
The Cabin: Volume 2



Seulgi and Joy hid behind the couch in the dark waiting for Wendy and Irene to walk through the door. The group was busier these days because of their comeback and after all the drama they’d been through as a group, everyone needed a break.

It was the start of a free weekend for them, and Seulgi and Joy had planned a sleepover party for everyone. They’d prepared food, games, and everything to remind.They knew they’d have to wait a while before they could all go together for a vacation, so Seulgi and Joy had set this up instead.






When Irene and Wendy finally arrived home, they were totally unaware of the surprise. They stumbled into the dorm complaining loudly, oblivious to the other pair hiding behind the couch. Seulgi and Joy tried to hold in their laughter as they heard Wendy and Irene bantering back and forth.

“I can’t believe they made me practice for an extra hour,” Wendy whined, “I only missed one arm movement at the live stage.”

“Yeah, well, I could have left with Seulgi and Joy but I stayed right beside you, remember?” Irene said lovingly.

Behind the couch Joy pretended to be sick at the sweet sentiments. Seulgi nodded in agreement.

“I remember, you were right beside me, I just wish I could dance as well as you,” Wendy said.

“You will, we’ll keep practicing even harder, and I’ll be right there with you.” The pair leaned against the hall door they’d entered and began to kiss.

Behind the couch Seulgi puckered her lips and kissed the air. Joy laughed silently.

After a while, Wendy broke the kiss and wondered aloud, “Where are Seulgi and Joy anyway?”

This got Seulgi laughing, but luckily she calmed down quickly, “We’re right here,” she thought.

“Hmmm,” Irene thought, “I guess they went out to eat.”

“Yeah, they probably went out to get chicken or something since we have a few free days,” Wendy said, her eyebrows wiggled, “Know what that means?”

“W-w-we’ve got the house to ourselves?” Irene questioned.

“You bet!  Got any ideas how you might want to fill the time before they get home?”

“Ummm…” Irene said.

“Well I do,” Wendy grabbed Irene’s hand and trekked toward the living room en route to the bedroom. Pecking Irene’s lips and entwining their fingers as they walked.

At the sound of these two unnies kissing on their way to the bedroom, Joy began to laugh uncontrollably. Seulgi tried to shut her up, but it was no use.

Wendy stopped in the middle of the living room and began kissing Irene again. Wendy ghosted her lips across Irene’s wanting to intensify the kiss.

And then Joy could no longer contain her laughter…

…and Irene heard it echo in the still dark room. Someone was with them.

“Wait, Wendy, find the light, something’s wrong in here,” Irene’s voice sounded alarmed abruptly stopping her liplock with Wendy.

At this point, Seulgi and Joy knew it was time to reveal the surprise, so when Wendy got to the light and switched it on, they jumped from behind the couch and shouted…







Wendy screamed, and Irene flinched when they heard the loud greeting from Seulgi and Joy.

“Well, looks like you guys already had plans for tonight,” Joy laughed, “We heard you talking about them, eagerly.”

“Oh my gosh, I can’t believe you guys hid from us like this!” Wendy whined.

“Yeah, why did you guys do that?” Irene asked, annoyed.

“We planned a sleepover party,” Joy said, “But sounds like you guys want to have your own sleepover….you know, by yourselves.”

Irene looked speechless.

Wendy blushed.

“You’re right, Joy,” Seulgi fake whined, “Looks like it’ll just be you and me for the sleepover…”

“No!” Wendy shouted, “We’ll join you two!”

Irene finally recovered, “We will?” she asked Wendy.

“Yes, we need to spend some group time together, away from work, right Irene?” Wendy asked.

“But…..what—“ Irene tried to say.

Wendy glared at Irene.

“Why yes, we would love to join the both of you on this fine evening,” Irene replied with a phony tone.

“Great, Unnie,” Joy yelled, making Irene flinch again, “And we got your favorite for a late night snack!”

“What’s that?” Irene asked.

“Chicken!!!” Seulgi and Joy shouted simultaneously.

“Great,” Irene said sarcastically.






After the party was over, and it was late into the night, Wendy and Irene were tucked in together on the couch.

“So, do you regret going along with the little party they planned, baby?” Wendy asked.

Irene paused for a moment, “No,” she said, “I’ll admit that it was a lot of fun.”

“I’m glad we all spent time together too,” Wendy said, “I hope someday we all get to go on a vacation together, that would be fun wouldn’t it?”

“Yeah, I agree. Maybe we’ll get to take one soon, after the comeback, I’ll go ask for a little time off, even if it’s just a few days.”

“Really?” Wendy asked.


“That would be so cool!” Wendy said loudly.

“Shh! Don’t wake up those two,” Irene nodded her head towards the sleeping Joy and Seulgi. Joy in an old sleeping bag, and Seulgi on the recliner snoring lightly.

“Do you still want to stay here in the living room?” Wendy asked.

“Yeah, plus I get the great benefit of having to spend the rest of the night on this tiny couch with you, I don’t think we’ve ever been closer than this,” Irene said.

“Well…..I can think of a few times when we’ve been closer…remember the time we—“

Suddenly Joy sat up from her sleeping bag, “Spare me the gory details Wendy Unnie, and go to sleep.”

“We thought you wer—“

“Yeah, yeah, you thought I was asleep, but with Bear Unnie snoring, and you two gabbing all night, I’ll never get any sleep,” Joy said.

“You are really ev—“

Joy cut in on Irene, “Yeah, I’m the evil maknae, it’s my official job title, GOODNIGHT!” she rolled over.

Irene’s temper was about to flare up, but Wendy only laughed, “It’s okay, calm down, she’s right, we need to catch up on some much needed sleep.”

“But she….”

“You’re right,” Wendy leaned in and kissed Irene’s nose, “But just hold me, and let’s sleep alright? After everything, I just want you to hold me”

“Okay,” Irene let Wendy cuddle closer, “But she’s still evil.”





That’s it for now everyone! I will be diligently working on Volume 3 and a couple other things. Thanks so much for reading, commenting, and subscribing. I really appreciate it! Stay tuned for my next stories!


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Chapter 11: Good job Joy😂
Wow, it's like roller coaster, happy and sad, fluff and angst at the same time. but, i love it💙💖
it's fun to see Irene being jealous type🤣
WluvsBaetokki #2
Chapter 11: Joooooyyyyyy whyyyy LOL
Favebolous 12 streak #3
Chapter 9: Irene jealous hahaha
Favebolous 12 streak #4
Chapter 8: I like this part yuhuuu mission 1
Favebolous 12 streak #5
Chapter 6: Oh my god,my heart :(
Favebolous 12 streak #6
Chapter 4: Hahahahaha Joy very funny
Favebolous 12 streak #7
Chapter 3: GOOD JOB WENDY :(
Favebolous 12 streak #8
Chapter 2: Oh wow o_O
bknight2k #9
Chapter 11: The series keeps getting better and better
Chapter 11: Great ending!! I'm glad that everything went their way....except the vagblocks from Seulgi and Joy. Hahaha
I hope the group can make it to The Cabin. :D Will be waiting for Volume 3!!