you want me to exclude the person laying on your bed who’s not quite dead?” the mirror lazily replied.

            “Watch your tone. Do not forget who is the master and who is merely a tool to be kept as long as I have use for it,” Aliya’s voice was sharp and menacing. She was not in a mood to be sassed by a reflective surface.

            “As you wish. You, my queen, are once again the most beautiful person in your kingdom. No one else has the power of beauty besides you. I hope you are satisfied.”

            Queen Aliya grinned in response. The kingdom was once again hers and hers alone. How could she not be satisfied? 

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Pinkunicornsrainbows #1
Chapter 7: Omg it was so cute :)