
I Have Seen and Felt Love

“So, how did it go last night?” Aiba raised his eyebrows suggestively to God knows that he’s thinking (something erted as always).


*Last night*

I wasn’t sure if Ohno was aware that almost everyone around us were proposing to their significant other and it made me feel awkward and out of place; I wonder if Ohno had taken notice... Well, at least no one was paying attention to us.

“Do you know what you’re getting?” Ohno asked me with excited sparkles in his eyes and I had to look away to keep myself from calling him cute out loud. I didn’t want to embarrass myself further and the fact that I didn’t even know how reply to Ohno because I didn’t know how to read French.

“Uh, this…” I showed him the menu in my hand and pointed at the first line I had my eye on the whole time. I could read the katakana, but I didn’t want to say it out loud to save myself from embarrassment. I had a feeling that if I could even say it in my head, then I shouldn’t just say it out loud.

Ohno raised an eyebrow and I immediately regretted it, but I couldn’t turn back on my answer. “Are you sure?”


“Okay. I’ll get the same thing, too.”

When Ohno rang the tiny bell sitting on the middle of the table, a waiter was immediately at our side. The waiter was Japanese and I thought he was going to speak our native tongue, but I was proved wrong when he began speaking in French. It was just like in the movies, except I’m actually experiencing it and it was neat! I felt like I was in a movie all of a sudden and I was some random background actor who had a great opportunity of being casted in.

However, my mind wandered back to the real world and I saw that the waiter was staring at me, expecting me to say something. I searched for words, but I didn’t know what to say until I heard Ohno say something in French for the waiter’s attention. My jaw dropped in shock as Ohno continued speaking in fluent French. They shared laughter about something Ohno said and I wished I knew what they were saying so I could join in too. They talked for another minute or so before the waiter left us alone once again.

“Y-you speak French,” I mumbled quietly, but Ohno must have heard me when he answered with an excited, “Yup!”

“It wasn’t that hard to learn it… Oh, wait, so did that mean you couldn’t read the menu? I’m sorry about that! I just assumed that… you were staring at the menu… so… I’m sorry!”

I just wanted to laugh because I didn’t know if I was supposed to be embarrassed or if it was supposed to be Ohno, but I kept my mouth shut instead.

“I should have suggested something… but what you pointed out was not that bad, Nino-kun. It’s actually the first French dish I’ve ever tasted when I went to France.”

“Y-you went to France?!” I exclaimed. Seriously, just how rich is Ohno?!

“Yeah, when I was five. I stayed there for a decade before my family moved back to Japan.”

“Wow...how was it there?”

*Present time*

Aiba guffawed as he grabbed his stomach and fell on the wooden floor. “That’s all you two talked about the whole night? About France?!”

“S-So what? It was nice hearing about another country…”

“You’re lying, OMG. I know you wanted that “D.” “

I slapped the back of Aiba’s head. “Not everybody is as erted as you.”

“But you’re a , Nino. Of course you’d want the “D.” “

“Okay, I’m done talking to you. Forget that I called you here to hang out and--”

“Okay, I’m sorry!” Aiba pulled me back down and I fell on my bed. “But did you at least get to know him better?”

Now that Aiba had mentioned it, Ohno talked a lot about himself last night and I knew him better, other than the fact that he knew how to speak French and many other languages. As a kid, Ohno began fishing with his father who used to have so much time with him, until his dad stopped taking him due to busy circumstances at his company (Ohno hadn’t revealed where his father worked, unfortunately). Also, Ohno loved baking and he wanted to become a baker one day along with his mother who used to bake with him almost everyday before she, too, became as busy as his father. In the end, though, I realized that Ohno was a very lonely kid as he grew up. He said he had nannies and such to take care of him, but whenever he mentioned his parents, Ohno seemed so sad and lonely like a parentless child. I was going to comfort him, but then the food came, Ohno smiled and began talking about France once again.


“I can’t believe I kept on talking. I didn’t even give Nino-kun a chance to speak.”

“Well, did you at least learn something about him?”

“He can’t speak—“

“Other than the fact that he can’t speak French.”

“Uh…” I struggled to speak because the harder I tried to remember, the more I realized that I didn’t learn a thing about Ninomiya. And I thought that I Was going to learn more about him, but instead I rambled on and on like an excited child. “…Nothing.”

“Satoshi,” Sho sighed and shook his head in disapproval. “I know you were excited, but you’ve got to control it. It’s ironic, though, that you speak more to Ninomiya, who you barely met, than you speak to anyone. Heck, you even took him out! Even you don’t take me out to eat at a five star restaurant.”

It was true. I haven’t taken Sho out to eat at five star restaurants even when he kept reminding me I owed it to him just because. But I’m sure Sho would understand because I’ve never done this to anyone until I met Ninomiya. When I first saw him, I felt different somehow and when I was with him, I felt better. Next time, I will learn more about him for sure.
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shinenigan #1
update please? :DD
Seni22 #2
I am loving this fic. When will you post the next chapters?