come back home

keyboards + earphone




The brown haired girl gazed around the house, the house she shared her memories with certain someone, the house that becoming witness of their good and bad times. Also the place as the last goodbye from Bomi to Chorong.



She remembered Bomi’s cold voice saying goodbye resonance against the wall makes Chorong’s stomach flopped. Somewhere in her mind lost a bit. But she gave a strong appearance before put out a small forced smiled and turned around, she won’t let her love life or was her love life witnessing her tears. She is strong, she knew it.



Why? It’s been one year long since that crumbling relationship, Chorong can’t move on. She tried to mingling out with other suitors, even her friends tried to help her went out to exclusive clubs, having one night stands with some strangers she didn’t know and never bothered to care about it. But when she reached home, changed from her fitted outfits to some big sweater with shorts she knows Bomi still haunted her feelings. And Park Chorong fell for Yoon Bomi all over again.



This isn’t it; Chorong decided to search for Bomi’s traces. It’s felt weird because mostly, Bomi and her actually had same circulation of friends but in all the gathering she never met with Bomi; not even once. The petite girl’s inquiries getting high so she started to ask around. Guess her luck ran out, because none of her friends knew Bomi whereabouts. Which leave only one option; Jung Eunji.



Chorong was not really close to Eunji. She was Bomi’s only cousin that left around Seoul. Chorong preferred called Eunji chirpy with an ‘extra’ in front of it. Compared to Chorong reserved character she admitted she felt uncomfortable with Bomi’s cousin. It took a lot of times and a lot of efforts before Chorong opened up to Eunji and started to laugh Eunji’s jokes.



Chorong turned off the engine before took a deep breath. She sat in silence for several seconds before made up her mind to confront Eunji. She knew Eunji knew Bomi’s location. They are so close sometimes Chorong thought they live in each other’s pocket, but oh well. Chorong cleared before pushed the glass door receiving a loud welcome from the bar owner.



“Oh, Chorong-ah what are you doing here?” Eunji gave a stiffened smiled and Chorong caught her restless gazed.



“Let’s cut out the chase, I want to know where Bomi is right now.”



“Why?” The only word that blurted out from Eunji’s mouth after a pregnant silence.



“I want her back. I can’t move on, I love her.” Chorong’s voice trembled a little bit but her stared towards Eunji never quavered.



Eunji let out a deep sighed, “I’m sorry I can’t tell you where she is now. She…already suffered a lot, Chorong.”



“Why? I always have been a good lover towards her; I swear I never cheated on her it’s never cross my mind at all.” Chorong said rushing; tears were accumulated at the brim of her eyes.



“It’s not that, Chorong you should move on and just learn to love others. Bomi…she doesn’t deserve you.” Eunji’s last words make Chorong snapped.



“Who are you to judge who deserve me?! For god sake, Bomi is your own cousin how could you said that?! Can’t you understand I love her, I can’t live without her.” Chorong raised her voice, and tears started to drip along her forlorn bony cheeks.



The Busan girl just kept quiet, maybe absorbing the information before looked away, “I’m sorry Chorong. You can find your way out from here.” Eunji took a last deep breath before walked away into the kitchen left Chorong along with tears; stupefied.





Meeting Eunji make Chorong more motivated to search for her long lost lover. She felt a batch of pained when Eunji said the harsh words. Chorong shook her head, before wiped the tears on her cheeks using her sleeves before walked out to her car. If Eunji going to prevent her so be it, she won’t stop finding Yoon Bomi.






Two weeks later, still no sign of Bomi. Chorong slowly started to think about possibility Bomi never come back for her. Should she threaten to suicide to grab Bomi’s attention? She let out a sighed before rested her head on the comfy pillow, ‘No, Chorong. It’s not worth it. You still have the chance.’



Just a little bit before she drifted in slumber, her phone rang make her grumbled in annoyance before reached for the gadget lazily. Before she can barked off the caller, Eunji’s calm voice invited into her ear make she sprang up from the bed.



“Chorong, meet me now. I’ll send you the address.” Before Chorong can say anything, Eunji ended the call.







“What the hell she wanted me to go to some hill.” She grumbled before pressed the break, slowly came out from the car seeing Eunji sat at the hood of her car.



“Now what?” Chorong raised her eyebrows.



“Follow me.” With that, Chorong followed Eunji’s steps from the back with thousands of questions in her mind, but she held back seems Eunji was all serious make her felt uncomfortable.



After several minutes walking in the silence, they stopped. Chorong peeked from Eunji’s shoulder revealing a big stone, since she can’t see it clearly she stepped to the front.



It’s a thomb, Chorong felt uneasy and start to wander her eyes around the stone.



Yoon Bomi-






This is not it, this must be a dream. Chorong startled feeling Eunji’s firm touch on her shoulder.



“She didn’t want you to suffer. She really loved you.  She asked for your apology for being selfish and ran away from you.” Eunji ended her words with a quivered voice before turned away, hiding her tears.



Chorong felt her knees weakened before fell on the ground before let out a laugh, “Y-Yah Yoon Bomi I swear stop playing this sick prank. I swear if you dead I’ll-“, her words ended before horrendous of tears came out from her eyes.



No. Her lover left her alone to live this world. This is unfair for her. Chorong can’t even meet Bomi in her last moment before she passed away.



“B-Bomi-ah, can’t you come back home with me? Like the old times?” Chorong whispered between her sobs.




a/n; it's a rushing ending since im having writer block but i was already half in writing this. just considered Bomi was dying before she broke up with chorong or something like that. thanks for reading! 


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Chapter 6: aww.. all the oneshots were really good, to manage to express a lot of story in short stories and drabbles! It gave off a lot of ideas that would be interesting to flesh out and dive into, while others are also well-written as is. it leaves all the imagination and possibilities~
Chapter 6: oh no T.T i didn't expect the ending...that was sad. thanks for updating :D
Chapter 6: I cries D:
Chapter 5: omg the first one :o
Chapter 5: awwwww that was adorable <3 chomi!!!<3 thanks so much for updating! :D
Chapter 4: love your stories <3 especially the last one <3
Chapter 4: awww that was goooooood <3 i like it :D thanks so much for writing <3 chomi <3
Chapter 4: The last one was interesting ^.^
Chapter 3: What XD Bomi you spoilt brat! Poor chorong T.T thanks so much for updating ;)