Chapter 2

Pet Me

It was only when Yugyeom had parked in front of a large chain pet store that I finally realized Yugyeom had no idea how to care for a cat,let alone another living being. Never had Yugyeom felt so intimidated in his life.

"OK. So do I take you inside? Or not..." He turned to ask the blonde cat only to find him sleeping soundly in his carrier.

"Oh uh, yeah. Just, uh, stay. There. Good cat," Yugyeom cringed at himself, questioning his own sanity.

'Why am I even talking to a cat?'

Walking into the store was the easy part. The automatuc doors opened with a slide, openong up to a wide room with tall industrial ceilings and concrete floors. Upon stepping inside, Yugyeom was bombarded by bright cheery colors displaying toys and name brands. Photoshoped dogs and cats and birds and 'please tell me that's a lizard' smiled off various signs and items. He glanced around with wide eyes, frozen in place by the sheer mass of the store.

"Holy crap how am I going to do this?" Yugyeom asked himself quietly.

Feeling more like he was in Ikea rather than Petsmart,  he reluctantly followed the directional signs with kittens printed on them.

"When was pet shopping actually this hard?" Yugyeom muttered begrudgingly to himself as he looked up, down and across the shelves of cat supplies that was taller than him. He sighed and pulled out the list of things he needed, graciously given to him by Youngjae. 


"Food,"Yugyeom read aloud.

Shouldn't be too hard, right?

Wrong. Wrong. He was so wrong. The cat food was in its own isle. Two rows of shelves, lined top to bottom with brand after brand of cat food, kitten food,  old cat food, obese cat food, all kinds of cat food. 

" Holy crap. That's a lot of cat food." Yugyeom stood in awe at rows and rows of food beside him.

Believing it would be best to start somewhere, Yugyeom shuffled to the begining of the shelf to his left. There lay big brand name bags that advertised healthier adult cats. Farther down, the same brand and advertising sat on the shelf with the exception of being for "kittens". Yugyeom checked the price before wincing and retracting his hand. Much, much too expensive for a lowly office worker. He continued further until he found the bargain brand foods and lesser expensive brand names. Yugyeom couldn't really decide which to get, so he grabbed a random bag from the shelf before speed walking out of the isle. 

" OK. So that's over with," Yugyeom wiped imaginary sweat off his forehead, "Now the next thing..."

"2.Litter Box, " Yugyeom mumbled off the list absent-mindedly.

Luckily for him, Yugyeom had managed to wander into the correct isle. He easily grabbed an acceptable box and some extra litter mix, all the while trying to not get creeper out by the creative designs of other products (THERE'S ONE THAT FLUSHES. IT FREAKING FLUSHES!).

Three was a bit harder to understand.

"A bed? Why would he need his own bed? Can't he just sleep on the couch? " Yugyeom asked himself.  Unfortunately there were other people in the isle that were giving him questioning looks.

"Ah, sorry," he bowed politely before walking off in search of beds. 

After searching through the isle, he figured he'd just give BamBam a pillow. Hey, he's not cheap, just practical. 

4. Toys.

 'That should be easy,' Yugyeom thought to himself,'Then again didn't I say that with the cat food?"

When Yugyeom came upon the cat toy isle he was faced with the same challenges as the food isle. However, learning from the previously mentioned incident,  he quickly found a couple random, discounted toys and rushed to the check out line, forgoing the final item on the list. After all, aren't collars for dogs?

The lady at the check out line rang up his items with a polite smile and phrase. Yugyeom paid with his credit card, feeling content with the amount he spent. Taking his bags he exited the store only to be met with his car alarm shrieking in the distance.

" Crap. "

Yugyeom ran (more like shuffled with all of his purchases in his hands) to his car. He somehow managed to free his keys without dripping anything. Dumping his bags unceremoniously into his trunk, Yugyeom quickly silenced the alarm before running to the drivers side door...which was locked. Confused Yugyeom paced around his car to find that the passenger side door was slightly ajar.

" Huh,"Yugyeom huffed,"Maybe the alarm scared them o-crap." Yugyeom looked down into his car to find the cage which once held his new cat empty and door wide open.

"Crapcrapcrapcrapcrapcraaaaaap, "Yugyeom panicked, "BamBam! BamBam!? Here kitty kitty kitty!"

Yugyeom jumped into his car searching the back seats for the cat. Turning upside down, backwards, and twisting into positions that would make a contortionist jealous, Yugyeom frantically searched everywhere in the back of the car. Cursing when the search came up empty, Yugyeom hopped out of the car and fell against the pavement. 

" BamBam. Here kitty kitty," Yugyeom stuck his head underneath the car and squirmed a hand around as if it would help find the cat.

Suddenly,  a small meow sounded from above him. Yugyeom urgently shuffled out from under the car,  bumping his head in his hurry. 

" Ow, " Yugyeom whined,  hand clutching his head and body still crouched on the ground. 

"Mrow. "

Yugyeom looked up to see a blonde tail flicking out from under the passenger seat.

" What the..." Yugyeom looked closer then exclaimed, "BamBam! "

Yugyeom immediately reached out to the cat, wishing to dislodge it from under the seat, but it seemed BamBam had oother plans.  The cat hissed and batted it's paws at the boy and squished itself farther under the seat.

"Oh come on, BamBam. You'll get hurt under there," Yugyeom tried talking to the cat.

BamBam hissed in reply.

" OK,  so maybe Youngjae was right. You are a bit much to handle...b u t I can't return you. Can I?" Yugyeom asked himself. 

It seemed as if BamBam had understood Yugyeom's thoughts because the cat immediately ran out from under the seat and hopped over the barrier between the front seats and back seats and sat patiently in the back seat next to his carrier.

" Uh..."Yugyeom stared at the cat at a loss of words,"Um. OK.  Thanks?"

Yugyeom then got up and closed the door, walked around the car, and eased into the driver seat.He sat there for a moment and looked through the center mirror to see BamBam,  now laying down in the seat.

"OK,  homeward we go."


Yugyeom was careful when he opened the back door of his car when he got back to his apartment building.  He had made sure that he could see BamBam throughout the entire ride there. The blonde cat was still lying in the back seat, now staring at Yugyeom with a condescending expression (at least that what he assumed). 

" Alright BamBam.  I need you to nicely get in your cage so we can go inside,"Yugyeom spoke slowly and quietly as he reached out for the cat, trying to seem as non threatening as possible. 

BamBam's ears twitched as the boy and his tail flicked lightly. When Yugyeom's hands touched the cat's soft fur, he hissed causing Yugyeom to jerked back.

" OK ok. No touching," Yugyeom raised his hands in the classic 'I didn't do anything' pose,"Let's try something else then..."

Yugyeom crawled into the back seat and closed the door behind him. Taking the crate, Yugyeom held the door open and faced the entrance towards the cat. Slowly he inched the opening towards the cat laying in the seat. BamBam yowled angrily as the edge of the cage slipped under his foot. Yugyeom quickly shoved the rest of the cage under the cat, apologizing profusely under his breath, and all but slammed the end against the other car door.

"OK, ok. I'm sorry. OK now I'm going to close the cage. Don't try to run out," Yugyeom informed himself more than the cat. 

BamBam just meowed angrily from inside the cage.

Yugyeom quickly pulled the cage back and pushed to door closed after struggling with the locking system.

"So I guess I'll take you in first then I'll get your stuff," Yugyeom informed as he exited the car with cat-in-crate in tow.

Yugyeom entered the building through the lobby and walked straight to the stairs. Taking two at a time(simply because his legs are that long), he walked up the steps careful not to jostle BamBam in his crate. He had reached the end of his third flight of steps when he turned and exited the stairwell. Yugyeom's apartment was located at the end of the hallway where the building bends to form another hall. His apartment happened to be the awkward on in the corner, which he actually liked for its irregularities. 

Yugyeom entered his apartment and placed BamBam (crate and all) on the coffee table in his weirdly shaped living room. He crouched down and got eye level with the cage.

" OK,  I'm gonna let you out now. Don't run off. Please," Yugyeom commanded less assertively than he would have liked.

He sighed and pushed on the two knows above and below the lock. The springs made a cringe worthy squeak and the door shifted when the mechanism came free of the lock. Yugyeom pulled the door back and was immediately faces with a ball of flying fur.

" YAHH!" Yugyeom yelled angrily as he was knocked backwards and claws latched in his hair.

BamBam quickly scurried off the giant as soon as his back hit the floor, opting to further his lifespan and hide under the couch.

"BamBam! "









Ok, this seems very mundane but please stay with me here. I'm not entirely sure where this is going but it will definitely get Interesting when BamBam reveals himself.  Sorry I'm just not sure how to transition to it. Next chapter should be the best so's been a month since I've updated...sorry. 

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Chookie #1
Chapter 9: Oh, I like this, I hope you'll update soon
1cmwoozi #2
this is good stuff! hopefully you update soon ; )
Chapter 7: lol your story is really good so far! can't wait until next update which will hopefully come out less than a year??
Chapter 7: IM SO LUCKY THIS UPDATED THE DAY I DISCOVERED IT. Anyways all your chapters are top notch so don't fret. Really liking the story so far *thumbs up*
Babygirlempress #6
Chapter 6: I love it I hope you update soon
Faydab7 #7
Chapter 6: So cute when you'll update !
dazedyugs #8
Chapter 6: aww so cute and well written!! please update soon~ :))
Chapter 6: Ahhhh I love this storie!! Pls update soon!
I love Yugbam (and Markson too hehe!) ❤❤
bamma_watsons #10
Chapter 6: awwwww cute