l'âme sœur


Both from the orphanage, Minseok and Jaemi met and grew up there. Minseok was 5 years old when he lost his parents from a horrible car accident. No relative even bothered to adopt him. 
When he was 11 he heard someone crying at the corner of the lecture room.
Everyone was supposed to be at the dining room for lunch that time.

“Are you alright?” he approached the girl.

“ I’m crying, do I look alright to you? Stupid.”

Minseok was dumbfounded by the girl’s reply.

“Well excuse me for being concerned” he retorted back.

The girl wiped her tears and looked at him.

“Sorry.” she tried to smile.

“My name is Minseok, Kim Minseok I'm 11. You?”

“My name is Jaemi I'm also 11, that’s what the eonni’s told me. I don’t know my surname sorry” She frowned.

“That’s alright” Minseok  smiled

“By any chance did you happen to lose your memory?” He asked.

Jaemi started sobbing again, even louder this time.

“Are you even thinking, isn’t it obvious? I don’t even know if Jaemi’s really my name, I woke up yesterday without knowing anything about myself. You are such an idiot!” the girl shouted running away.

That then sparked an innocent friendship.


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