
The Fairest One of All

“On behalf of my kingdom I welcome you and ask you to make yourselves at home while you are here. Please, enjoy the food and have fun!” Queen Aliya raised her glass to her guests in invitation for them to begin the festivities. She sank into her throne, taking a long drink as she went through her plan one more time. It was as flawless as her.

            Her banquet hall was crowded with people milling around and mingling. Tables were sat up around the edge of the room so people could eat as they wished while still being free to move around and talk. She also had servers weaving through the guests with trays carrying drinks or food for her party goers whose socializing caused them to forget to feed themselves.

            The prince and his people moved among the other guest, just now starting to break away from their large group to explore as individuals. Queen Aliya kept a close eye on Prince Minseok and the person he kept at his side at all times. Even if they hadn’t been formally introduced moments before Aliya made the toast she would have no trouble spotting him. Tonight he was dressed to make sure everyone knew he was the guest of honor. His white suit was bedazzled around the shoulders so that the light literally danced off him as he moved through the room. Aliya had to admit it was impressive. But it was still nothing compared to how she presented herself.

            Honestly Aliya could wear anything and look stunning. But tonight she decided to wear a dress one of her friends said was the perfect combination of y and fierce. A long sleeved, floor length dress, it left nothing to the imagination. It hugged all her curves in all the right places until it reached her knees and began cascading out and down to the floor. It was made of glorious deep red material with black lace accents around her wrist and cleavage while her waist was accentuated by a wide corset band. Her hair was pinned to one side, flowing over her right shoulder. She was stunning in every sense of the word. She made people want to stare at her but also look away for fear her gaze could kill.

            Feeling confident in herself and her plan, Aliya set her glass to the side and rose to her feet. She moved gracefully through the crowd of party-goers, inclining her head politely whenever someone called out to her. But she was on a mission and stopped for no one. On her way to Prince Minseok and his servant she ran her hand across the shoulders of her main hand maid to get her attention. Once they made eye contact the girl quickly ducked her head and left the banquet hall.

            “Are you enjoying yourself?” Queen Aliya asked once she reached the prince. Her smile was blinding and she radiated warmth. The poor boys had no idea what was coming.

            Prince Minseok bowed politely before answering, “Very much. This is amazing, I don’t think I’ve ever been welcomed quite like this.” He chuckled as his gaze swept the room and took in all its splendor.

            Aliya let out a musical laugh. “Please. This is nothing. I always like to make sure all my guest know they are welcome and appreciated.  No expense is spared for new friends.”

            “It’s too much,” Minseok replied, shaking his head. “You really didn’t need to do all this for us. We’re just happy to be able to visit. I’ve heard such great things about you and your kingdom I was a little worried we weren’t classy enough to cross the border.” Minseok laughed and Aliya politely joined in.

            “We’d never turn away a potential friend. Especially not one as handsome as you and your friends.” Aliya was being as charming as she could to work her way into the prince’s good graces.

            Minseok’s cheeks flushed pink at the queen’s subtle compliment. “Stop. We’re nothing compared to you and your friends. Stories of your beauty have traveled far. And may I take this moment to say that, as stunning as you are described, you are more radiant in person than any tale could capture.”

            Queen Aliya tried to make her smile seem humble instead of smug. “Thank you. But I’m sure you know someone who you think should also have stories told of their beauty.” Aliya briefly shifted her eyes over Minseok’s right shoulder to steal a glance at Luhan.

            “Ah. Well, they say is beauty is subjective so I’m sure everyone has someone different they would want tell the world about if they could.” Minseok looked down at the ground as his blush deepened and his hand ruffled his hair, completely missing how Aliya’s expression had harden after her look at his servant.

            Luhan was no longer dressed in servant clothes but in a plain suit. It was still obvious he was not royalty like Aliya and Minseok but now there was nothing to obscure his good looks. The suit, while plain, fitted him nicely drawing Aliya’s eyes to the nice shape of his body. And his hair was styled to frame his face in a way that made him look nothing less than angelic. He was beautiful in every incarnation of the word and Aliya hated him for it. And her hatred only grew the more she looked at him because despite her best efforts she couldn’t help but find him attractive. And that was just unacceptable.

            Thankfully, before Aliya could impulsive act on her growing dislike for the boy in front of her, the maid servant she had sent off earlier had appeared at her side with a tray of apple tarts. The sight of the servant and the food reminded the queen of her plan and allowed her to suppress for hate for a moment.

            “Prince Minseok, have you tried one of our apples tarts yet? They’re my chef’s specialty and, if I may be so bold, the best thing you’ll ever taste.” Aliya picked up a dessert and offered it to the prince, making sure her voice was honey sweet.

            “The best thing I’ll ever taste you say? I don’t know about that. I have a friend who makes some pretty delicious food. I don’t know if this will be able to beat his cooking.”

            “Then I guess you’ll have to try it and see. And if your friend can make these better than my chef, I may just have to steal him from you since this is my favorite dish.” Aliya joked along with Minseok, handing him a tart as he laughed.

            “I don’t know, he’s pretty temperamental. I could barely convince him to cook for me the first time.”

Minseok took a bite of the apple tart once he finished his sentence. His eyes opened wide at the deliciousness of the dessert and he looked up to convey his satisfaction through eye contact until he was able to speak again.

“You were not kidding about this being delicious! Can I have the recipe? I don’t think my friend will be able to make it quite like this but I also don’t think I’ll be able to keep living without eating this again.” Minseok was very sincere as he complemented the dessert and quickly took another bite.

“Thank you. I’m glad you like it,” Aliya chuckled.

After finishing his second bite, Minseok turned and offered his tart to Luhan. The servant appeared started for a second at being addressed during a conversation between royals but quickly made to accept the dessert.

“Oh no, please! You don’t have to share your tart. Here, we have plenty to go around.” Aliya grabbed the only apple tart that was sitting on a green rimmed serving plate and handed it to Luhan. His eyes grew wide at the offer but he accepted with a bow and a quiet “thank you.” Minseok’s smile grew twice as large as he also thanked the queen and took another bite of his tart as Luhan took the first bite of his.

While they were savoring their treats, Aliya fought hard to conceal her growing excitement. Aliya suggested they move to one of the tables along the wall since they were both eating and she assured them they would enjoy their food a lot better without having to worry about people bumping into them. So she led them to the table closest to the exit and sat down with them. She had altered the poison to make it slow acting to raise less suspicion so she kept up a light conversation with the prince while she waited. Less than five minutes after his first bite, Luhan started showing signs that Aliya’s poison was working.

It started with a few yawns that got bigger and bigger. Then he started blinking really fast in an effort to keep his eyes open. But it was when he started swaying in his seat that Minseok noticed something was strange.

“Are you okay?” the prince asked his servant after a really bad sway caused Luhan to bump into him. Before Luhan could answer Minseok had to put his arms around him to prevent him from falling face down on the table.

“Is he feeling alright? We can take him to the infirmary if he’s not well,” Aliya leaned forward, her eyes full of mock concern. This was the tricky part. She needed to get Luhan out of the banquet hall before his eyes closed for good.

Luhan started to sluggishly shake his head to indicate that he didn’t need to leave but he was having a really hard time keeping his eyes open now.

Without another word, Minseok lifted Luhan out of the chair, draping his arm around him and securing him around his waist. He nodded once to Aliya to show that he was wanted her to lead the way and off they were.

The infirmary was on the other side of Queen Aliya’s palace but after walking down one hallway and turning the corner, it became clear Luhan wasn’t going to be able to make it that far.

“Here, my chambers are just through this door. We can set him on my bed. He’ll be comfortable and there’ll be plenty of room for people to look after him.” Aliya steered the Luhan carrying prince toward her room and helped Minseok lay him on her bed. As soon as his head hit the pillow, Luhan was out, seemingly fast asleep.

“Maybe he just needs rest? You guys did have a long journey here and then the tour and the welcome dinner. I’m sure he’ll be fine by the morning.” Aliya lightly touched Minseok’s shoulder in what she hoped was a comforting gesture. After a few seconds of staring intently at Luhan’s face, Minseok nodded and let Aliya lead him out of her room.

“Can I stay in your chambers tonight? I don’t mean to sound forward but I just want to be there in case he wakes up during the night.” Minseok looked at her pleadingly, his eyes full of hope and worry.

“Of course. I’m sure he’ll be fine soon but do whatever you feel you must. I’ll sleep in the guest room across the hall.”

Minseok breathed a sigh of relief as he thanked her and headed back toward the party to tell his fellow travelers what had happened. Once Minseok’s back was turned to her Aliya couldn’t help but feel a little pity for the prince. He seemed to really care about the health of his servant and trusted that Aliya would do what she could to make him better.

But Aliya knew Luhan would never get better. As she reentered the banquet hall she felt herself glowing with pride and happiness. She had done it. She had eliminated her threat and she was once again the most beautiful living person in her kingdom. 

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Pinkunicornsrainbows #1
Chapter 7: Omg it was so cute :)