you lied...

Falling for you in the process...

*Sigh* Eun did as she jumped on the bed.

why hasn't he even called once...

*knock knock*

Eun turns and leaves her phone on her bed while going to the door.

"ya! what do you guys want? Eun said tiredly

"Let's go eat some grilled pork! YUMMy!" Min Woo said while rubbing his stomach.

"ooOO! sounds good, let's go!" Eun replied happily. Just as she was about to leave her room, she went back to get her cellphone.

"huh? a new message?" Eun said and then opened it.

From: KiKwang Oppa <3 

Hey! did you eat yet? lets go eat together ^^

To: Eunjeong

Eun pulled in her cellphone close to heart and started thinking...

Na uh-duk-hae...boyfriend or KiKwang...

"Kyaaa!" Eun yelled so loud that all of boyfriend came back rushing in

"gwaenchanh-euseyo" They all said in a panicky voice.

Eun quickly turned around..."ohhh gwaenchanh, I just just......(she was looking around the room and saw a magazine) Oh! i was looking at this magazine and just freaked out because...of the cute clothes they had in there heh" She said picking it up and smiling nervously.

Boyfriend just gave her the weird look...."aish, girls these hard to understand haha" Min Woo said.

Eun was still just standing there blankly thinking about KiKwang...and she made her decision

 "uhhH mian-hae i'm not going to go eat with you guys anymore, I need to do something REALLY REALLY important" Eun said hoping they would buy it. All of Boyfriend's hearts sank and then they just left saying "ohh arrasso"


Eun gave a big sigh when they left and texted KiKwang back.

From: Eunjeong

oh I'm free....where do you want to go?

To: KiKwang Oppa <3


KiKwang was by his window and recieved the text. He read it and smiled and replied back..

Eun was waiting by her bed and recieved the text.

From: KiKwang Oppa <3

Oh yay you're free! let's eat at...let's see...OH! let's eat at Flower Bowl. ok?

To: Eunjeong


"ya ya! I wanted to eat with Eun" Young Min said with a pout on his face.

"oh well she needed to do something important right?" Hyun Seong said

Dong Hyun was annoyed with all of them talking and was eating by himself and turned around to the............Flower Bowl resturant. He sighed and looked at all the people in there, how happy they were....laughing, just being funny with each other.....

...until he reached a couple...he rubbed his eyes and saw...Eun and KiKwang. Immediately a tear fell down and Kwang Min saw.

"ya! why are you crying? did you eat too much pepper? huh?" Kwang Min said..and then looked at the direction Dong was looking at and then a tear fell down from his eyes too...

"aish...this pepper is really hot" Kwang Min said trying to pretend he didn't see...

..eventually everyone saw Eun with KiKwang with their own eyes... and tears... A LOT of tears came down.

Young Min pulled out his phone and called Eun.


ring ring ring

Eun looked at it...

"Yobsayeo?" She  said

*silence for 15 seconds*

"....Eun NOONa! where are you, we're eating this good food without you!!" Young Min said trying to sound happy and cheesy.

"oh heh I'm....with my friend right now, mian-hae I couldn't come" She replied.

"ohhhhh gwaenchanh-ayo, well have fun...annyeong" Young Min said and then hung up...

All of boyfriend looked at him and they all ate in silence watching Eun laughing with KiKwang...eating with him....

"geojismaljaeng-i" they all said quietly...

HEYY! here's another update...real late update! sorry, i've been lazy to be honest ahha but hoped you enjoyed this lame chapter! XD and also I want to know if you guys are starting to think it's getting lame ahah so i can hurry up and end the story ^^

* Comment and Subscribe if you haven't XD

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yasminajung #1
Chapter 13: update soon please....
Random_Me #2
Omo.... what an backstabber friend :( Update!! :D
Please update soon!!! Ji is so bad and mean. Still <3 her. Update. Thnx!!!
I meant NOT do that to me
Oh my gosh! Ji is horrible! You better do that to me! Hahaha LOL
haha lazy nowdays and kinda busy
Gracia #7
._. You should update more chingu!! :)
Gracia #8
Kyaaa! you update x.x that was such a miracle(joking) hahah love you for updating!!
Gracia #9
Random_Me #10
Yay!!! you updated!!! More updates....and you did a good job :)