Pure Hearts & Powerful Pens

The Cabin: Volume 2



“Unnie, do you have any good books in English? I want to try reading one, even if it’s difficult to understand,” Joy said.

“Yeah, I’ve got a really good one, but it may be a tough read,” Wendy said.

“That’s okay,” Joy smiled.

“Come to the bedroom and I’ll get it off the shelf for you.”

Joy followed Wendy to the bedroom.






Irene got out a sheet of paper and a pen. She could only think of one thing. Getting her thoughts out on paper, maybe it would bring her some sort of temporary relief from the pain she was feeling. Letting Wendy go, no matter how long it would be, was something she’d never wanted to do.

Irene was home alone so she walked to the bookshelf and picked out the book, and placed it beside her. She would need it once she was done.

Irene gathered her strength and began to pen a letter:




Seungwan, lovely, beautiful, smart, kind Wendy,


I’m writing this because I need you to know how much I love you. I need you to know to know that loving you will be my life’s work, my only real job. Everything else will be meaningless without you.

I need you to know that I need you. I’m desperate for you, even when we’re together, Even when you stand next to me. So this time that we’re apart is agony for me, because even with you next to me then as well, you’re not really there, not the Wendy I know.

I need you to know that I dream about you at night. You’ve moved back to your own bed, and I feel lonely without you. When I’m dreaming is that us meeting in one dream? Are you having the same dream that I’m having? I wake up and reach for you, but you’re not there.

I tell you all this because we are being forced apart. The company is making me do these things to you that I wouldn’t wish on anyone. You must’ve thought I made this decision on my own, but that’s not the truth. We’re living like we’ve never loved each other. You won’t even look my way. I’m forced to steal glances, to stare at your hands or feet. I don’t dare look you in the eye. I believe you think I’ve done this on purpose, but baby, please know that I haven’t. I can’t touch you anymore, and you know how much I love skinship. It makes me ache to think how close you are to me.

Please know that I’ve never meant to hurt you or do any of this. If I had a choice we would be together still. Believe me when I tell you that I’m working on it. I’m doing this for our group, I want us to be successful and if I hadn’t done this, I fear we would not be. You mean the world to me as do Seulgi and Joy. I’m doing this for the three of you.

I know the promises I made may seem like nothing right now, that I’ve lied. But I remember everything I promised you. I remember the cabin and what it means. I remember our sweet moments by the fire, and the love we shared there. I remember the promises I made to your family as well, and I intend on keeping them. Sometimes, when you’re not at home, I take that picture we took at the cabin and just look at it. I know you are hiding it under your socks in the drawer, but I can’t help but take it out and think about those memories. When we get through this, I hope we can be together again. I’ll wait those 52 years if need be. 52 years is nothing to me as long as you’re at the end of it. Isn’t that what they did in the book? Waited 52 years?

Please consider all that I’ve said, you’ll know the truth soon. It will be clearer than ever. I hope you’ll be waiting for me. I’m wasting away with need for you.


I Love You,





Irene signed the letter and put it in an envelope. In large letters she wrote the name: WENDY

She took the book and placed the envelope in the middle of it, closed it and walked back over to the shelf placing it where she had found it. Wendy wouldn’t read this for a while, even if it was her favorite. They’d already been apart for 3 weeks and even with her back in the dorm, nothing was the same. Maybe she would find the letter soon. Maybe she could understand.






Wendy got the book from the shelf and handed it to Joy, “Let me know if you find anything difficult in there, I will help you out, your English is really improving.”

Joy smiled and took the book, “Thanks, Unnie!”

She walked away but as she reached the door something fell out of the book, Joy reached down and picked it up.


The envelope was addressed to Wendy, “Unnie, this fell out of your book and has your name on it. Have you seen it before?”

Wendy was confused, “No, let me see it.”

Wendy took the envelope and slowly opened it.

It took her a moment to realize the handwriting, but she soon knew who it was from. She read it.

“Joy, where is Irene Unnie?” Wendy asked franticly.

“Oh, she’s out with that guy I think.”

“Is she coming home?”

“No, she’s staying at the company tonight, she has an early schedule tomorrow, that’s what she told Seulgi Unnie.” Joy said.

“Tomorrow’s Friday right?”

“Yeah,” Joy said, “She said she’ll be back tomorrow night for sure.”

“Okay, good.” For once since that moment in the company meeting, Wendy had faith in Irene, “Why didn’t she just say all this to me earlier?” Wendy thought.

But in her heart, she knew Irene couldn’t, she’d said all along, ”I’ll explain it all.”

Irene had a plan of that Wendy was certain.



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Chapter 11: Good job Joy😂
Wow, it's like roller coaster, happy and sad, fluff and angst at the same time. but, i love it💙💖
it's fun to see Irene being jealous type🤣
WluvsBaetokki #2
Chapter 11: Joooooyyyyyy whyyyy LOL
Favebolous 12 streak #3
Chapter 9: Irene jealous hahaha
Favebolous 12 streak #4
Chapter 8: I like this part yuhuuu mission 1
Favebolous 12 streak #5
Chapter 6: Oh my god,my heart :(
Favebolous 12 streak #6
Chapter 4: Hahahahaha Joy very funny
Favebolous 12 streak #7
Chapter 3: GOOD JOB WENDY :(
Favebolous 12 streak #8
Chapter 2: Oh wow o_O
bknight2k #9
Chapter 11: The series keeps getting better and better
Chapter 11: Great ending!! I'm glad that everything went their way....except the vagblocks from Seulgi and Joy. Hahaha
I hope the group can make it to The Cabin. :D Will be waiting for Volume 3!!