Keep Holding On


I hope you guys enjoy this fic of six couples in EXO and please comment any feedback! 

"Lulu, wake up" someone called and pecked the boy on the cheek. The sun's rays were peeking through the blinds, which annoyed the Chinese boy. He wished to continuearrow-10x10.png sleeping in the warm bed, when suddenly he heard another call but from a different voice causing him and the one next to him to to jolt up."Umma! Appa!" the girl yelled. Luhan smiled and picked the girl up and placed her in between him and his lover. "Yunseo, you couldn't just let umma sleep?" Luhan let out, smiling at his little girl and then to Sehun. "So you wake up when she calls out to you, but not me?" Sehun said with a smirk causing Luhan to roll his eyes. "Yeah, yeah" he said. Sehun smiled at Luhan as he caressed their daughter in his arms. The sight of affection between the two couldn't help but make Luhan smile. 

"I'm running late Jongin, can you make sure HyeSoo eats breakfast and drop her at Sehun's house on your way to work ?" Kyungsoo said hurridly. Jongin rubbed his eyes as he laid in bed and saw his lover standing by him, already dressed and ready to go to work, "I'll make sure she eats, Kyungie, don't worry. But instead of dropping her over to Sehun and Luhan's house, she can just stay with me," he said sleepily. "And what about your job? She won't let you work, she's just going to want to play with you. She'll be bored to death at your little office, it's best for her to go to Luhan's place where she can play with Yunseo" Kyungsoo said in response to Jongin. Jongin sat up to meet his lover's eyes, he smiled, those eyes were beautiful every time he looked at them. "First of, my 'little office' is one the biggest in Korea" he said jokingly, causing Kyungsoo to let out a little giggle, "Secondly, who says I need to go to work? My boss?" he chuckled. Jongin was a heir to one of the biggest  companies in Korea and was his own boss. "Jongin, are you sure?" Kyungsoo said in concern. "Positive, now me and HyeSoo will have a father-daughter day" he said in excitement. Kyungsoo gave him a quick peck and hurried out reminding Jongin some things about HyeSoo which Jongin already knew. Just then Jongin heard his little girl. "Appa!!" He smiled to himself.

Minseok walked into the hospitlal with his hand held by the love of his life and his other hand held by his loving child. He had an appointment early for an ulttrasound for his second baby. They checkedarrow-10x10.png in with the front desk and were waiting to be called. Minseok was very excited to see his baby again as well was Jongdae. Jongdae kissed the back of Minseok's hand with their child on his lap. "Thanks for this and the one on my lap too" he said sweetly. Minseok smiled at Jongdae, "thank you, too, for these two gifts" he spoke out. Minseok glanced over to his little boy, "Kunwoo, you look tired, haha, was this too early for you?" Minseok chuckled and kissed the top of the boy's head. Kunwoo rubbed his eyes cutely and snuggled into his appa's chest. Jongdae kissed the boy who kept snuggling into his chest. "Kim Minseok" called out a nursearrow-10x10.png and they got up and followed her into the room in which they were going to have their ultrasound.

Tao was awokened by morning sickness which was becoming a common thing to him ever since he found out he was pregneant with his and Kris's baby. Being common didn't mean he was used to it, though. He hated having morning sickness but knew it would be worth it when his little angel was born. Kris jolted up noticing he was alone in the king sized bed and rushed to the bathroom to his lover. He tried to comfort his lover as he puked what seemed to be everything he ate yesterday. Once he thought he was done, Tao cleansed his face. "Ughhh how did the others live through this?" he complained. "Suho said it doesn't last too long in the pregnancy, your body just needs to get used to being pregneant" Kris said in response. "I'll make you breakfast ok? Anything you want in particular? Oh! I read some stuff you should eat in some pregnancy books. I'll make you something nice!" he said cheerfully and pecked Tao's lips. He ran off to the kitchen while Tao grinned at his lover's craziness. He thought it was cute how Kris was being protective recently, and so, giving him a wonderful experience of his pregnancy. Afterall if it wasn't for Kris, he wouldn't be carrying his angel.

"Suho, baby, it's morning. No matter how much I hate to say it" Lay said while rubbing the sleepiness out of his eyes. "Ugh I have to go to work" Suho groaned while enjoying the warmth of Lay's arms which were wrapped around him. Lay also groaned "do you have to go?" he whispered into Suho's ear sweetly. Suho, realizing that it was time for him to get ready for work, pushed Lay away softly, knowing the man was capable of either making him stay longer and be late or making him call in for the day. "Yes, babe, I need to go. I have a ton of work to do and you need to go to work too so get up. I'm going to drop off WooJin at Baekhyun's house, pick him up once you get off work please, I have a ton of meetings today and won't be home till late" Suho told Lay. "Okay, okay. I will pick him up from Baekhyun and Chanyeol's house after work." Lay said cheerfully, excited to have his son all to himself once he was off from work. With that, Suho let out a "Thanks babe" and kissed his lover. He then ran off to prepare breakfast and checkarrow-10x10.png up on his little boy.

"Umma! Appa!" cried out their son and daughter beside their bed. Baekhyun and Chanyeol got up to the sound of their kids' voices. Chanyeol picked up the younger of the two, EunSoo, "good morning appa" she exclaimed. Her father smiled at her, "morning princess" and kissed her on the cheek. Baekhyun then took EunSoo from Chanyeol and gave her a soft kiss on the cheek while Chanyeol picked up Dohyun "getting big aren't you?" he said playfully and placed him in between him and Baekhyun. "Channie, I'm gonna cook breakfast, can you wash them up please?" Baekhyun asked Chanyeol while placing his daughter into his lover's arms. "Sure thing baby" Chanyeol said grinning as he took EunSoo, but knew that the job he just took on was gonna be an absolute disaster. Yet he couldn't say no the one he loved most. 

Enjoy guys~ Much love! Muahh (:



Sorry there isn't much of a foreword haha

Creditsarrow-10x10.png to the owners to the photos I use! I like making photo edits so we'll see where that goes haha O.O  c:

Let's see who actually reads this ;p


Luhan (works as an accountantarrow-10x10.png with his close friends: Kyungsoo and Minseok), Oh Sehun (works for a huge engineering company as a mechanical engineer), Oh Yunseo (Sehun and Luhan's daughter), Kim Jongin (a heir ((and so I guess CEO haha)) to the biggest company in Korea), Kyungsoo (works as an accountantarrow-10x10.png with his close friends: Luhan and Minseok), Kim HyeSoo (Jongin and Kyungsoo's daughter), Minseok (a accountant that works with his close friends: Kyungsoo and Luhan), Kim Jongdae (a pediatricion), Kim Kunwoo (Jongdae and Minseok's son), Minseok and Jongdae's yet to be named child, Tao (CEO of a Chinese company but is stationed in Korea), Kris (works for a company as a biochem engineer), Kris and Tao's yet to be named child, Suho (architect), Lay (a surgeon), WooJin (Suho and Lay's son), Park Chanyeol (computer engineer), Baekhyun (dentist), EunSoo (Chanyeol and Baekhyun's youngest child and only daughter), Dohyun (Chanyeol and Baekhyun's oldest child and only son) and I believe that is all unless I add some more as I go along but yeah those will be the main ones!

And yeah I think that's about it! Thanks again for reading this! c:



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XiuYirus #1
Chapter 1: wHAT HAPPEN.