Jiyeon is striking!

Falling for you in the process...

*words in red are Ji's thoughts/ words in blue are Eun's thoughts

HEY you guys!!! XD Did you guys forget about Jiyeon? because boy is she back! (not that she was gone, she just was never mentioned and like she...yea you know!) anyways she's back!...with a BAD attitude!


Eun was walking to school and she saw Ji up ahead. She ran to her and jumped on her back.

"ya get off" Ji said calm but annoyed. But Eun was still on her back. "haha bbali! go go!" Eun said. Jiyeon stopped walking. 

"yaa...keep going, what're you doin?" Eun said to her. Ji took Eun's arm and yanked her off. "OWWW! what'cha do that for? now it's all red!" Eun said looking at it and touching it. 

Ji just smirked and walked up to her and said "oh well...heh" and walked off. Eun was confused

why is Ji acting like that?..gahh lee

Haha, you get what you deserved you *BEEEp!!* Im tired of you and your weak/worthless self. I have to always do things for you..just like how i got you Boyfriend...

As Eun was touching her arm (where Ji grabbed her), she saw boyfriend and them coming up and she was going to say hi to them but they all just passed her up. Her smile quickly went into a frown.

what's up with them these days?


Eun sat next to Ji and smiled at her. Ji looked at her and glared. Eun's smile faded and she just turned and got her books out.

Meanwhile, KiKwang came in the room and sat next to Eun. All the girls in the classroom stared and whispered:

Are they going out? he's too cute for a bumpkin like that! blehg!

"Annyeong!" he said to Eun. She smiled and just waved. KiKwang sensed that something was wrong with her and wrote her a note (Words in Black are KiKwang's writing/words in green are Eun's writings):

당신은 괜찮아요? -(you okay?)

          네, 그것은 아무것도 아니에요 -(yes it's nothing)

문제가있다면 말해 괜찮? -(if there's a problem, tell me ok?)

           하하 난 것이다! -(haha I will!)

--Lunch time--

Eun was sitting down waiting for Ji to come. Finally Ji came and saw Eun. She smirked and put on a fake smile and went to go sit next to her. "annyeong my chingu! mian-hae for acting like that in the morning, I was just so tired." Ji said

"ohhh so that was it? haha it's ok because you're my chingu! hehe" Eun said smiling really big.

Then Ji waited for Eun to get up to throw away her trash. Once Eun got up, so did Ji and she purposely spilled her drink on her. She was going to just walk out but then she saw KiKwang walk in and then she quickly grabbed some napkins and pretended that she was helping Eun clean it off. Then she  said " Mian-hae I should've been more careful, let me go get some more napkins, mian-ahe" As she started to walk off, she said in a quiet voice:

Mian-hae but KiKwang and Boyfriend are mine, so next time YOU be careful *smirk*

--Ji's POV--

"gahh lee, Eun is such a pain in the ! I've pretended for too long. She always got everything she wanted and she was always number one. She was such a spoiled BRAT! but now is my time to shine and mess her up. Luckily she's kinda dumb in the head."

--End of POV--


--Eun's POV--

Aigoo, today's been such a long day! nothing to do, but LUCKILY I have my awesome friend Jiyeon to call! HEHE <3

ring ring ring

Eun looked at her cellphone and it was YoungMin. She answered it. 

"yobosayo?" Eun said into the cell.

"NOOOOOOOOONA!! oh NOOOONA! lets go to the park and eat some...ICE-CREAM jebal jebal!!" Youngmin said very cheesy like, like he already forgot Eun was a liar.

Eun chuckled. "arraso! we'll go." As Eun was hanging up, Ji came up to her and asked "are you free? lets go grab some snacks!"

"ohhh mian-hae, I already got some plans"

"ahhh geuleongayo, arrasso"

Ji was gonna walk off........until! she saw Dong walking towards Eun. As she waited for Dong to get closer, she then purposely tripped over Eun's feet (because Eun was putting her weight on one side of her body and her foot was out) to make it seem like Eun tripped her.

"ya! why'd you trip me?? I didn't do anything to you!" Ji said acting like she didn't do it on purpose. Dong came rushing over and looked at Eun in a serious matter.

"Eun, why did you trip Ji?" Dong asked and then asked Ji "gwenchanna?"

Eun was confused. "ehhh?! I didn't even trip her! she tripped by herself"

*sigh* "I saw what you did Eun...geojismaljaeng-i" Just like how you lied to me too

"bu--but!" Before Eun could finish, Dong already ignored her.

"gwenchanna? can you walk?" He asked Ji. "Ohh im ok, I can walk" Ji replied and pretended to fall back down. "ahh! I think I twisted my ankle" Ji said touching her ankle

what the! I didn't even trip you! and you "twisted" your ankle! LIAR

Dong picked her up and walked away. Ji turned back to Eun......

Did Ji just....MUG/smirk at me...my best friend..mugged me??

--End of Eun's POV--


HEYY!! how was it? isn't Ji just a cruel friend?? tsk tsk tsk haha well subscribe/comment on it. Do w.e you want XD but I would LIKE feedback! XD 

P.S.--sorry for not updating!! *sniff sniff* the truth is...i've been busy....DOING NOTHING! lol i was being a lazy bum. MIAN-HAE! *bows multiple times* 

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yasminajung #1
Chapter 13: update soon please....
Random_Me #2
Omo.... what an backstabber friend :( Update!! :D
Please update soon!!! Ji is so bad and mean. Still <3 her. Update. Thnx!!!
I meant NOT do that to me
Oh my gosh! Ji is horrible! You better do that to me! Hahaha LOL
haha yeaa..im lazy nowdays and kinda busy
Gracia #7
._. You should update more chingu!! :)
Gracia #8
Kyaaa! you update x.x that was such a miracle(joking) hahah love you for updating!!
Gracia #9
Random_Me #10
Yay!!! you updated!!! More updates....and you did a good job :)