Skating & Spy Games

The Cabin: Volume 2



Woo-Jin was driving them to their next destination. The Ice Skating Rink. They’d picked a more unpopular one to go to and it was a long drive from the café.

Tom sat next to Woo-Jin in the front while Seulgi, Wendy, and Irene sat in the back

“Seulgi, would you be willing to put this on?” Tom asked. He pulled out a puffy jacket, hat, and glasses from a bag and tossed them to her in the back seat.

Seulgi nodded, “Am I a spy in this mission?”

“Yes, you’re the spy and I’m the decoy,” Tom joked, “It’s James Bond-Style, don’t you think?” he looked to the backseat.

Seulgi laughed but nodded her head in agreement, “Definitely Bond-Style.”

Wendy, who was still looked nervous piped up, “Is there a reason we’re going to such a public place?”

“Sure,” Irene said, she was still holding Wendy’s hand, “Everyone at the rink will see us, but we won’t have any way to take photos of ourselves, so that’s where Seulgi comes into play. She’ll take some photos of us there, and then we’ll take more shots later to make it look more realistic.”

“Oh,” Wendy said, “and we’ll take them to the company?”

“Sort of, you and I won’t be taking them, then they’ll know we’ve made up this whole plan, but they’ll get the photos, we’ve got that planned out as well. Once they see them, I’m sure we’ll be called to another meeting,” Irene chuckled, “I don’t think they realized that they’re not the only ones who could play the game. We’ll have to do a little acting, but I’ve got that planned out too.”

Wendy still wasn’t exactly sure how this was going to help, but she trusted Irene, “I know you have our best interests in mind, and even though I’m not sure how these photos will help, I’m doing this because I believe in you.”

“Don’t worry, okay? We’re just out for a night of skating!” Irene whispered to Wendy, “Everything else will fall into place afterwards.”






Finally they pulled up to the rink and it wasn’t too crowded. Just a few couples and a family with kids.

 “Seulgi, stay in the car and wait a while before you come out with the camera,” Irene said as she looked to Seulgi before sliding out of her side in the back, “you don’t have to take a lot of pictures here, we’ll take the important ones later.”

Woo-Jin got out of the driver’s side, reached into his own bag and pulled out two masks, “Irene, you and Wendy should put on these masks, we want photos but not to make it obvious.”

They put on the masks.

“Okay, let’s go have fun,” Tom said, “Wendy, want to be my date?” He took Wendy’s hand.

“Watch it Tom!” Irene joked.

“Wendy and I will have to sell that we’re really dating, Irene-ah!” Tom teased back, “Don’t worry, Wendy, we’ll ham it up on the ice.”

Irene glared. Wendy laughed.

“Whatever you say Tom,” Wendy said.






“Seulgi, we’ll meet back here at the car in thirty minutes, okay?” Woo-Jin asked.

“Got it, and good luck,” Seulgi said.

 “Good luck with the camera, Seul,” Irene said.

“Don’t fall down too much, Unnie, but I’ll be lurking around to get proof if you do,” Seulgi teased. Irene stuck out her tongue.

“I wish Joy was here,” Wendy said, “It feels incomplete without her.”

“No worries, her part comes later,” Irene said. She winked at Wendy.

“Seulgi, you’re my spy-in-training, I know you won’t let me down, remember your mission and complete it well,” Tom said mischievously.

“I’ll do my best James,” Seulgi joked, Tom smiled at the name change.

The two pairs left Seulgi in the car to get ready and walked closer to the rink.

“Let Tom and I get the skates, don’t say a word unless it’s to us, we just want people to suspect it’s you, not to really know,” Woo-Jin said.

“He’s right,” Tom said, “We’ll take the proof shots that you’re going to show the company later, that’s when you’ll be able to take off your masks.”

And so, hand in hand Tom and Wendy, Woo-Jin and Irene went skating.






They got their skates without any hassles and went over to a bench to begin changing.

“Okay, which pair is going to be better at this?” Tom asked, “I think it’s Wendy and I.”

“No way,” said Irene, “It’s Woo-Jin Oppa and I.” Woo-Jin sat on the end and wondered what he’d gotten himself into, he’d only ever asked if everyone could skate, not be part of an Olympic team.






Tom and Wendy looked like they’d been skating together for years, as Tom suggested, they exaggerated everything they did. Skating in tandem and even doing a few spins.

Irene practically had to drag Woo-Jin around the ice. He slipped and fell a couple times, It wasn’t his forte, but they had fun anyway and he eventually got use to his skates. In the distance, hidden behind some trees, they could see the flash of Seulgi’s camera. Phase One was going well.






“That was so much fun,” Wendy said when they walked out of the rink, “I haven’t been skating in so long.”

“I know, it was fun, Oppa started off a little shaky but he got it together, and people did notice us. So far so good,” Irene said.

They arrived at the car right before Seulgi, and all of them quickly hopped inside.

“Now that that’s done, we just to look at this first set of photos,” Tom said.

Seulgi looked nervous. She was still holding the camera.

Tom took the camera gently from her, “Let’s look together,” he smiled, “Welp,” he said, scrolling through all of them, “Looks like Seulgi’s a natural!”

“Really?” Seulgi said surprised.

“Really, now we can take a couple more of us walking on the street, and then we’ll enter phase two of the mission,” Tom said.

“Phase Two?” Seulgi asked.

“Yeah, phase two,” Tom mimicked James Bond, “that’s spy jargon for selecting the photos to send to the company.”

Everyone laughed.






The other photos went off without a hitch as well, Wendy and Irene got to take their masks off, and Seulgi pretended to hide behind more trees and bushes so that the couples would look like they had no idea.

The whole ordeal from start to finish took less than an hour and a half, and now it was time for everyone to head home. Woo-Jin drove the girls straight to their dorm and let them out near the door.

“Seulgi,” Tom said, “I’ll be heading home to Busan tomorrow, but keep in touch, okay? Next time I’m here we’ll get together and take more photos.”

Seulgi agreed.

“Thanks for helping us Tom! How do we need to get the photos?” Irene asked.

“Oh, I’ll just give the card to Woo-Jin and you guys can pick out which one’s you like, let me know how it goes.” Tom said.

“You got it, you were a great date, Tom!” Wendy said.

Irene gave Wendy a side-eye.

“Don’t say that again, Wendy, Irene looks jeal—“ Tom was interrupted by Woo-Jin.

“—Anyway, when we meet at the café on Monday, I’ll have the card and we can pick out the photos,” he said.

“And then we move to phase three?” Seulgi asked.

“And then we move to phase three,” Irene answered.




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Chapter 11: Good job Joy😂
Wow, it's like roller coaster, happy and sad, fluff and angst at the same time. but, i love it💙💖
it's fun to see Irene being jealous type🤣
WluvsBaetokki #2
Chapter 11: Joooooyyyyyy whyyyy LOL
Favebolous 12 streak #3
Chapter 9: Irene jealous hahaha
Favebolous 12 streak #4
Chapter 8: I like this part yuhuuu mission 1
Favebolous 12 streak #5
Chapter 6: Oh my god,my heart :(
Favebolous 12 streak #6
Chapter 4: Hahahahaha Joy very funny
Favebolous 12 streak #7
Chapter 3: GOOD JOB WENDY :(
Favebolous 12 streak #8
Chapter 2: Oh wow o_O
bknight2k #9
Chapter 11: The series keeps getting better and better
Chapter 11: Great ending!! I'm glad that everything went their way....except the vagblocks from Seulgi and Joy. Hahaha
I hope the group can make it to The Cabin. :D Will be waiting for Volume 3!!