The Truth Behind the Truth, Is the Real Truth.

Love Is Never There For Me

"I'm to be a what?!?!?" Min Kyung cried.

"You heard me, mafia boss." Her grandpa said.

"Look, I've never met you before and I don't even know if you're my grandpa."

"Oh really, do you want me to say some things that only you and I know."

Min Kyung thought for a moment. "Fine"

"You have a birth mark on your and I knw because when you were a little kid, I used to help you take a bath."

Min Kyung blushed.

" you really are my grandpa."

"Yes and being a mafia boss can benefit you so much."

"Yeah sure."

"Don't you want to know about your father's death. Of how he really died."

"What do you mean? Key was the one who killed him."

"No, he wasn't the one who actually told them."

"What do you mean? He told them the security code that locks the car and doesn't allow them to change the engine."

"Yes, but who was the one who directed them to do that?"

Min Kyung froze. He's right. Who was the one who directed the people to do that?

"I-I don't know."

"Exactly. If you want to know, become a mafia boss and find out the truths of this."

"B-but I can't!!! A mafia boss is mean and all that."

"I-I can't be mean."

"I'll tell you something else then. Something that will make you become a mafia boss."


"Your mother is kidnapped. We think the reason why she was kidnapped was that she found a clue to who directed the death of your father. That was the reason why she left home for a month. Don't you think it's wierd that your mother didn't come home for almost half a year already?"

Min Kyung thought. He's right. Her mother didn't come home for so long. This was the first time.

"Who do you think kidnapped her?"

"We have no clue. But I bet it's the people who caused the death of your father."

"So, she's currently missing?"

"Yes, and maybe, just maybe. Dead."

Min Kyung gasped and stumbled back into a chair. Her mother was mean to her alright. She even tried to murder her once. But she doesn't deserve death. Nobody has the right to say if somebody had the right to live or not. Min Kyung gritted her teeth.

"Alright grandpa. I'll become a mafia boss."

Her grandpa smiled. "Alright."

Outside the door, somebody heard all that they said. That person dialed a number on their cellphone. Somebody picked up.

"Boss, she suspects that the death of her father is not Kim Ki Bum's fault. And that now she knows that her mother is kidnapped too." That person said.

"Hmm...As expected of the Lee Clan. Their information processiong is quite quick. Something to be afraid of."

"What should we do boss?"

"Begin the mission."


"The mission to bring me back the head of Lee Min Kyung."

"Yes, boss. I will accomplish it at all costs."

"Good. I expect amazing results." And they hung up.

That person smiled. That person knew how to approach her already. That person touched their silver ring with a cross on it. That person walked away.

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Ashyunchick20 #2
Hello hello ~Shinee dance~ :P
I was wondering if you have time, to check out my fanfic bout Shinee ^_^
Thanks :) :)
no dont goo!!!<br />
update soon please
Lol!! Sry itz cuz i havent got any new ideas 2 update :P
i can't remember where i left off! lol. that means i have to re read :D
Mihi is soo mean to her bff..<br />
what kind of friend is that...<br />
awwww she went to thank Key!!soo cute<br />
update soon please
swimmer #7
OMG!!! MIHI IS SO EVIL!! stupid evil mihi...<br />
vikKiBeoMin #8
oh gosh!!! evil MIHI!!! rawr!!!<br />
<br />
<br />
update soon!
swimmer #9
awwwwwwwwww!!!!!!!!!!!!!! KEY SAVED HER! again...<br />
STUPID MIHI! minkyung better be prepared when she sees mihi again...<br />
UPDATE SOON!!!!!!!!!!!!
awwww...Key saved her...<br />
she better be prepeare for Mi Hi<br />
update soon please