Going to the park with Eun noona...gets ruined

Falling for you in the process...

"Noona! this vanilla ice-cream is dee-licious!!! have some!" Young Min said giving her some.

Everyone in Boyfriend had their mouth hanging open.

Eun took a bite out of the ice-cream. " Yummy!"

Young Min turned back and smirked at them.

While heading to the park, they came across a music store and decided to go in.

They all split up. Min Woo saw a guitar and went to go find Eun.

"Eun! im dedicating this song for you" Min Woo said cheesly and started singing


Do you hear me,
I'm talking to you
Across the water across the deep blue ocean
Under the open sky, oh my, baby I'm trying
Girl I hear you in my dreams
I feel your whisper across the sea
I keep you with me in my heart
You make it easier when life gets hard

I'm lucky I'm in love with my best friend
Lucky to have been where I have been
Lucky to be coming home again
Ooohh ooooh ooo--
Before he could finish, Dong came over behind Eun and mouthed "jugulle??!"
Eun turned to Dong "hehe" he said quickly then when Eun turned back around Dong mugged Min again.
Then they got out of the music store.
~~At the Park~~
"Haha Eun!! this is so fun! you should sit on my lap and swing with me!" Min Woo said.
All of boyfriend gasped. "no! you come build a sand castle with me!" Young MIn said.
"No!!! you come slide with me!" Dong said.
Eun chuckled and then suddenly she spotted KiKwang over on a bench reading.
She stopped playing with Boyfriend and went over. All of boyfriend's hearts sank.
"Hey KiKwang....what'cha reading?" Eun said.
"Omo, scared me haha im just reading a book called "The precious treasure" He replied.
*awkward moment*
"You look nice today...finally wearing a skirt ey?" KiKwang said while chuckling along.
"Oh ha..ha yeaaa, just trying to ....change my style i guess" Eun said with a smile.
KiKwang looked over her shoulder and saw Boyfriend all sitting in the sandbox pouting.
"go on..."
"Back to your...guy friends...they look lonely."
"Ahhh them...they're fine! ^^"
Then they continued chatting and laughing.
"Aish....noona sure looks happy,...*sigh*" YoungMin said.
They all nodded.
"lalalala...*gasp* isn't that Dong and them..." Ji said while her eyes were shifting to where Eun and KiKwang were chatting. She smirks then walks up to Boyfriend and them.
"HiHi!" Ji says happily to them.
Then they start chatting. Eun hears them laughing and turns around. She sees them with Ji.
For some reason she felt like going over there and shooing Ji out of the way from talking with them, but instead she offers KiKwang to go over there with her.
"Hey Ji! what a coincidence to see you at the park." Eun said
"Ohh i know  right..." Ji said with a smirk.
"sooo...lets play with the water!!!" Hyun Seong said.
"ohhh but im wearing white, so you guys can play, i'll sit here and watch." Eun said kinda sad.
"ohh awww...ok we'll try to have fun..^^" Jeong MIn said.
While playing, Ji with her evil thoughts wanted to embarrass Eun and so she "accidently" sprayed the water in her direction.
"Oh my gosh!!" Eun said getting up trying to make sure her undergarment didn't show.
Boyfriend was going to go run to her but KiKwang beat them to it. He put his hoodie around her to cover her up.
I wanted to save her...i wanted to be her superman to the rescue....stupid KiKwang...*sniff* Oh well, take it like a man.
Aish that stupid KiKwang...why? why?! why him!!? BABO!
HyunSeong-- that KiKwang is lucky Eun likes him....aish!
KwangMIn-- Blah!! blah!! @#$%^%$ *tear rolls down his cheek*
YoungMin-- *GRRRRRR*
JeongMin-- Ohh hoh....never!!! you will never get MY woman!
"We should take her home" KiKwang says.
"NO! WE and only us should taker her home" Boyfriend all said pointing at each other except him
And then they're arrive home.
"Go change your clothes so you don't get a cold noona" YoungMIn said.
How was it!!!!!??? Comment down below! subscribe if you haven't and sorry for the late update...school is in the way!!...*SMH* anyways....thank you for reading this lame chapter! XD
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yasminajung #1
Chapter 13: update soon please....
Random_Me #2
Omo.... what an backstabber friend :( Update!! :D
Please update soon!!! Ji is so bad and mean. Still <3 her. Update. Thnx!!!
I meant NOT do that to me
Oh my gosh! Ji is horrible! You better do that to me! Hahaha LOL
haha yeaa..im lazy nowdays and kinda busy
Gracia #7
._. You should update more chingu!! :)
Gracia #8
Kyaaa! you update x.x that was such a miracle(joking) hahah love you for updating!!
Gracia #9
Random_Me #10
Yay!!! you updated!!! More updates....and you did a good job :)