Activities Director

EXO Saranghaja
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Chapter 1

Suho's POV

It was very early in the morning when my phone started ringing. It's a call from Ha So hyung, the EXO-K manager. 

Ugh, why would he call me so early?! We're in the same dorm for Christ's sake! 

With groggy eyes and tired body, i layed on my back to answer the call.


"Suho, im sorry for waking you so early, but i need you and Kris to come here now." Ha So hyung said.

"What? In your room?"

"No, im at SM. I sent the van to pick you up, it's waiting down the building." Ha So hyung said. "Oh, and wake Kris up. He's not answering his phone."

I hung up and groaned lazily. 

We just had our debut stage last night. Can't SM give us a rest?! 

Well, as artists under SM, we have no choice but to oblige, especially us. EXO. We're still rookies and we just debuted last night. Duh.

I got up quietly, trying not to wake the other members who are still sleeping soundly, and find my way to Kris' room.

I knocked lightly and peeked through the door. I went inside and walked to Kris' bedside.

"Kris. Kris!" I shook him by the shoulder and he just groaned lazily as a reply.

"Kris, wake up. We need to go to SM."

"Oh, God. What time is it?" He said in english as he turned his phone on revealing the time and Ha So hyung's 9 missed calls. "Ugh, it's 6:43!" He protested.

"Get up. The van's waiting for us." I said as i make my way back to my room to get ready. 

I showered, got my casual clothes on and sat on the sofa in our dorm's living room and waited for Kris to finish. 

After a few minutes, Kris got out of his shared room with his shoes dangling from his fingers. He sat beside me on the sofa to get his shoes on.

How can he still manage to look very fashionable in this lazy morning?

"What does hyung wanted to talk about?" Kris asked as he still struggles to lazily wear his shoes.

"Im not sure. He just needed us to go there. Leader duties." I said. "Come on." I said as soon as he finished t

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Chapter 5: Can i say they're so cute? XD
Chapter 3: I could say...... Kris become totally cute when he around Alex~

I'm waiting for next update Author-nim :))