A Dinner & Two Showers

The Cabin: Volume 2



“…We’re going on a date Wendy, and that’s that.”

“But what about the other girls?” Wendy asked.

“Seulgi’s going to take Joy to the late movie and then to the noraebang,” Irene was standing right in front of Wendy and as she said this she put her arms around Wendy’s waist, “Don’t worry so much, I just want to take you out.”

Wendy looked thoughtful, “Thank you baby, I just feel a little bad about Joy and Seul.”

“Don’t, Seulgi said she’s happy to help us out.”

“She’s not my best friend for nothing! Seulgi is awesome, and Joy too, I suppose, for going along with it.”

“I thought I was your best friend,” Irene smiled,  Wendy glared, “Just kidding I knew what you meant.” Irene hugged Wendy. “This unnie promised Seulgi something.”

Wendy leaned back from Irene’s embrace, “What did this Unnie promise them?” she took her index finger and lightly bopped Irene’s nose.

Irene rubbed her nose and made a face of disgust, “…chicken, free chicken for her and Joy.”

“Oh so a date with me is worth some free chicken now?” Wendy laughed. She loved when they bantered like this.

“No, I-I-I just…” Irene stuttered.

Wendy grinned, “I’m just kidding, baby, so we’re really going out?

Irene nodded.

“For real?” Wendy said in English.

“I actually understood that. Yeah we’re really going out…excited?” Irene said.

“Yeah I am, I’m excited to go out with you finally, but I’m also excited to get back home too.”

“Home? Why would you be excited to come home?”

“With Seulgi and Joy out of the house for part of the night….well just take a second and think about it!” Wendy answered.

It took a moment but Irene’s mouth dropped. She’d figured it out.

“Want to come help me pick out some clothes to wear tonight, we’ll pick your clothes out too.” Wendy said.

Irene nodded. Wendy took Irene’s hand and practically drug her through the dorm. Irene had yet to close . “Pick up your mouth from the floor, Joohyun, you may need it for something later.” Wendy joked.

Irene stared and Wendy laughed all the way down the hall.






Later at the restaurant Irene looked Wendy over carefully. They had been sitting there in silence after taking their order and the small talk was long gone. Irene was unsure of what to say so she decided to compliment Wendy,

“You look really beautiful, Wan-ah,” Wendy had a simple , yet elegant purple top on paired with black skinny jeans, “And it’s my favorite color.”

Wendy smiled, “Thanks, Irene.”

 “I wanted to pull your chair out for you but that might have caught everyone’s attention. It could have been awkward.” Irene said.

“I was actually thinking the same thing,” Wendy chuckled.

“Why are we so awkward tonight?” Irene asked.

“Because this is a date? Aren’t first dates usually awkward?” Wendy asked in return.

“I think I’m just nervous to be around you,” Irene said. Wendy glared slightly, “No baby, not to be here with you or to even be caught with you, I just want everything to go right. I want to meet your expectations,” Irene began to wring her hands.

“I know, I feel the same way, but you’ve already surpassed my expectations, this date doesn’t change that,” Wendy stood up.

“What are you…?” Irene began to say, but Wendy moved around the table and sat herself next to Irene.

“Let’s not be nervous, okay? This is perfect.” Wendy grabbed Irene’s hand and entwined their fingers underneath the table, “Sometimes touching like this helps,” Wendy said.

“Sure you don’t just want to hold my hand?” Irene said jokingly.

“Well that too,” Wendy said.

“What’s with you and my hands, by the way?”

“I’m not sure what you mean by that, Miss Bae,” Wendy smirked, “But your hands are just one part of you that I love.”

“Cheesy,” said Irene.

“You love it…” Wendy laughed.

“Yeah, I do,” Irene said.






The food at the restaurant was delicious and after the reassurance from Wendy, the conversation was great.

But now the pair were stuck outside the restaurant in the pouring rain, waiting to hail a cab.

“I didn’t know it was going to rain, Wan-ah.”

“It’s okay, baby, we’ll live,” Wendy answered.

“I don’t want you to get sick, you’re soaking wet, and you have to sing tomorrow afternoon.”

“So do you…”

After a few minutes of trying, they finally hailed a cab.

“Hot showers for both of us as soon as we get home,” Irene stated.

Wendy smiled. She loved when Irene took care of her.






When they finally arrived home, having endured the rain, Wendy told Irene that she should go first for a shower. Irene complained that Wendy should go first, but she eventually gave up and went ahead.

Wendy listened closely to the shower, and just as Irene finished and wrapped herself in a towel, Wendy knocked and walked in to the sight of Irene in said towel.  Wendy lowered her eyes to the ground but couldn’t help glancing up now and then. Eventually, Irene noticed Wendy had come into the room. She was drying her dark, wet hair with another towel, before it dripped anymore. “Come on in, Wendy, the shower’s free.”

Wendy nodded and tried to move quickly past Irene but they were clumsy and fumbled around each other. Irene tripped on the bathroom rug and started to fall. Wendy grabbed Irene with both hands just in time, and stopped her from falling. Unfortunately, or fortunately for Wendy she had grabbed Irene’s arm with one hand, and had a hold of the towel with the other. Irene’s towel slipped, fell, and revealed what was underneath.

Wendy couldn’t believe it, “I’m so sorry she said, I was just trying to stop you from falling.” Her eyes glanced down and Irene noticed and cleared .

“Sorry, I….” The pair looked in each other’s eyes for a long time. Wendy didn’t dare to look down again.

After what seemed like an eternity, and finally fixing her towel, Irene motioned for Wendy to go to the shower, “Go get warm, Wan-ah.” She smiled.

Wendy, unsure of what to do, opened and said, “Unnie, may I use your shampoo? Your hair smells amazing.

Irene blushed a bit but agreed with a nod of her head. She held her towel tight as she walked out of the bathroom.






After her shower, Wendy walked into the dark bedroom in only her towel as well, and saw Irene lying in the bed. Wendy walked towards her and sat down. Irene looked up and saw Wendy smiling.

“Baby, I hope you’re not embarrassed that your towel fell, we’ve seen each other before, you know, when we change clothes, it’s not a big deal,” Wendy said earnestly.

“Wow, thanks.” Irene joked,  “Not a big deal?”

“I didn’t mean it that way, you are a big deal to me, I just meant that…”

“I know what you meant, Wendy-ah.”

“Here, I’ll take my towel off too, just so we’re even.” Wendy reached for the light and turned it on, and the she reached for her towel, a little eager to take it off.

“Don’t,” Irene rasped, “not with the light on at least.” Irene’s eyes were dark.

“Oh,” Wendy said.

“Trust me Seungwan, I wasn’t embarrassed in the bathroom, and I would love to see you without that towel, just not tonight. I don’t think we have enough time.” Irene said, “Turn the light back off and change, come to bed with me.”






A little while later, Wendy joined Irene in bed. She slid under the covers and put her arm around Irene’s waist. Irene smiled in the darkness and turned around to face Wendy.

Wendy let Irene move but then held onto her again, “You’re so beautiful, even in the dark,” Wendy said.

“So are you,” Irene answered.

“I know you said we didn’t have time for certain activities, but do you mind if I kiss you?” Wendy questioned, “I’ve been wanting to kiss you all day.”

“I was hoping you would ask.” Irene whispered.

Wendy leaned in close and began to kiss Irene. Her lips tasted like mint and her body smelled like cherry blossoms, flowery but clean.

Wendy continued to kiss Irene in small loving pecks, but asked her questions between them, “I used…your shampoo….. in the shower, but not your…..body wash, is it new?”

“It’s not body wash, it’s my new lotion. I put it on after my shower,” Irene said, “You know when you tried to take my towel off?” Irene jested. This time Irene kissed Wendy. A playful short kiss.

Wendy was taken aback by Irene, but smiled, “We both know that’s not true, besides, I tried to take mine off and you didn’t seem to want that.”

“I told you I wanted to see you without that towel, but wasn’t sure if we had time.” Irene joked again.

“You keep talking about time, time for what exactly?” Wendy asked trying to get Miss Bae to spill details.

Irene kissed Wendy once more and looked her straight in the eye, “When we make love, whenever that time may be, we’re going to take our time and do it right.”

Wendy was surprised “Mind Blown,” she said in English.

“Thanks?” Irene replied in Korean.

“Yes, I look forward to that day.” Wendy smiled, “Anyway, you smell so good tonight,” She sat up on her elbow and stared at Irene.

“You can use the lotion next time if you want, you seem to like it.” Irene replied.

“No, I won’t be using it next time,” Wendy used the back of her hand to caress Irene’s cheek.

Irene looked confused.

“You’re so cute tonight, baby,” Wendy leaned in close to Irene, “You’ve got it wrong, next time I want to help you put it on,” Wendy said lustily.

What should have been corny normally someone, especially Wendy, sounded seductive out of Seungwan’s mouth.

“Are these your secret seduction tactics, Wan-ah?” asked Irene.

“Maybe,” Wendy leaned the rest of the way in and attacked Irene’s lips with fervor this time. Not just pecks but slow deep kisses. If they only had a set amount of time, Wendy was going to use every bit of it.

Irene could feel Wendy’s sumptuous lips against her own, and she discovered Wendy’s hands finding purchase on her body. Wendy’s hands were like fire, burning her neck, her sides, her stomach. “God, how delicious,” Irene thought.






Wendy found herself moving from Irene’s side to on top of her. In this way, Wendy was in control. She was finally uninhibited for Irene,  Wendy was baring her soul with these kisses.

Wendy used her lips to map Irene’s body. Like she had at the cabin. Her neck, and nose were Wendy’s favorite places, but mostly her lips. She kissed Irene hungrily and the latter didn’t mind. If date night ended like this, who was Irene to complain?

Irene also didn’t forget to kiss Wendy, she gave as much as she got and found herself holding on to Wendy’s hips, caressing them as they continued to make out.

The kissing continued for a while, and just as Wendy began moving her hands up Irene’s smooth back, the pair, mostly Irene, heard the outer door of the dorm open “Seungwan, someone’s here,” Irene said.

Wendy’s eyes were wild. Not quite like her normal eyes. They were darker, more melancholy. Irene lifted her own hand to Wendy’s heart. It was beating furiously because of their session. “Calm down, baby, we’ve got to stop, I think Joy and Seulgi are back.”

Wendy panted, “I’m so……worked up…why have they come back now?”

“I know, Wan, I feel the same way, but please calm down,” Irene said, she was still holding onto Wendy’s hips.

“We were just talking about lotion weren’t we?” asked Wendy.

“Yes, that escalated quickly, not that I mind, but we can’t be laid out like this when they come inside,” said Irene.

“We won’t be, let me kiss you again, Irene.” Wendy leaned in, but was stopped.

The loud voice of Joy echoed around the dorm.

“So much for that,” Wendy’s voice groaned, she was panting still.

“Yes, so much for that.” Irene replied.






Wendy, who was still on top of Irene, moved with help to be by Irene’s side again. She slumped carelessly on the pillow thinking about what they had done. What they could still be doing.

Joy came bounding through the bedroom door at that moment, “Hey Unnies, That movie was awesome, wish you could have gone with us…are you guys going to sleep in the same bed tonight? I mean I know you’re together, but…?”

Seulgi walked into the bedroom next with an apologetic look. They had obviously skipped the trip to the noraebang.

“Joy, did you not want to go to Karaoke?” asked Wendy breathlessly. She had ignored Joy’s question entirely. She sounded tense and only Irene knew why.

Irene grabbed Wendy’s hand and linked their fingers. Irene heard the twinge of annoyance in Wendy’s voice. The normally docile, sweet Wendy was anything but those traits at the moment. She knew Wendy was still worked up and didn’t want her to say something to upset maknae.

“No it was getting late, and Seulgi seemed tired. We have a schedule tomorrow anyway,” said Joy.

Seulgi looked to Irene and mouth, “I’m sorry.”

Irene smiled and shook her head showing Seulgi it was okay.

“You’re right Joy, go get ready for bed, okay? Wendy and I are just spending some time together.” Irene said.

“Yes, Unnie, I understand.” Joy said. She ran off to fetch her pajamas and Seulgi trailed behind her.






When the lights were off again, and everyone was in bed, Irene turned her head toward Wendy. She nuzzled her nose against Wendy’s cheek, “I love you,” she said.

“I love you  too…I wish…”

“You wish what?” asked Irene.

“I wish we hadn’t been interrupted, I almost couldn’t stop,” Wendy said.

“I know, I’ve never seen you like that before, it was beautiful and amazing, don’t worry though,” Irene ghosted her lips across Wendy’s cheek to her ear, “We’ll have plenty of time to explore one another, you have me for a long time.”

"I know."

All was still for a few moments until Irene spoke up again, "Wendy did you grab my towel on purpose?"

"No," she scoffed, "I would never do that," 

In the darkness Wendy smiled.





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Chapter 11: Good job Joy😂
Wow, it's like roller coaster, happy and sad, fluff and angst at the same time. but, i love it💙💖
it's fun to see Irene being jealous type🤣
WluvsBaetokki #2
Chapter 11: Joooooyyyyyy whyyyy LOL
Favebolous 12 streak #3
Chapter 9: Irene jealous hahaha
Favebolous 12 streak #4
Chapter 8: I like this part yuhuuu mission 1
Favebolous 12 streak #5
Chapter 6: Oh my god,my heart :(
Favebolous 12 streak #6
Chapter 4: Hahahahaha Joy very funny
Favebolous 12 streak #7
Chapter 3: GOOD JOB WENDY :(
Favebolous 12 streak #8
Chapter 2: Oh wow o_O
bknight2k #9
Chapter 11: The series keeps getting better and better
Chapter 11: Great ending!! I'm glad that everything went their way....except the vagblocks from Seulgi and Joy. Hahaha
I hope the group can make it to The Cabin. :D Will be waiting for Volume 3!!