songs II (drabbles)

keyboards + earphone


She Can’t (못된 여자 –Niel Feat. Dok2)


Bomi knew it was wrong fell in love with her neighbour. Especially when she was married, and having 2 happy children. But these feelings make her desire for Park or Kim Chorong stronger. Bomi hated it too, she wanted to stop but she can’t because she knew in the end of the day only with Chorong’s soft smile, her mind went haywire.


Bomi’s thought was cut off when she heard a small knocked on her apartment’s door. Reluctantly, she stood up from her warm couch and opened the door. Surprised with the angel like lady appearance; Bomi lost her words seeing Chorong standing there with small cake on her palms with lighted candles.


“Happy Birthday, Bomi. Make a wish, baby.” The ‘baby’ word came out as a soft whispered but still audible for Bomi make she grins like she got the moon as her possession.


She closed her eyes make a wish and blew the candles; it’s a simple occasion but it’s million worth of memory for Bomi. What more she can wish? Her love standing at the door, holding cake with that cute smile of her. Everyone was dying to get on Bomi’s place. Bomi pulled Chorong into the apartment, placed the cake down before engulfed them into warm hugged. Bomi closed her eyes; sniffed Chorong’s addictive smells before gave a lingering kiss on her cheek, “Thanks, babe. I appreciate it.”


“Anything for you, baby.” Chorong replied before threw her arms on Bomi’s neck, pulling her down for a kiss.


Bomi hated it too, she wanted to stop but she can’t because she knew Park Chorong loves her.



How they met. (I Just Wanna-Amber ft. Eric Nam)

Company’s party , like literally. How you can call it party when all of these people were so straight up and formal? Didn’t party we have this alcoholic beverages, hot chicks and loud music? Not this slow jazz music. Bomi tried to bit back her yawned, maintaining her image as general manager in this well-known company. She really wanted to go back home, badly. But she can’t. And why? Just happen CEO Park invited his next inheritor, came down and met all the “future workers”. It’s like the first meeting with the next successor of the company.

Bomi let out silent groaned hearing whispers from the other workers before went to vacant seat. Before she can rest her numbed legs, caused from her killer stiletto; CEO Park descended from the stairs with a lady next to him. Bomi craned her neck, since she can’t see the lady’s face clearly. But from the figures, Bomi ranked her nine out of ten.

After arriving the small podium, prepared for CEO Park. He gladly took the microphone; “I’m sorry for the delayed. I want to introduce my only daughter, Park Chorong which also my next successor for Park Holding.” After the cut clean speech, the hall boomed with clapping sounded.

As for Bomi, she was technically awed-struck. Oh wow,she never know Mr. Park have a breath-taking daughter. She can’t deny she have this small crush (?) for her boss daughter.

As the night goes on, Mr. Park introduced his only daughter to every shareholder, some important workers including Bomi.


“Miss Yoon, this is Chorong. She will be the next CEO. Hope you can guide her well in this company since you are one of my wingman around this company.” Mr. Park gave a fatherly smiled; patted Bomi’s shoulder before drifted away having a small conversation with the others, leaving Bomi and Chorong in some kind awkward situation.


Bomi took it calmly before lend her hand for handshake, “I’m Yoon Bomi, general manager of Park Holdings.”


Chorong let out a small giggled while accepting the handshake, “Park Chorong, just like what my father introduced me.”


After that the conversation going all well, they hit it off pretty well. But unfortunately, Chorong’s father called her from across the hall emitted a frowned on Bomi’s face, she reluctantly to let go of Chorong not when they were having great conversations. Chorong looked at Bomi wih known gazed before leans closer to her, “Maybe we can take this conversation somewhere, someday?” she don’t wait for Bomi’s answer, tucking some small paper on Bomi’s pocket and left the flabbergasted girl. Guess who get lucky?


a/n; it's been a long time. and my writing getting . i'm apologizing for that but of course enjoy reading and keep loving these adorables chomi.



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Chapter 6: aww.. all the oneshots were really good, to manage to express a lot of story in short stories and drabbles! It gave off a lot of ideas that would be interesting to flesh out and dive into, while others are also well-written as is. it leaves all the imagination and possibilities~
Chapter 6: oh no T.T i didn't expect the ending...that was sad. thanks for updating :D
Chapter 6: I cries D:
Chapter 5: omg the first one :o
Chapter 5: awwwww that was adorable <3 chomi!!!<3 thanks so much for updating! :D
Chapter 4: love your stories <3 especially the last one <3
Chapter 4: awww that was goooooood <3 i like it :D thanks so much for writing <3 chomi <3
Chapter 4: The last one was interesting ^.^
Chapter 3: What XD Bomi you spoilt brat! Poor chorong T.T thanks so much for updating ;)