
The Cabin: Volume 2


She felt cheated.

Thinking back on it now, Wendy felt most anxious telling Irene she loved her and then telling her members the truth.


“We hope you and Seulgi can support our decision, we know how difficult this is going to be…” Wendy said.

Irene sat quietly, intensely staring at Joy and Seulgi

And then she spoke up…



But now, right in this moment, sitting in an uncomfortable chair, she felt cheated. Not of having to reveal the truth, but of the time and free will to decide when she would tell, when they would tell the world. She felt that precious moment slipping from her grasp.

The night they told their members, a few months back, Irene and Wendy appeared calm on the outside, but their fear bubbled internally. But this night was remarkably worse. Wendy felt her heart pounding in her chest. The pair were now desperate to stay afloat after finally being caught. All the warnings had not prepared them for the humiliation being poured on them from inside their own company. Wendy resented these people constantly telling her how to live her life on a normal day. And now…

Months of paradise in ruins as they sat and took what was coming to them. They watched and listened as their dreams shattered like glass upon the floor of the office they’d been marched to. Wendy wondered to herself why they weren’t in handcuffs. They may as well have been. Criminals at least had fair trials. This was an Inquisition, a witch hunt of the highest order, and Wendy was prepared to go to the stake for Irene.

Irene took it in stride, not daring to utter a single syllable as venomous words from company leaders fell upon them. Irene barely even looked up as the incriminating photos were passed around and judged. She remained calm even after the onslaught, but not Wendy. Fiery, passionate Wendy.

Call it naiveté but Wendy defended herself and Irene with gusto, “We’re together, sir, I’ve found who I want to be with, and you parading around these pictures says one thing to me: Is what we’re doing worth the loss of my free will?”  Wendy asked, “Go ahead and release the pictures, my conscience is clear.”  But this was a losing battle whether Wendy knew or not. After she stated her case, they only critiqued what she said and laughed in her face. The barrage of insults continued.




“This isn’t a fantasy.”

“You’re a part of something bigger than the two of you.”

“What were you thinking, Irene?”

“All our hard word is down the drain.”

“These pictures, disgusting pictures, be glad we stopped them.”

“I will never understand this, Wendy!”

“Both of you are repulsive.”

“You must stop this at once.”






Through it all, Irene remained quiet.

The constant drone of voices echoed in Wendy’s skull. Her anger was welling up inside, almost burning her skin. Every thought showed on her face. Wendy’s already expressive eyebrows were furrowed in rage. She was going to say it outright, “Try and stop us, I’ll tell the world.”

But then, Wendy felt her sleeve being tugged, and a warm hand wrapped around hers.


Irene’s eyes remained locked on their accusers. Wendy could only look at Irene’s profile. Beautiful, gracious, made for Wendy. Irene would set this straight. She squeezed Irene’s hand in reassurance. “You can do this, for us,” Wendy willed silently from her mind to Irene’s.

Irene’s lips began to move, a quiet sound almost like an exhale emanated from those lips. The sound from the mouth and the movement never quite matched. Wendy thought she was watching an old dubbed move, “Is this slow motion?” she thought to herself.

And then Wendy’s mind caught up to reality and she heard Irene’s words. The truth?

Wendy felt she had been pulled from her own body. The hand that held Irene’s became sweaty and slipped from it’s natural place. Wendy stared in disbelief at the lips still moving, shooting words like daggers. A mouth so precious, so delicious sent a knife deep into her stomach. Wendy was dreaming, and soon she would wake up in a warm bed curled around Irene’s body. She would kiss her good morning and wipe away the nightmare she had.

“We’ll stop this…whatever you think this is…” Irene said robotically, “What can I do to set things right?”




Wendy thought she may be in shock.

“We have plans for you Irene, we…”

The chatter erupted forth and Irene stared forward obediently, nodding her head yes or no to any question given to her. The company’s many minions put in their two cents on a “solution.”

Wendy was a statue, hardened quickly by her love’s words. Her body remained still but her eyes flitted back and forth between the enemy and her betrayer. She could comprehend nothing from Irene. Irene’s voice was not her own and her face a mask. The rehearsal seemed to have already taken place, without Wendy present. They’d gotten to her Irene and were using her like a puppet. It had been one day since they’d gotten word, and now everything was wrong.

The last glimmer of hope Wendy had clung onto had been ripped from her grasp. She thought of Irene’s soft touch. The bend of bone and flesh woven tightly together like a tapestry had been torn apart. Their secret truth had been revealed and instead of being set free by it, Irene was now in league with them. What could she do?

Wendy only caught bits and pieces of her orders, “…you’ll be…with Seulgi…until….issue is cleared…do you understand Wendy? And no more talking back to us. You…leave now….still have business…with your leader.”

Wendy’s brain forced her head to nod yes at the nonsense, while her desperate heart imploded.

Her body got up from the chair and moved toward the door; but her soul stayed in that seat, in that damned office, in that heart-stealing building, in the city where she was now alone. All alone.

Irene stayed in her seat but turned towards Wendy as she was being whisked away. Irene’s eyes softened but she remained stoic.

Wendy’s eyes were blades, “Why have you done this?” she seemed to say, cutting deeply into Irene with only a look. Irene looked down, seemingly afraid of those eyes, that face. Afraid of seeing her decision mirrored back toward her. Irene turned back around to iron out the details of the company’s plan. Wendy was finally pushed out and the door slammed shut behind her.




Wendy left by an entrance unknown to the public. She remembered little of the ride, only that she was cold and the heat didn’t make it to where she was sitting. Alone. She didn’t even remember getting in the van or out of it but soon she was at their dorm complex, walking toward the entrance, into the building, up the elevator, and entering their dorm quietly. She was lucky she had a key.

As she pushed the door open, she found Seulgi.

Seulgi was her friend, her member, the girl, no woman with beautiful eyes that smiled on their own. This night saw a sad smile that didn’t quite reach those beautiful eyes.

“Irene’s phoned, she’s asked, or maybe been told that you and I won’t be staying here for a couple weeks…she sounded….off, but she asked if you’d made it safely.”

“It’s over, Seul. I was ready to fight, but Irene gave in to them…she gave in so quickly as though I meant nothing to her.” Wendy gushed, “Why in the hell did she do this? If she made a promise she didn’t intend to keep, why make it in the first place? You should have seen her face, they got to her Seul, they’ve told her something awful to change her mind.”

Wendy began to cry.

“Damn it, damn it, damn it. Damn this city, and damn Irene for doing this,” the tears poured now.

“I’m sorry, Wendy, I truly am,” Seulgi said quietly as she walked toward the flustered Wendy. They hugged, “Irene is in love with you, head over heels, punch drunk in love. Maybe they’ve given her an ultimatum. She’ll explain everything, give it time.”

“Explain? She’s just given up, what else is there to explain?”

Seulgi could not answer.

“Why has this happened, Seulgi? And so suddenly too?”

Seulgi could not answer this either.

“I’m not sure Wendy, but I’m here, even if I’m not enough…”

Wendy let go of Seulgi, made her way to the couch and plopped down void of her usual energy. “Where’s Joy?” she asked.

“…I’m not sure…the company sent a van and she took a bag with her. She said she’ll call later.”

“Oh my God, everything’s ruined,” Wendy became frantic and began to sob again.

Seulgi rushed to Wnedy’s side, “It seems messy now, but it will be fixed eventually, and you haven’t ruined anything. We’ve been behind you and Irene since you told us. We’re going to get through this. Please don’t cry, you’ll make yourself sick.”

“Thanks Seul,” she said through tears, “I’m sorry for putting you through this.”

“You’re my best friend, we’re in this together, whether you like it or not.”

Wendy glanced at Seulgi and nodded in agreement.

“Do you want to watch tv with me? We’ve got to get you relaxed somehow. Go change into your pajamas.” Seulgi said.

“Okay,” Wendy said as she got up slowly, only to fall back to the couch, “I feel dizzy.”

“I’m going to kill Irene for making you cry, that’s probably why you’re dizzy, plus everything that’s happened tonight. You seemed like a zombie when you walked through the door. Do you want me to help you?”

“Yes,” Wendy replied softly, her fiery personality subdued for now.

Seulgi helped Wendy to their shared room and aided her in changing her clothes. Seulgi went to the bathroom and got a wash cloth and went back out to Wendy who was staring at the wall.

“Let’s wash your face, I don’t want to see any more tears tonight!” Seulgi gently washed Wendy’s face with the warm cloth. Wiping away the dried, salty tears, "you're eyes are swollen."

“I wonder what changed?” Wendy asked suddenly.

“Changed?” Seulgi replied.

“With Irene, I know there were photos and we got a hellish scolding tonight, but Irene seemed resolved to end this. I guess everything that happened at the Cabin was untrue. She made promises to my parents, my mother especially, is all that meaningless?”

“Let’s wait and see, she’ll tell you in her own time. It’s not like Irene to give up.Something else is going on here.”

“That won’t be enough for me…waiting and seeing. I need her Seul…” Wendy trailed off.

“I know,” Seulgi put the cloth down and softly rubbed Wendy’s back, “There's nothing for us to do tonight let’s go watch TV for a bit, we’ll see what tomorrow brings, okay?”

Seulgi walked with Wendy and sat her on the couch, “I’m going to get you some juice, be right back.”

“Seulgi-ah?” Wendy said her voice echoing to the kitchen.

“Yes?” Seulgi answered as she poured the juice.

“Will you stay with me tonight? Out here? Just tonight? I don’t want to be alone, and I can’t stay in the bedroom.” Wendy said sadly.

“Sure, it’ll be like a sleepover,” Seulgi hustled back to the living room and slid beside Wendy, “Here’s your juice,  I’ll get blankets and pillows in a little bit.”

“…and Seulgi?”


“Don’t kill her for making me cry…..I… her too much.”

“I won’t, but she’ll be getting a stern talking to.” Seulgi said grabbing the remote, “I know you’re hurting, but we’ll figure it out.”

Seulgi the tv.

Wendy grabbed Seulgi’s free hand and squeezed, “Thanks.”

“You’re welcome,” Seulgi said.




Later that night, as they lay on the couch, Wendy’s head close to Seulgi’s feet, she thought back to the cabin. She thought of the suspense of telling Irene her feelings, and finally telling Seulgi and Joy. Had everything been a lie? Broken promises were lies in her book, and Irene had done just that.




“So what do you think Joy?” Irene asked nervously.

“Oh…it’s fine, Unnie. You and Wendy make a great couple. Do you think it’s too late to get ice cream? We’ve got to celebrate.” Joy said.

“Agreed,” said Seulgi smiling.

Wendy and Irene looked at each other and knew they could conquer anything together.

“No, it’s never too late for ice cream,” said Irene.




And though it seemed like everything was in tatters, and though she felt cheated of their time together, all was not known to Wendy. She drifted off to sleep with the quiet sounds of Seulgi’s deep breathing, and saw no one but Irene in her dreams.

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Chapter 11: Good job Joy😂
Wow, it's like roller coaster, happy and sad, fluff and angst at the same time. but, i love it💙💖
it's fun to see Irene being jealous type🤣
WluvsBaetokki #2
Chapter 11: Joooooyyyyyy whyyyy LOL
Favebolous 12 streak #3
Chapter 9: Irene jealous hahaha
Favebolous 12 streak #4
Chapter 8: I like this part yuhuuu mission 1
Favebolous 12 streak #5
Chapter 6: Oh my god,my heart :(
Favebolous 12 streak #6
Chapter 4: Hahahahaha Joy very funny
Favebolous 12 streak #7
Chapter 3: GOOD JOB WENDY :(
Favebolous 12 streak #8
Chapter 2: Oh wow o_O
bknight2k #9
Chapter 11: The series keeps getting better and better
Chapter 11: Great ending!! I'm glad that everything went their way....except the vagblocks from Seulgi and Joy. Hahaha
I hope the group can make it to The Cabin. :D Will be waiting for Volume 3!!