f o u r s e a s o n s ;; JINYOUNG

Four Seasons - A Collection of B1A4 One-Shots


[TWO-SHOT] Four Seasons

By noona.



F o u r S e a s o n s  ; ;  J I N Y O U N G

P A R T 1


I'll wait for you (Until the end)

I'll remember your image

Hid away in all four seasons

If I close my eyes,

It's like you're suddenly by my side


Jinyoung’s Point of View


I turn to my right.


There sat Baro, who kept on complaining to our coordi-noona at how messy his hair was even though she had already combed it for the tenth time, he had been trying on several different caps and every time, he would ask her to fix his hair. It didn’t seem like she minded anyway. Everyone was well aware that oursquirrel had a crush on our coordi-noona, sometimes it would look more than just a crush especially when he keeps on doing silly things just to get her attention to the point it was annoying the other members because they required her help too. It was during the first few days of spring that Baro admitted and announced to us that he admired her, being the competitive boy that he was not wanting anyone else crushing on his noona. They weren’t together though, the company wouldn’t allow it of course, but Baro was fine with it as long as she didn’t have anyone courting her and that she would keep her promise to be B1A4 Baro’s noona.


Keeps me nourished like fresh air

I'll wait for you

My heart that waits for all four seasons to come

Like blue plants, always in this spot


To my left.


Our lead vocalist, Sandeul was practicing the song we would be performing in our goodbye stage as promotions are finally over for our it B1A4 mini album. I couldn’t help but notice the nervous vibrations that emitted from his voice, he wasn’t usually like this, I stood up from my seat and approached the anxious boy who was usually confident in times like this. “Something bothering you?” I asked curiously, Sandeul took a deep breath before answering and nodded. “She’s here, she actually came to watch us perform” he explained, ah yes, the girl whom we thought was nothing but a figment of Sandeul’s imagination because she seemed so perfect in his descriptions. He called her his number one BANA, it was obvious that there was a deeper meaning to that title rather than just being a loyal fan of B1A4, BANA, the abbreviation of the term Banada which meant ‘we have fallen for each other’ seemed to apply perfectly in their situation. When asked if they were together, Sandeul would smile, shake his head, and say “no…not yet.


After doing a lot of breathing exercises, Sandeul was able to relax for a moment until he peeked behind the stage and saw the girl talking animatedly with the other fans. He pointed to her direction; it was my first time seeing the girl since Sandeul would often go out to meet her but never bothered introducing her to us, “She’s pretty” I told him and grinned. He immediately pulled me backstage, “Hyung!” he yelled with a pout aigoo, these boys.I just said she’s pretty! She’s a lucky girl to have a goofball like you.”  Sandeul met the girl in summer when WM Entertainment was holding auditions for trainees in the provinces, it was a pretty funny story about how he wasn’t even able to get her name but luckily, they ran into each other again. Must be fate.


On the other side of the stage.


Our maknae was talking animatedly with a girl that looked pretty familiar. “isn’t that the girl that lives with f(x)?” Sandeul spoke, ah yes, I can still remember the state of panic and hysteria that everyone was in when we were separated with Gongchan a few weeks ago, everyone tried contacting his phone but remembered that he had left it back at the dorm because we weren’t allowed to use them on schedules, after a few hours of chaos we got a call from F(x)’s Amber saying is this B1A4’s manager? This is Amber Liu of F(x), Gongchan is with –before we could even spazz about the fact that F(x)’s main rapper was calling us, we immediately rushed to SM entertainment’s building in hopes of finding our dear maknae. We arrived after a few minutes and discovered that Gongchan, was in fact, not there but in their apartment. Of course their staff was shocked and dumbfounded that a bunch of boys suddenly barged in their building without any notice and running everywhere shouting Gongchan’s name. But everyone had calmed down when Amber approached us and put us on the phone with their friend.


Gong Chan Sik! Where are you?! Are you alri – Shinwoo-hyung! Don’t shout at him!– Shush! Please don’t hurt him! He’s still a child! – Sandeul-ah! What are you saying?”


Everyone was yelling and panicking and basically, all over the place until Amber had to shout at them for them to calm down. I had to apologize in behalf of everyone to the staff and of course, Amber for the ruckus we’ve done. But it was all worth it when that huge wave of relief washed over us when we were able to fetch Gongchan who slept like the baby that he is, in their couch. We never did get her name. All we knew about her was that “Don’t worry about your friend, she’s with our trainee friend who lives with Krystal and Luna” according to what Amber had said before we left the building.


So she’s the rookie solo artist everyone’s been talking about!” Sandeul realized as he snapped his fingers, his eyes gleaming with excitement as we watched the two lovebirds talking to each other, Gongchan looks awkward though. “Our maknae is all grown up,” I told him as I shook my head and clapped my hands. Suddenly, the two stopped talking and turned to look at our direction at the same time, Gongchan shot us a don’t-embarrass-me-hyung look that made us burst out laughing, the girl seemed to be amused as well and giggled cutely then pinched Gongchan’s cheek. Sandeul and I both headed back stage to prepare for our performance when the two had started bickering on the other side.


I go through all four seasons

Yet you're still inside me

Every year when the cold winter wind blows, I think of you

Each day I still hope you'll return to me

It's frustrating, it's suffocating


Every single one of our members had that special someone in their life. As for Shinwoo, although we’re same age friends, we weren’t that close with each other. Sometimes it feels awkward talking to him. He was the most mysterious out of everyone, and he would always bring that torn leaf of his whenever we had fan meetings or performances. The story behind it, didn’t seem like a very good one. I looked over to his direction while he was being pampered by the stylists; he twirled the small leaf in between his thumb and index finger, a sad smile formed on his lips. “Shinwoo-hyung doesn’t look ok at all” Sandeul said, distracting me from my own thoughts. I nodded to him and approached the older boy, being the leader that I am. “What’s wrong?” I asked, taking the empty seat beside him. After a while, Shinwoo bit his lower lip, it was as if he was biting back tears.Nothing, I’m just relieved” he said quietly, relieved about what? And as if he was reading my thoughts, the answer came in no less than a second, “There’s this girl that I like…she told me that she had to leave and didn’t know when she’d be able to come back…I didn’t know that she had to leave because she had to get treatment, she was ill…and I just found out that she had undergone surgery a few hours ago…but she’s resting now, a friend of hers called and said that she had been saying my name in her sleep…” Even Shinwoo had a special girl.


Guys, time for your rehearsal” our manager called as we rushed to the stage for the rehearsal of our goodbye stage before taping. Baro cheerfully high-fived our coordi-noona before heading out the dressing room. Sandeul was done practicing his high notes, in hopes of not embarrassing himself in front of the girl he likes. Gongchan shyly walked away from the girl who yelled ‘fighting!’ and was smiling to himself like a little kid. Shinwoo slid the torn leaf inside his pocket and nodded to himself before taking a deep breath and walking out.


As for me…


To be continued.





Author’s Note: Baby girls, I’m sorry for taking so long and it’s not even Jinyoung’s part yet. Lmao. Anyway, here you have halbae and his observations among the other members. Jinyoung’s story had so many revisions that it took me so long to plot it out…Hurrah! My collection is almost finished. ;w; I can’t thank you guys enough for staying with me and reading this. OTL This collection means so much to me because I love four seasons so much that I can’t even. So um there…wait for part two~ Don't forget to vote for B1A4 in the MAMAs! (Huh Gak is a monster but...believe BANAs!)

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sarangjinyounghalbae #1
Chapter 6: Awwww~
I love jinyoung's part.
It made me cry :'(

and I'm even listening to Only One while reading it...
Good job, author-ssi! Fighting!
awesome work auhor-nim ! :))

i sooo love this... DAEBAK!
vaniaBANA #3
i love this!
aww that author's note: I don't own b1a4 or shinee but I wish I did.
and so are these.
I'm probably gonna end up keeping my bookmark on here so I can keep rereading these (If I really like a story that's already completed, I'll leave the bookmark on it and if I really liked one that I had subscribed to, I won't unsubscribe when it's completed)
but anyway these are so cuteeeeee.
baek-yeols #5
;______________________________________;JINYOUNG. AHHH AWWHHHHHH <3
hakushi12 #6
;____; It's really good!!
And I really like Sandeul story^^
Oh my gosh, I cried when reading Jinyoung's and CNU's story. ;AAA;
Matocian #8
I read all of them. So cute :3
Wow, super cute!!! :D
Thank you so much ;w;<br />
You guys are the sweetest ♥<br />
Let me love you all long time, 'kay?