Interruptions & Tips On When To Buy A Smoothie

The Cabin: Volume 2



Joy knocked on the closed bedroom door.

“Who's there?” Wendy asked, breathless.

“Unnie’s are you in there?”

“It’s Joy,” Irene whispered.

Wendy smiled. Foiled again by maknae.“Yes, Joy?”

“Are you busy?”

Irene groaned. “Yes, we are,” she whispered again, kissing down Wendy’s neck.

“No, we’re not, do you need something?” Wendy moaned.

“I-We-Seulgi Unnie and I were wondering if you guys want to come play video games with us?”

“Yeah, well I want to play with your Wendy Unnie,” Irene said loudly this time.

“What did you say Irene Unnie?” Joy said, “Please come out, it’s still the afternoon.”

“She didn’t say anything Joy, go ahead and start playing, we’ll be out in a little bit.” Wendy said pushing Irene away.

“Don’t forget your clothes this time, Irene Unnie!” Joy cackled cruelly and walked to the living room.

“She is so evil,” Irene said.

“Maybe, but aren’t all maknaes like that? Anyway, she’s right, it’s the afternoon.”

“I really just want to make out with you at this point, maybe some other things.” Irene wiggled her eyebrows.

“You said you want it to be special when we finally do the deed,” Wendy answered.

“Yeah, well, the afternoon sounds special to me, how many times have we been interrupted? Especially by Joy?” Irene asked. She reached for another button on Wendy’s already fully ed shirt.

“Well, at least five times, but I’m going to need fire and passion, not lust,” Wendy laughed as she swatted Irene’s hand away.

 “Well, you were definitely on fire a few minutes ago, I could feel it,” Irene joked.

“Alright then, cheeseball, I think it’s about time to join them.” Wendy got up from the bed and began to button her shirt.

Irene reached up when Wendy turned around and slapped her really hard.

Wendy turned around again and glared at Irene, “Ouch.”

“What?” she asked innocently, “I just patted it.”

“Okay, whatever you say,” Wendy said. She grabbed Irene’s shirt on the floor which she had previously removed personally, “I’ll just take this with me.” She began to walk to the door.

“No, don’t, I don’t think I can handle Joy’s jokes again, it was bad enough she caught me last time without pants on,” Irene said, her eyes like saucers.

“You look pretty amazing without your shirt on though, baby.”

“Please,” Irene whined.

Wendy leaned in to Irene and kissed her, “Okay,” she said, “it’s all mine to look at anyway.”

“Thanks, babe,” Irene said. She got up from the bed to grab the shirt and reached for it.

Wendy handed it to her, “By the way, my backside is yours to “pat,” she held up air quotes, “whenever you want, but you need my permission first, especially when you “pat” it that hard. I need a warning.”

“Did you not like it?” Irene asked.

“Sure, I like it rough,” she joked, turned around and left Irene staring as she walked out the door.

“Oh My God,” Irene said in English, she fell to the bed and gripped her shirt tightly.






“Unnie, what are you looking at?” Seulgi said to Irene as they walked into their dorm.

Irene was staring at a sheet of paper intently, but tried to hide it as Seulgi as they reached the door.

Seulgi and Wendy had been allowed back in the dorm after a couple of weeks, but the silence was still deafening for everyone. No one dared utter a word about the situation. Wendy was still visibly upset when they were home, but the company had planned appearances that forced the four together. It seemed tortuous now that even through the internal controversy, they were told to start preparing for a comeback in the next couple months. Dance practices filled their days

Seulgi had already figured out weeks ago that Irene was hiding something about what happened that night in the company, but she hadn’t any notion of what may have happened. They had been together earlier at the dance studio spending extra time there, while Joy and Wendy were elsewhere. If now wasn’t the time to finally confront Irene, Seulgi didn’t know any other time.

They walked into the dorm, and Irene rushed inside, trying to avoid any other questions from Seulgi, but her plan backfired and Seulgi chased after her.

“Unnie, wait up, please talk to me…what is that paper?”


“Please, Unnie, I need you to talk to me, please, I miss your voice,” Seulgi begged. Irene turned around at the sad sound of Seulgi’s voice.

“Seul….I can’t tell you,” Irene whispered, “I need to do this alone.”

“Why? Do you realize how much this is hurting us? You barely say anything.”

“I-I-I…..this isn’t how I want things to be Seulg-ah, I’m being….here, take a look at this paper, they showed me this today, maybe then you’ll understand why I’ve done this.” Irene surrendered and handed the paper over to Seulgi.

She took the paper from Irene. “Unnie, I…what is this? Who is this?”

There were photos on the paper that showed Irene and a man through a shop window, photos that showed them holding hands as they walked out. Irene sighed.

“Unnie, just tell me.”

“It’s the man I’ve been “dating” for the past few weeks. Every other day, I meet him at that little coffee shop near the company, we sit and talk for thirty minutes, then we leave together.”

“You’re dating someone? Unnie, what about Wend—“

“Don’t. Don’t say it. I know about Wendy, I’m in love with her.”

“Then why are you meeting this man?”

“The company is making me meet him. If I had any say in the matter, I would run up and down the streets professing my love for Wendy. I suspect they hired someone to take these photos of us together. They want to cover their bases. They somehow got those photos of Wendy and I at the movie theater, remember? Now they have me going out with him and they said if I didn’t stop seeing Wendy, they’ll release these photos to the public along with the others of Wendy and I. Something to do with our image…remember that pesky little word? Image?” Irene said.

“They’re….you think they were the ones who took photos of you and Wendy?”

“I suspected it when they first showed them to us and then they all but said that when they made me meet with them before the meeting with Wendy. Remember all those times they warned us about dating, I think they suspected, even though we were usually careful.”

“Now they’re making you meet this man just to have something to release in case people suspected you and Wendy?”

“Yes, he’s not a bad guy, he doesn’t even know any of that, we just sit and talk, but I did tell him about Wendy, he knows the company is making me do this, just not all the gory details.”

“He knows…but he still goes along with it?”

“Yeah, well I’m going along with it too, Seul, he’s really a good person, he’s told me what he’s going through as well, but I’ve promised not to say anything. It’s not like I’m attracted to him.”

“Why haven’t you told Wendy this? You’ve broken her heart.”

“I know Seulgi, I’m reminded every day when I see her face. I wish…I promised her a lot of things. I’m trying work this out, so I can try and get her back.”

“Why don’t you just tell her all of this? I’m sure she’ll understand, when you two had that meeting with the company, she thought you were giving up.”

“Never!” Irene shouted, “Sorry…they’ve made these threats, to send her home, and worse. I’m trying to do this alone, so she won’t have to worry about that. I can take the threats to me, but not her.” Irene said.

“How can I look her in the eye now? She’ll know I know something.  My God Irene! You’ve got to say something.” Seulgi said loudly.

“I will, I’ll figure this out, don’t tell her…”

“How much longer will this charade last?” Seulgi asked.

“Just a little while longer, maybe once they get all the evidence they need, they’ll let me go free, and the guy I’m meeting? He’s not free either…at least not in this country,” Irene whispered.

“What else do you have to do?” Seulgi asked.

“I’m not sure, they gave me these photos today and reminded me that they’re blocking them from coming out…”

“I-I, what can I do to help you, Unnie?”

“Just stay strong and keep spending time with Wendy, I know she doesn’t want to see me right now, but if I’m going to save this group, I have to keep doing this.”

“SAVE THE GROUP?” Seulgi screamed.

“Yes, did I not mention that? If I didn’t do this, our group was in serious trouble, I’ll spare you the grisly details of that. I want to go with all of you for a long time. I’m sacrificing myself this time…I want this to last.” Irene’s face was sad, but she remained steadfast.

“Unnie, I—“

“Just promise me, that in the future we’ll work harder than ever. We have to show them we’re a strong group. Once this is finished, I’ll try my best and be the greatest leader I can be.”

“Unnie, you already are a great leader.” Seulgi balled up the printed photos.

“Thanks, our comeback is important. Let’s show them something this company has never seen before and be a Red Velvet they’ll know didn’t give up, that never gave up.” Irene said.

Seulgi grabbed Irene’s hand, amazed by her leader’s composure, “I said this to Wendy, we’ll get through this, Unnie.”






Seulgi had promised Wendy that she would help her practice the dance steps for their comeback song. It was the most difficult dance they’d attempted, and both Seulgi and Wendy knew she would need the extra practice.

After they’d practiced for a long while, Seulgi thought it was best to take a break, “Want to go to that café down the street and get a smoothie?  You’ve worked hard, besides I want to talk to you.”

“A smoothie sounds great, thanks Seul.”

The two walked down the street, and ducked into the café, they had hoods and masks on so luckily no one recognized them.

After ordering, Seulgi sat facing the door while Wendy sat on the opposite side.

“So what did you need to talk to me about?”

“…Wendy, I know you’re putting on a front—“

“Seulgi, you don’t want to go there.” Wendy said, “Is this what you brought me here for?”

“Wendy, listen to me…I’ve talked to Irene, you don’t know the whole story—“

The drinks arrived.

“Thanks so much,” Wendy said to the waitress.

Seulgi waited until the waitress was gone, “Look, she didn’t want me to tell you anything, but trust me on this, you’re going to want to hear the whole story, she’s being…” Seulgi took a sip of her smoothie.

The bell on the door chimed and Seulgi looked, she got a huge surprise. In walked Irene.

“Oh My God…” Seulgi choked. Everyone around them noticed her outburst, “What am I going to do?” she thought to herself. Seulgi began to cough and sputter even though she wasn’t choking anymore, all in an attempt to distract Wendy.

“Are you okay, Seul?” Wendy was oblivious.

 “Yeah, I just choked on the drink,” This must have been a day Irene had to meet with that guy.

“You think?” Wendy said sarcastically.

Luckily Seulgi was the only one of the two who saw Irene walk in. Wendy was too busy worrying if she was okay. Seulgi waited until she saw Irene sit down with the guy to fully recover from choking on the drink. Fortunately, she sat with her back to Seulgi and Wendy.

“Wendy, want to go take these back to the practice room? Everyone’s still looking this way, I want to finish talking to you. You were right, this isn’t the best place to discuss this.”

“…yeah, I guess, do you need to go to the bathroom or get some water first?”

“No, I’ll be fine, besides we need to go finish practicing.” Seulgi said.

“Darn, you don’t have to feel that embarrassed, but you’re right, I need the practice.”

“Let’s Go Practice!” Seulgi said suspiciously.

Wendy just looked at her with questioning eyes.

The two friends got up and headed to the door. They were almost to the exit, when Wendy looked to her right and squinted, “…Is that…Ire….I mean Unnie?”

“No, No, why would she be here?” Seulgi said, she hurried Wendy along “Let’s go,” she took Wendy’s hand and walked out with her.

They were finally out the door and Seulgi looked relieved, but Wendy still looked confused.

Seulgi couldn’t believe she had gotten them out of that situation and knew they were in the clear…and then they walked past the window.

Wendy looked as they went past and got a shock, It was Irene talking with a guy.

Seulgi was a little ahead of Wendy still holding her hand and was busy chattering about something, but turned to look back when she felt Wendy stop midstride. She was surprised to see what she thought she’d avoided. Wendy wriggled from her grasp and walked closer to the window. Seulgi slapped herself on the forehead. She couldn’t believe it.

Wendy stared at Irene through the glass until Irene finally looked toward her. Irene was shocked as well. She hadn’t seen them when she’d walked in the café. Irene got up from her seat and put her hand on the window, “Wendy, Wendy, Wendy.”

Wendy couldn’t hear Irene but read her lips, “Please come back inside,”  Irene pounded the glass with her fist, “I can explain,” she mouthed.

Wendy placed her hand on the glass. Her five fingers spread apart. Irene did the same with her hand. Wendy took one last look in Irene’s eyes and then turned around and walked away. Towards the company, towards another grueling dance practice.

Seulgi looked to Irene and sighed. “My God, what else could go wrong, Great idea, Seul! What a great time to buy a smoothie," Seulgi thought sarcastically. She waved to Irene to get her attention, “Time to tell her the truth,” she mouthed. Irene nodded. Seulgi sipped her smoothie, "This doesn't even taste good," She thought to herself. She turned away from Irene and ran after Wendy. She chucked her smoothie in a nearby trashcan as she ran.

Irene watched as Seulgi disappeared from view. She knew the truth was her only option now. She couldn’t bear it alone any longer. They were going to need each other. Irene sat back down and looked to her confused new friend, "That was Wendy..."

The man nodded, "You need her, I can tell by the way you look at her, let me help you, and maybe you can help me too."






Later, after they were done with video games, Irene kept her promise.

Seulgi was stuffed to the gills with chicken and so was Joy. Irene got herself a salad and Wendy a sub sandwich. Irene had looked in loathing as they shoved the chicken in their faces, but she was happy that they were happy.

“Thanks for coming out to play games us and ordering this chicken, Unnie,” Joy said.

“No problem Joy,” Irene said, “Besides, I already promised Seulgi the chicken and it was time she collected her reward.”

Seulgi smiled brightly, “Thanks, Unnie!”

“I’m sorry if I messed up the time Wendy Unnie and you were having, I seem to be doing that a lot these days.” Joy said.

“It’s okay, Joy,” Wendy said.

“You finally realized?” Irene said.

Joy pouted.

“I’m joking, Wendy’s right Joy, it’s okay,” Joy smiled again, “This Unnie really likes Wendy and being close to her, but we both love spending time together as a group. I love this group and I’ll do anything to keep it together, to stay close with everyone. You are all important to me,” Irene said.

Wendy grabbed Irene’s hand and held it, “That’s why you’re our leader,” she said, “You think of everyone.”

Irene smiled.

“She’s right, Unnie,” Seulgi said, “You put us above yourself, but remember, we’re here to help you too.”

Irene nodded, “Thanks, Seul, I’ll remember that.”

“I’m glad to have all my Unnies,” Joy smiled.

“Thanks Joy,” Irene said.

“Irene Unnie, I have a quick question,” Joy said.

“Okay, go ahead,” Irene said.

“Is that your lucky shirt?” Joy asked.

“I don’t know,” Irene looked puzzled, “Why?”

“You always seem to be wearing it or not wearing it when you’re trying to get lucky with Wendy Unnie,” Joy leered at the three of them, especially Irene.

“Way to ruin a nice moment,” Seulgi said.”

“Evil, I tell you, EVIL!” Irene said.

Joy did V signs with both her hands and winked, “Just doing my job as maknae,” she said.

The three Unnies laughed.

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Chapter 11: Good job Joy😂
Wow, it's like roller coaster, happy and sad, fluff and angst at the same time. but, i love it💙💖
it's fun to see Irene being jealous type🤣
WluvsBaetokki #2
Chapter 11: Joooooyyyyyy whyyyy LOL
Favebolous 11 streak #3
Chapter 9: Irene jealous hahaha
Favebolous 11 streak #4
Chapter 8: I like this part yuhuuu mission 1
Favebolous 11 streak #5
Chapter 6: Oh my god,my heart :(
Favebolous 11 streak #6
Chapter 4: Hahahahaha Joy very funny
Favebolous 11 streak #7
Chapter 3: GOOD JOB WENDY :(
Favebolous 11 streak #8
Chapter 2: Oh wow o_O
bknight2k #9
Chapter 11: The series keeps getting better and better
Chapter 11: Great ending!! I'm glad that everything went their way....except the vagblocks from Seulgi and Joy. Hahaha
I hope the group can make it to The Cabin. :D Will be waiting for Volume 3!!