no big deal

keyboards + earphone



No, it’s not because of Chorong’s adorable voice.


It’s not about how that small pair of lips move gracefully when the owner talked or just let out threaten jokes to her.


And obviously not because of that ual appeal of backside of Park Chorong’s. Bomi don’t feel nervous when Chorong’s backside pressed on her thighs whenever the petite girl sat on her.




Well it’s not like Bomi complained about anything. To be honest for Bomi Chorong is not y, Chorong also bad in seducing people, she is so awkward in communicating with people. But, when Chorong’s skins touched hers Bomi feel this chill at her back of neck; without her realizing she already get a goosebump. Bomi thought maybe she just like skinships, so she do it. Eunji, Namjoo, Hayoung and even the passive kid, Naeun has been Bomi’s victim skinships. Ponder, Bomi never feel ‘that’ feels with the other members except with Park Chorong. Then she concluded maybe, she just like skinship with Chorong. No big deal.



And when Bomi feel she can live peacefully that fiery feelings she having when she and the other members gathers to watch Chorong’s dramas, “Nine Plus Boys”. She feel her heart dropped, like a heavy anchor drop into the sea. Why? She ponder and ponder. It’s just a mere kiss. She even had watched other kisses scenes, even Eunji’s, take note extra hot compared to Chorong’s innocent kiss scene. Bomi ruffles her hair in frustration before discreetly take her laptop and search for Chorong’s kiss scene and watched it. Every times she replays the video she subconsciously let out a hiss, an annoyed one. Why her stupid self-try to torture herself watching this…stupid video. No big deal.



She playfully winks to Chorong after Hayoung asked who the member you will date if you are guy. It’s supposed to be a fan-service. Chorong and Bomi planned it to satisfy fans since they ship those two and even called them, ‘Tom and Jerry couple’. At first, Bomi can laugh it out when people with Chorong. But when Eunji teasingly (not really) ask Bomi to marry Chorong, Bomi felt her heartbeat skips. It’s not healthy she know, and darn that midget for making the situation awkward but the professional Bomi just laugh it out even though it’s kind of awkward. But wait…why Bomi saw a disappointment in Chorong’s eyes when she ignored Eunji’s teasing? Ah, maybe just her imagination. Bomi can get over exaggerating with her imagination since she get really tired these days. No big deal.



What Bomi think? Is she crazy? Why she took advantage on that innocence pink lips while the owner was sleeping? She didn’t know how that can happen, she just remembered her body lowered with the same level with the girl who were sleeping on the couch. She felt her heartbeat fasten while looking how peacefully the other girl sleeping, while breathing through the parted lips evenly. Maybe because the romantic song came out from the television or maybe the dimmed light but the sleeping girl was so breath-taking and Bomi was taken literally. She just need to do that, so she leaned closer and placed her lips on the others. It was a soft touch, just enough for Bomi to taste the sweet breath from Chorong. It was short, but enough for making Bomi stupefied for a long time. No big deal…right?




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Chapter 6: aww.. all the oneshots were really good, to manage to express a lot of story in short stories and drabbles! It gave off a lot of ideas that would be interesting to flesh out and dive into, while others are also well-written as is. it leaves all the imagination and possibilities~
Chapter 6: oh no T.T i didn't expect the ending...that was sad. thanks for updating :D
Chapter 6: I cries D:
Chapter 5: omg the first one :o
Chapter 5: awwwww that was adorable <3 chomi!!!<3 thanks so much for updating! :D
Chapter 4: love your stories <3 especially the last one <3
Chapter 4: awww that was goooooood <3 i like it :D thanks so much for writing <3 chomi <3
Chapter 4: The last one was interesting ^.^
Chapter 3: What XD Bomi you spoilt brat! Poor chorong T.T thanks so much for updating ;)